Chapter Ten

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Vinepaw's muscles tensed as he focused on the mouse in front of him. As he slid forward, his claws unsheathed and he shot forward, pinning the mouse to the ground and killing it with a bite to the neck. He lifted his head, looking at his kill that lay at his paws. A few days had gone by since the Gathering and Vinepaw never felt better.

Brightgaze had released him from the confines of the camp and Vinepaw was excited. His paws itched to run and catch the prey he hadn't when he was injured.

He buried his mouse and pushed on, ears pricked for any signs of prey. He padded through the oak forest, breathing in the sweet smell of life when a twig snapped. Vinepaw's ears turned and his claws unsheathed, scanning his surroundings. A vile scent wafted up his nose and he padded cautiously toward the sound of the broken stick.

There was a growl and a brown-pelted shape flew at him, claws unsheathed and digging into his shoulder. Vinepaw yowled and shook his attacker off, lashing out and striking his claws across the cat's muzzle, hearing the cat snarl.

"Get out of ThunderClan's territory!" Vinepaw hissed and sprang at the cat, sinking his claws into their shoulders. Forcing them to the ground, he pinned the cat down. The brown fur felt sticky beneath his paws and he realized this cat wasn't brown. He's covered in mud! Slightly disgusted, Vinepaw backed off. "Leave and never come back!"

The cat, a tom, scrambled to his paws and glared at Vinepaw with startling orange eyes before bounding away. Vinepaw stared in astonishment as the tom gracefully disappeared from sight.

Heart racing, Vinepaw sprinted through the forest, forgetting about his prey. His paws barely hit the ground as he headed for the camp, head reeling. Adrenaline pulsed through his body and he ran faster than he thought he could.

In no time at all, he was bursting through the thorn barrier that sheltered the warriors inside. Vinepaw's flanks heaved as the rush escaped him and his throat began to burn. Gasping for air, many cats rushed toward him, concerned.

"Vinepaw?" Darkfang was the first to reach him, her green eyes full of alarm. "What's the matter?"

"What's wrong, Vinepaw?" Asked Birchfur as he strode up next to Darkfang. "Did something happen in the forest?"

Vinepaw nodded, still catching his breath. "I-I was attacked," he wheezed, hunching over. He gulped in several deep breaths before going on. "This cat was drenched in mud, so I didn't recognize him."

"Why's every cat gathering around?" Rainstar's question made Darkfang look over her shoulder. When the leader saw Vinepaw, her eyes darkened. "Why are you back so soon? Didn't Cloverfur send you hunting?"

Vinepaw nodded, the breath returning to his lungs. He felt fear prick his fur as Rushpaw stalked into the camp, muttering about something before vanishing into Brightgaze's den.

"Vinepaw said he was attacked in the forest by a cat drenched in mud." Darkfang meowed and looked back at the apprentice.

Rainstar frowned. "Describe the cat," she instructed.

"I couldn't make out their pelt because of the mud," he meowed and sat down, still on-edge and restless. "But I saw their eyes. They were orange like the dawn sky and they glowed with hatred."

Birchfur flicked his tail, eyes flashing. "The only cats in the Clan with orange eyes like that are Starlinglight, Minnowwind, Rushpaw, and you." The warrior twitched his tail. "There's also Hawkpelt. Other than them, who could it be?"

Ripplepelt, who had approached the crowd with Rainstar, exchanged a glance with the leader. "Vinepaw," he meowed, his voice soft. "Come with me."

Warriors- Dawn of An Era: The Journey Begins {Book 1} (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now