Chapter Twenty-Eight

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"From this moment on, you will be known as Shadowstep and Goldenstripe." Beeltestar mewed, resting his muzzle on each of their foreheads as they licked his shoulder in exchange. "StarClan honors your dedication and resilience and we welcome you both as full warriors of ThunderClan."

"Shadowstep! Goldenstripe! Shadowstep! Goldenstripe!" Cheered the Clan as the two new warriors held their heads high despite the deaths of Birchfur, Poppyfur, and Sorrelpaw the previous day.

Scarredbelly grinned at the two new warriors, but a twinge of grief wormed its way into his heart. Sorrelpaw should be among her littermates. She should be a warrior. His ears lowered slightly and Applefrost, who was sitting beside him, looked at him sympathetically.

"Just wait a moment, Scarredbelly." She murmured, leaning against him comfortingly.

Scarredbelly appreciated her attempt to comfort him, but it did little to ease the ache in his heart. He yearned for the company of Sorrelpaw every day. The endless energy and excitement his former apprentice had was now a whisper in the wind. A ghost of what had walked the ground the day before.

"Before this meeting ends," Beetlestar meowed once the cheering had died down. "I'd like to name a cat who has joined the ranks of StarClan before she got the chance to receive her warrior name."

Scarredbelly looked up at his new leader in surprise. Is he going to give Sorrelpaw her warrior name? His heart lifted and he pricked his ears to listen.

Beetlestar tilted his head to the sky, his eyes closed. "Sorrelpaw has joined the ranks of StarClan, but she died without her warrior name. I ask my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. She has learned the warrior code and given up her life in the service of her Clan. Let StarClan receive them as a warrior. She will be known as Sorrelspots." The new leader lowered his head, the clearing falling eerily silent as the new warrior's name hung in the air like a dark cloud.

Scarredbelly rose to his paws, his voice raspy and emotional. "Sorrelspots!" He called.

Beside him, Applefrost rose as well, her eyes shimmering. "Sorrelspots!"

Other cats joined in the chant. One of them was Cursedblood, whose eyes shone with sadness and grief. So he does have feelings other than hate. Scarredbelly shook his head and cheered for his former apprentice. Now her spirit will rest in peace.

Scarredbelly smiled gently as he looked down at Applefrost, who beamed up at him, a happy smile played across her lips. "What do you want to do?" He asked.

Applefrost was thoughtful for a moment before shrugging. "I don't know," she meowed casually. Meeting his gaze, Scarredbelly's heart fluttered briefly before she looked away. "I'm going to help Shadowstep with the den reinforcements before more snow falls." Her mew is rushed as she quickly hurries away, leaving Scarredbelly stunned.

He watched her leave, mouth open as she aided Shadowstep. Scarredbelly blinked several times before he closed his mouth.

"She likes you," purred a voice that made the warrior jump. As he turned, Gorsespring was watching him with an amused look on her face.

"What are you talking about?" Scarredbelly argued, tail flicking around his front paws. His ears flicked to his head as they began to burn.

The elderly she-cat raised an eyebrow at him, eyes glinting with knowing. "Applefrost." Her answer is matter-of-factly as she gestured with her eyes to the young she-cat across the camp. "She likes you."

"She likes a lot of cats," Scarredbelly protested, pointing his paw at Shadowstep. "Her and Shadowstep get along just fine."

Gorsespring gave him a stern look, though her eyes were gentle. "What I mean is that she loves you, Scarredbelly." She meowed softly, tilting her head back.

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