Chapter Eleven

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Vinepaw hadn't realized he was running toward the SkyClan border until he was skidding to a halt at the bottom of the hill he and Sweetpaw had gone to during the dead of night. His flanks heaved and his throat burned but he climbed to the top of the rise, paws shrieking for rest. When he reached the top, he sat down, watching as a flock of birds flew over SkyClan's territory.

"Hey, you there!" Vinepaw jumped as he spotted a bright red-orange tabby she-cat across the border. "What are you doing up there all alone?" The she-cat didn't look like a warrior, Vinepaw noted, but she could attack him and kick his tail.

"Clearing my head," Vinepaw replied, tail flicking. As she took a step toward the border, he let out a growl. "You'd better not cross that." He warned.

The she-cat's eyes flashed with challenge and defiance. "And why is that?" She countered, taking a step over the border. "Are you going to claw me to pieces?"

Vinepaw rose to his paws, claws unsheathing. "If I have to, yes." He retorted but allowed the tabby she-cat to reach the top of the hill. "What are you doing out here?"

"I could ask the same thing," she shot back and sat down, flicking her tail over her paws. Vinepaw couldn't help but notice how elegant she seemed to be among a cat that wasn't one of her Clanmates. "I come here to think when I don't have Plumfur pestering me."

Vinepaw snorted and sat back down, though he kept a wary eye on her. "My mentor doesn't keep me busy all that often," he meowed and looked her over. "You don't look much older than I am." The tom commented. "Are you a new apprentice?"

The she-cat nodded and Vinepaw tilted his head in a silent question. "My name's Applepaw," she explained. "I was at the Gathering with my littermate, Daisypaw, but I didn't get to meet many cats." Applepaw looked at him curiously. "ThunderClan apprentices don't usually like SkyClan apprentices." She teased.

Vinepaw laughed without humor. "Well, this ThunderClan apprentice ran out of his camp after arguing with the deputy."

Applepaw stared at him in shock. "Why were you arguing?" She asked, but backed off when he gave her a suspicious look. "Sorry, I'm not used to being around other apprentices other than my sister." She meowed and looked at him. "What's your name?"

"Vinepaw," he answered, flopping on his back. He was sure that Applepaw, being an apprentice for a few days, couldn't slice him to pieces. Not that I'd want to find out. He added silently. "Ripplepelt says that apprentices can't leave camp without two warriors escorting them."

"What a load of fox-dung!" Exclaimed Applepaw as she laid down next to him.

"I know, right?" Vinepaw meowed and looked at the sky. He let out a sigh, glad someone, even if Applepaw was from a rival Clan, understood. The clouds, white and fluffy, lazily crossed overhead, making Vinepaw wonder what it would be like to live in a different Clan. Or live outside the Clans altogether. Vinepaw wished he could leave with Sweetpaw and live away from orders and cats who wished harm on them. Maybe we could start our own Clan. The thought intrigued him, making him feel giddy inside.

"What's it like living in ThunderClan?" Applepaw asked curiously, sitting up and looking at the forest behind them.

Vinepaw shrugged and sat up, tail flicking. "I imagine it's just like living in SkyClan but with shorter trees." He replied and twitched his whiskers. "Why are you actually here, Applepaw?"

Applepaw's eyes flashed. "Why do you want to know?" She challenged.

"Because you were demanding to know why Ripplepelt and I were arguing," Vinepaw shot back. His voice softened and he flicked his tail. "If you won't tell me, then you have to leave. I don't want to get caught with a SkyClan cat on our territory without chasing her out."

Applepaw seemed reluctant but she caved. "Fine, I'll tell you." She meowed in a sigh before meeting his eyes. "My mother, Falcondive, was arguing with my father, Redfur, over something." Her voice shook and Vinepaw nodded for her to go on. "When Daisypaw and I stepped in to break them up, Redfur lashed out and said he didn't love us." Applepaw's voice broke and she began to sob. "He kept saying that we were never the kits he wanted when Falcondive was expecting. He said he wanted brave sons but instead, he got cowardice daughters."

Sympathy and empathy clawed at Vinepaw like a ShadowClan warrior. "I understand what you're going through, Applepaw." He whispered, making the crying she-cat look up in despair. "My father, Hawkpelt, has turned his nose up at me and my brother, Rushpaw. He was exiled and stripped from his deputyship when I was small."

Applepaw sniffled and Vinepaw lowered his ears. "A-and your mother?" She rasped, hiccuping between her words.

"Broken and distant," Vinepaw admitted. Why am I telling a SkyClan apprentice this? "Minnowwind doesn't seem to know what to do after Hawkpelt was exiled."

"It makes sense," sniffed Applepaw as she rose to her paws. "I better get out of here before someone comes looking for me." She flashed Vinepaw a sad smile, making his heart skip a beat. "See you later, Thunderpaw." She teased as she bounded down toward the border.

Vinepaw watched her go, his heart pounding in his chest as he smiled. "See you later, Skypaw." He called after her as she vanished into the greenery.


It didn't take long for Vinepaw to return to ThunderClan's camp. When he did, Sweetpaw marched up to him, eyes ablaze. Uh oh. He thought as he braced himself.

"Where have you been?" She demanded, her eyes wild and fur unkempt. "You've been gone for hours!"

Vinepaw let out an annoyed growl, shouldering past Sweetpaw. "So what?" He grumbled, suddenly regretting letting Applepaw leave that hill. "It's not like any cat missed me."

Sweetpaw let out a hiss and darted in front of him, pelt bristling with anger. "Cloverfur, Thrushpool, and I have been worrying about you, you idiot!" Vinepaw scowled and noticed the rings of red under the apprentice's eyes. "We've been searching everywhere for you!"

"Good for you!" He growled and tried to get by her, only to be stopped. Vinepaw drew himself up, claws unsheathing. "Get out of my way, Sweetpaw."

"Or what?" The she-cat demanded, tail lashing. She let out a small growl, nostrils flaring. "Are you going to attack me like your father attacked you and Minnowwind?"

Vinepaw shook with rage but it faded as he blinked tears out of his eyes. The rage in Sweetpaw's eyes dampened and she faltered, seeing him crumble.

"Vinepaw?" She whispered, reaching out with a paw. Vinepaw closed his eyes, feeling tears take their time as they slid down his cheeks. Pushing past Sweetpaw, he raced for the apprentice's den, hearing his name being called after him.

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