Chapter Thirteen

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"Until you have earned your warrior names, you will be known as Wildpaw and Orchidpaw." Rainstar's voice shook as her gaze swept over her warriors. "Birchfur and Spottedshine, you two have yet to have apprentices and now is your time. Birchfur, you will mentor Wildpaw and Spottedshine will mentor Orchidpaw." She dipped her head and Vinepaw flattened his ears.

A few days had gone by since he had falsely told his Clan that WindClan had murdered Cloverfur in cold blood. None of his Clanmates seemed to care that he was the only cat with Cloverfur. He was covered with blood but they all assumed it was from fighting off the WindClan warriors that took their beloved warrior's life.

Since Cloverfur joined StarClan, Rainstar appointed Beetlescar as his new mentor. Claiming that since he'd trained under Ripplepelt, he'd make a good mentor for Vinepaw. Considering Ripplepelt's death had taken a toll on his new mentor so soon after the death of his mate and two of his kits, Vinepaw had doubts Beetlescar could train him with a clear head.

Behind him, Darkfang was murmuring to her three kits, born three days ago. They were rather small, and Brightgaze fretted about whether or not they'd survive the night. Thankfully, they did and they were healthy.

Though their eyes and ears were still closed, Vinepaw was certain none of them would have their father's hazel eyes. It'd be a miracle if they aren't judged for their names.

When they were born, Darkfang declared that they were the reason that Ripplepelt died during the night. Saying that they were a curse to the Clans and that they brought death. To support that claim, she'd named them Cursedkit, Venomkit, and Dawnkit.

"Why name them such foul names for something they couldn't control?" Dustynose had asked her mentor when the kitting was finally over. "They're just kits, for StarClan's sake."

"A mother can name her kits whatever she wants," Brightgaze had replied, but he looked unsettled as he gazed at the three newborns. "If she puts her mind to it, Darkfang will raise these kits to be noble and strong like their father."

Cursedkit was the one who resembled his father the most out of his sisters. He had a pale-gray tabby pelt, a white underbelly, and lighter paws. What his eyes would look like was anyone's guess.

Venomkit looked more like her mother since she was a plain gray tabby. No lighter paws, no light belly, just a gray tabby. Her eyes would most likely be green like her mother's but only time would tell.

Dawnkit was a perfect mixture of both her parents. A white and silver tabby she-cat was what made her stand out from her siblings. Perhaps she'd also get green eyes.

As the meeting ended, Vinepaw spotted Poppyfur speaking with Spottedshine near the Highledge, her eyes glowing and tail flicking. Curious and not in a hurry to start the day's training, he padded toward the two mates, wanting to hear their conversation.

Ever since he'd provoked his father, he hadn't spoken to Poppyfur and he wanted to rekindle whatever friendship they had. His ears were pointing forward, twitching as he caught their conversation.

"-more kits." Poppyfur was meowing, her voice happy. "Aren't you excited?"

Spottedshine scuffed his paws, seeming to be uncomfortable. "Yes, but, I don't think I'm ready to have more kits." He meowed and met her eyes, his own hesitant. "I wasn't the best father-figure for Wildpaw and Orchidpaw, and I don't think I want to have more kits."

Poppyfur's eyes flashed and Vinepaw winced. He's going to regret saying that. He thought. "I never decide when I have the kits, Spottedshine." She meowed, her voice sharp and cutting through her mate. The speckled warrior flinched, holding her gaze. "When they come, they come. If you aren't present in their lives like you were with Wildpaw and Orchidpaw, so be it. I'll raise them by myself like I did last time." With a final lash of her tail, Poppyfur stalked away, angrily leaving a stunned Spottedshine behind to watch her go.

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