Chapter Four

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"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey, gather beneath the Highledge for a Clan meeting!" Vinekit jerked awake, blinking open his eyes as he was pulled away from sleep. Beside him, Sweetkit stirred but didn't open her eyes. An entire moon passed since Honeystripe's death and Vinekit had first slept in the same nest as Sweetkit. Now, it seemed normal for him to sleep next to her, breathing in her sweet scent and hearing her breathing as she slept.

Vinekit watched her flanks rise and fall for a few heartbeats before nudging her cheek with his nose. "Sweetkit," he whispered in her ear. "Wake up. Rainstar's called a meeting." She groaned, lazily trying to hit Vinekit with a paw.

"Fine," she grumbled, begrudgingly opening her eyes. "I'm awake."

"Good," Rushkit's meow sliced through Vinekit's ears as his brother bounded toward him, eyes glittering. "Today, we'll all be made apprentices!"

Sweetkit's eyes widened and she purred. "I forgot all about that!" She meowed, jumping to her paws. "Let's go!"

While Minnowwind woke, Vinekit, with Sweetkit and Rushkit at his sides, padded into the clearing. He heard Sweetkit draw in a sharp breath at what was lying in the clearing.

"No!" Sweetkit wailed, shooting forward and darting to the bodies of her mother and brothers. Vinekit and Rushkit took off after her, dread filling Vinekit from ears to tail tip. How could they be dead? They were fine a few moons ago! Vinekit watched as Sweetkit threw herself on her mother, sobbing into her fur as she trembled.

"This can't be happening," Rushkit's voice was small, eyes dull with grief. Vinekit couldn't find his voice as a wail grew in his throat. Poor Sweetkit and Beetlescar. His ears lowered and he sat down, head bowed.

"Why?" Sweetkit's yowl pained Vinekit, making him cringe at the despair in her voice. As Sweetkit sobbing quieted and she began to calm down, Vinekit padded toward his friend. He guided her wordlessly away from Blossomscar's body and sat down with Rushkit.

Rainstar looked at the three grieving kits with pity and sympathy in her yellow eyes. "This is a tragedy that should never have happened." She meowed sadly. "The loss of a warrior is hard, but the loss of kits who didn't get the chance to live is horrible. I pray that Blossomscar, Lightkit, and Quickkit get to watch us from Silverpelt."

The clearing fell silent, besides Sweetkit's sniffling. Vinekit pressed against her, trying to comfort her. Sweetkit fell to the ground in a heap of sniffling and tears.

"When there is death, there is life." Rainstar went on as she looked around at her warriors. "We have three kits among us who have reached their third moon and are ready to be apprenticed." She beckoned with her tail for the three to come forward. Vinekit nosed Sweetkit to her paws and helped her pad toward the leader's voice. "Rushkit, from this moment on until you have earned your warrior name, you will be known as Rushpaw." Her head turned. "Starlinglight, you are a brave and noble warrior. I know you will train Rushpaw all that you know."

The large silver-gray warrior padded toward Rushpaw and touched noses with the apprentice. "I won't let you down, Rainstar." He vowed and led his apprentice into the crowd of anxious warriors who wanted an apprentice.

"Vinekit," the tom looked up as his name was called. "From this moment on until you have earned your warrior name, you will be known as Vinepaw." Rainstar blinked at the new apprentice and called out another name. "Cloverfur, you are a gentle yet stern warrior and I know that you will teach Vinepaw to be just like that."

Vinepaw turned his head as the pale calico she-cat padded toward him, her yellow eyes glittering. As she touched noses with him, he made a note to never get on Cloverfur's bad side. As Vinepaw and his new mentor padded into the crowd, Rainstar looked down at Sweetkit.

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