Chapter Three

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It was dawn when the patrol, led by Rainstar, pushed their way into the camp. Vinekit hadn't been able to sleep since he had watched the cats leave the camp with Rainstar at the front. Now, Rainstar looked exhausted with a limp figure on her shoulders. Vinekit rushed toward them, Brightgaze and Dustypaw not far behind.

"What happened?" Vinekit gasped, watching the limp body on Rainstar's back fall to the ground with a sickening thud. With a gasp of terror, he realized the limp body was his father. No! Vinekit felt sick to his stomach as he watched his father's head loll limply. How could he be dead? He stared at the body of his dead father, suddenly seeing how his fallen father seemed more honey-brown than dusty brown. He put a small paw under the chin of the cat he thought was his father and forced the cat's face to peer ominously up at him. Vinekit gasped, scrambling away as the cat's eyes, glazed over, were not the light yellow eyes that Vinekit had memorized as his father's.

Honeystripe's dead. Vinekit felt numb as his stomach twisted and, with Brightgaze pulling him gently away from the fallen she-cat, turned and wrenched. Brightgaze whispered something to Vinekit, who couldn't hear the tom as he lost all he had nursed from Minnowwind. As his eyes opened, he looked up at Brightgaze, who's eyes were closed and he turned his head away.

Rainstar's tail curled around the kit, steering him away from Honeystripe's corpse. She led him to the medicine den with Dustypaw on her heels. "I'm sorry you had to see that, Vinekit." She meowed softly, licking his head as he stumbled on heavy paws into the den. "Dustypaw, go aid Brightgaze and let me speak with Vinekit alone."

Dustypaw looked reluctant to leave the leader alone with the kit but she nodded hesitantly. "Of course, Rainstar." She meowed and then she was rushing out of the den.

Rainstar waited for Dustypaw to leave before looking down at Vinekit, who felt like wrenching again. Her tail curled around Vinekit as she sighed. "Your father caused Honeystripe's death, Vinekit." Her voice was soft and gentle, like a feather. "I'm sorry you had to see her body at such a young age. Kits like you and your denmates shouldn't see that." Rainstar looked at her paws, ear dropping. "Unfortunately, Hawkpelt will be severely punished for his actions last night and for the death of Honeystripe."

Vinekit nodded, though he didn't bring himself to look up at his leader. "What about the others who joined in the raid?" He asked quietly.

Rainstar heaved a sigh, her breath ruffling the fur on Vinekit's ear fur. "I don't know what I'll do with them." She meowed honestly, touching her nose to his forehead. "I'm glad you told be about them leaving, though. Even if I didn't believe you at first, I'm grateful that you proved me wrong."

Vinekit's paws shifted back and forth and he felt the tightness in his belly release. It was as if a paw of unsheathed claws uncurled and he drank in a few deep breaths. "I did the right thing?" The statement was more of a question as he risked a glance up at his leader.

Rainstar nodded, eyes glowing. "Of course you did the right thing, Vinekit." She purred, running her tail along his back. "If you hadn't told me, StarClan knows how many cats would've died." The she-cat flicked her ears. "Go back to the nursery and I will punish your father."

Vinekit nodded and turned around, heading for the den entrance. How harshly will Hawkpelt be punished?

"Vinekit," the kit stopped, peering over his shoulder at Rainstar in confusion. "I know your mother is struggling with her relationship with Hawkpelt. But do not worry, his punishment will not affect you and your brother."


Vinekit sighed as him and Sweetkit watched the elders, Gorsespring and Spotsong, prepare Honeystripe for her vigil. It was sunset and Vinekit and Sweetkit hadn't played a game since the patrol returned.

"Who do you think will be your mentor?" Sweetkit asked quietly, looking over at Vinekit. Her eyes, dull with grief, flicked to Honeystripe's body before flicking back to Vinekit.

Vinekit was silent for a moment. Who did he want as his mentor? "I wouldn't argue with any cat Rainstar gives me as my mentor." He meowed honestly as he looked over at his friend. The setting sun reflected in her hazel eyes, making her fur glow a bright shade of yellow despite the dark pattern of her pelt.

Sweetkit gave him a half-smile, making something in his body flutter. "I'd like Thrushpool as my mentor." She meowed, eyes glinting playfully.

"Why is that?" He asked, heart pounding in his chest. What's wrong with me? Vinekit shook out his fur, trying to shake away the feeling.

The tortoiseshell kit shrugged. "She's really nice and she loves kits." She answered as she turned her gaze to look at the warrior, who was crouched next to Honeystripe's body. "I've heard she was a great mentor to Poppyfur before she became a warrior."

Vinekit was silent for a moment, watching as the cats closest to the fallen warrior stood in a line, whispering their goodbye's. Rainstar was at the back of the line, her eyes solemn as each cat wished Honeystripe farewell. Ripplepelt, his eyes haunted with sorrow, was next. He crouched next to her body, a paw wrapped around her as he whispered something.

Sweetkit sighed, catching Vinekit's attention as she looked up at the sky. "The stars are already coming out," she pointed out. "I wonder if StarClan knew Hawkpelt was going to lead Honeystripe to her death."

Vinekit felt a surge of protectiveness and defended his father. "He didn't know that Honeystripe would die when he and his patrol attacked SkyClan." He meowed, his voice sharp.

Sweetkit caught his eye. "Even if that's true," she began, her pelt prickling. "He should've known better than to lead his Clanmates into battle without Rainstar's consent."

Vinekit looked away from his friend, pelt burning. She's right. Why does she have to be right? He didn't speak as she rested her tail across his shoulders.

"It wasn't your fault that your father indirectly got Honeystripe killed, you know." Her voice was softer than Vinekit could've thought and it pulled him to look at her. Her eyes held a tender softness that made his heart skip a beat. Sweetkit's eyes captivated his, making him get lost in their hazel depths.

"Vinekit! Sweetkit! Time to come inside for bed!" Minnowwind's call made them jump, separating. Vinekit's ears burned with embarrassment and he quickly raced into the nursery, not waiting for Sweetkit.

Rushing to his mother, who was already yawning, he looked behind him as Sweetkit made her way slowly to her nest. His breath hitched in his throat as she did a few circles before laying down. She looks lonely. Since Blossomscar and her sons had moved to Brightgaze's den, Sweetkit had to sleep alone in a huge nest.

Vinekit hesitated for a moment before leaving his mother and brother and padding toward Sweetkit. He prodded her with a forepaw, making her eyes open. "Room for one more?" He meowed sheepishly, his voice hoarse.

Sweetkit's smile made him feel fuzzy inside. "Of course," she purred and shifted to the right. Vinekit let out a small purr as he curled up next to his friend. "Goodnight, Vinekit." She breathed in his ear.

Vinekit smiled to himself. "Goodnight, Sweetkit." He murmured and closed his eyes.

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