Chapter Eight

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Vinepaw jerked awake as a paw jabbed him in the side. His eyes opened and his breath hitched as Sweetpaw stood in front of him, eyes glowing in the dark. "Sweetpaw-"

"Hush!" She hissed, glancing behind her where Dustypaw and Brightgaze were sleeping. "Come on, mouse-brain."

Reluctant to leave his nest, he got to his paws and followed the she-cat out of the den. Once they were outside, he looked at her. The moon glowing over their heads made her tortoiseshell fur silver with moonlight. Vinepaw blinked and cursed himself. Snap out of it!

Sweetpaw led the way to the dirtplace tunnel, Vinepaw on her tail as they snuck out of the camp. Once they left, Sweetpaw spoke. "You can't tell anyone where we're going, okay?"

Vinepaw frowned. "Where are we going?" He asked, bounding to her side. Sweetpaw fixed her hazel eyes on him, making him squirm with anxiety. You idiot! He screamed in his head. She's your friend!

"You'll see," Sweetpaw's eyes twinkled and Vinepaw felt his legs shake but he forced himself to stay upright. As she led him through the maze of trees that looked lifeless and threatening in the dark, Vinepaw caught the scent of a border.

"Are we going to the SkyClan border?" He asked, looking at his companion. When she nodded, Vinepaw blinked. "What's so important about the border?"

"It's not the border I'm going to show you," Sweetpaw meowed. "It's what's close to the border." Vinepaw decided to keep quiet and let her show him what she needed to show him. I just pray we don't get caught out here alone. He shuddered at the thought and kept moving.

Suddenly, Sweetpaw banked to the right and Vinepaw tripped while following. He didn't fall, but it did leave his heart racing. Ahead, Vinepaw made out a slope that led up a rise that seemed to be devoid of life other than the grass. He could smell the stale scent of cats and his muscles tensed.

Sweetpaw began to climb up the hill, the moon hitting her fur and making her look like a ghost. Vinepaw blinked and followed a bit less eager but he came to a stop next to his friend. When he reached the top, he gasped out loud.

Spreading out in front of him was a river that divided SkyClan's territory from ThunderClan's. A tall forest loomed in front of them, the trees seeming to touch the sky.

"Wow," he breathed, sitting down next to Sweetpaw. "It's amazing." Vinepaw looked around, seeing the lake glistening, dappled with moonlight that bounced off the calm surface.

"I know, right?" Sweetpaw's voice was like birdsong as she touched her nose to his cheek. "I wanted to show you this spot since we became apprentices." She turned her gaze to the left and jerked her muzzle. Vinepaw followed with his eyes as the grassy fields expanded and led past an old twoleg barn and reached Highstones. "That's where the Moonpool is."

Vinepaw gawked at the peaks of the large mountains. "Really?" He meowed, in awe. "It's so beautiful."

Sweetpaw pressed against his side, the heat from her skin making him purr loud enough to wake the squirrels. "I love it here," she murmured, eyes closing. "I don't want to leave."

Vinepaw smiled and rested his chin on her head, scooting closer to her. His heart seemed to burst out of his chest as he pulled her closer with his paws. "Me too," he agreed and rasped his tongue repeatedly over her head. After a moment, he purred. "I heard you told me stories while I was in the medicine cat's den."

Sweetpaw looked up at him, eyes wide. "Who told you?" She whispered.

Vinepaw grinned goofily. "Rushpaw," he answered and nudged her shoulder. "You know he doesn't keep quiet about a lot of things." He pointed out.

Warriors- Dawn of An Era: The Journey Begins {Book 1} (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now