Chapter Twenty-Four

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"Duck!" Scarredbelly ordered as he leaped at Sorrelpaw, paws digging into her shoulders and throwing her to the ground. The apprentice let out a hiss, twisting so she concealed her soft underbelly. With a grunt of effort, she pushed upward and threw her mentor off balance.

"Good one!" Commented the warrior as Sorrelpaw lunged at him, making him rear on his hind legs and raked his paw down her cheek.

Sorrelpaw growled and managed to land a blow across his chest, slightly winding Scarredbelly. Her eyes fluttered to his shoulders and she lashed out with a paw.

Scarredbelly saw it coming and dodged to the side, sneaking in a blow to her flank. Turning on his heels as Sorrelpaw leaped for his hindquarters, he ducked his head for his apprentice to hit the back of his neck.

A gasp told Scarredbelly that his apprentice hadn't expected the sudden move and it had winded her. Taking advantage of her state, Scarredbelly whipped his paw to her chest and tossed her to the ground, pinning her with a paw.

"Give in?" He panted, hovering over her with his shadow darkening her pelt. Her eyes were bright compared to how hard she breathed.

"Yes," she meowed and Scarredbelly slackened his grip on her chest. Just as he backed off, Sorrelpaw flew toward him, paws outstretched and crashing into him. His back cracked in three different places as he slammed into the ground, the breath knocked from his lungs. "Got you."

"Indeed you have," mused the tom as he took in a few breaths. "Good move, Sorrelpaw." Scarredbelly meowed as his apprentice let him up, shaking out his pelt. "You're getting the hang of fighting."

"Thanks," she meowed, sounding out of breath as she looked at her mentor. "Cursedblood has been helping me practice with some moves he showed me."

Surprise made him tilt his head. "That's good," he mewed before twitching his tail. "We'd better head back to camp. It's your turn to do duties."

Sorrelpaw groaned and Scarredbelly's whiskers twitched in amusement. "What now?"

"Check Rainfall and Gorsespring for ticks, replace their bedding, and clean out the nursery." Scarredbelly watched as her ears fell and he gave her a stern look. "Every apprentice goes through this, Sorrelpaw."

"I know," she mumbled, tail flicking. "That doesn't mean I have to like it."


Scarredbelly sighed as he laid down, the mouse lying in front of him. The smell of the fresh-kill was taunting the warrior, making him give in and take an eager bite. As he chewed, he heard Thrushpool's kits arguing in the nursery.

"It was mine first, Echokit!" Complained Sagekit, her voice annoyed and angry. "Give it back!"

"It was not!" Echokit shot back, making Scarredbelly roll his eyes. "I found it and therefore, it's mine!"

Scarredbelly sighed and looked around the camp. Cats were returning from hunting, patrolling, and training. Taking another bite of mouse, he chewed as Applepaw padded inside the camp, her head and tail high. Pride was gleaming in her eyes.

"Applepaw!" He called, catching her attention. As she made her way toward him, Scarredbelly sat up, licking his lips to get rid of the mouse blood on his jowls. "What's got your spirits higher than the moon?" He teased.

"I just passed my assessment!" She chirped, prancing around him eagerly. "I'm going to be made a warrior right now!"

Scarredbelly purred in amusement and excitement. "That's fantastic!" He meowed and flicked his tail. "What do you think your name will be?"

Warriors- Dawn of An Era: The Journey Begins {Book 1} (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now