Chapter Nineteen

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Rainstar lashed her tail as Spottedshine dragged the limp body of the medicine cat out of the cave, eyes glassy and staring at the clouded sky. "This is unfortunate," she meowed, ears folded back. "Have we found Poppyfur or her kits yet?"

Thrushpool stepped up, head lowered. "No," she meowed, tail flicking as Scarredbelly pressed comfortingly against her. "We haven't found a trail that may lead us to locate her or her kits."

Spottedshine looked stricken, eyes dark and guarded. "We-we have to find her," he meowed, voice higher than it normally was. "Those kits are in danger."

Rainstar flicked her ear to the warrior, indicating she had heard him. "I want all available warriors and apprentices to search the territory for Poppyfur and her kits." She meowed, beckoning to the apprentices with a sweep of her tail. "Orchidpaw and Venompaw, you two go get Dustynose and Applepaw from the mossy clearing and bring them here. Make sure they're not hurt when you find them."

The two apprentices nodded and dashed off, leaving the rest of the Clan staring up at their leader. Rainstar's shoulder muscles twitched, possibly because they were tense. "I want all elders, queens, and kits to stay within the camp."

Spotsong rose to her paws, ignoring Gorsespring hiss for her to sit. "I will help the warriors and apprentices find Poppyfur and the kits." She meowed, tail flicking. Before any cat could argue, she went on. "I know that she-cat better than anyone else. It's best if I help look for her."

Rainstar looked nervously at the elder, eyes troubled. "We respect your courage, Spotsong," she meowed. "But I cannot let you do this."

Spotsong's tail sliced through the air, silencing Rainstar. "I didn't ask for your approval or permission, Rainstar." She meowed boldly, surprising Scarredbelly. "I'm going to find her."

Scarredbelly stepped forward, tail flicking. "I will go with Spotsong," he offered, tail flicking. "If an elder leaves the camp unguarded, it'll prove that we have lost our way of living." He meowed, seeing Spotsong's shoulders tense before slackening.

Rainstar dipped her head in defeat, eyes glowing. "Very well," she meowed. "Go. Find Poppyfur and bring her and her kits home safely."

Scarredbelly nodded and followed the elder out of the camp, tail waving as they exited the thorn tunnel. He sniffed the air the second they left the camp, making sure that he wasn't catching his Clanmates' scent from the others. "I don't smell anything," he reported, looking to Spotsong.

The elder's eyes were troubled as she flicked her tail. "Me too," she cursed under her breath before plunging into the undergrowth, Scarredbelly diving after her. "She has to be within the boundaries. Poppyfur would never leave the Clans with her kits in tow." She panted.

Scarredbelly grunted as they leaped over a fallen tree, skidding to a halt on the other side. "Where could she be?" He growled as the rain began to beat down on his pelt.

"I don't know," admitted Spotsong as she caught her breath. "The rain's washing away whatever scent I picked up. She could be anywhere by now."

"Let's check the WindClan border and make our way to the lake, the SkyClan border, then back to camp." He suggested and, with Spotsong at his side, padded in the direction of the moorland.

As they walked, Scarredbelly thought back to the time when he, Sweetpool, and Rushspring were kits in the nursery. His heart warmed at the thought of him playing with his denmates with boundless energy. He ached for the feeling it gave him. The security of the nursery walls provided him was intoxicating.

Suddenly, Spotsong stopped and Scarredbelly looked over at her, confused. Her ears were erected forward and twitching in different directions. "I hear something," she meowed, turning her head.

Warriors- Dawn of An Era: The Journey Begins {Book 1} (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now