Chapter Twenty-Seven

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"This is horrible!" Cried Badgerstorm as Scarredbelly dragged the body of Poppyfur into camp, Sorrelpaw on his back. "How could this happen?"

Scarredbelly dropped Poppyfur's scruff and looked up, jaw aching as Sorrelpaw's limp body rolled off his back. Scouring the gathered cats, he spotted Starlingstar and he let out a low grunt. Returning his gaze back to Badgerstorm, he sighed. "I don't know," he lied. "But it seems like there's a killer on the loose in the territory."

Starlingstar's eyes seemed troubled as he glanced over at Dustynose, who shared the same shadow in her eyes. "This is most interesting indeed."

A snort of contempt came from one of the warriors. "Interesting?" Scarredbelly winced as his mother arched her back. "One of our queens- who disappeared, may I add- and an apprentice!" Her eyes blazed as she glared at the leader. "How could that be interesting?"

Beetlescar stepped toward the she-cat, his tail drifting along her spine. Scarredbelly's eyes narrowed at the gesture and felt his neck fur bristle but he forced it flat. "Minnowwind's right, Starlingstar." He looked up at his leader with scared eyes. "If a cat is out to kill us, how would that be interesting?"

Starlingstar's fur bristled defensively as he glared at his deputy. "If it is a cat from one of the other Clans, then we have a chance to attack them." He countered and Scarredbelly looked at the leader sharply. Is that what he wants? He thought as he stared at the tom in disbelief. Does he only want war?

"Are you insane?" Spottedshine's outraged and grief-filled shriek made Starlingstar wince. The speckled white tom was at his dead mate's side, tears streaking down his face as he glared up at his leader. "Bloodshed after two deaths?"

The silver-gray leader flattened his ears, hissing softly. "I meant that if it was a cat from another Clan, then we'd get them back!" He took a few steps back as Scarredbelly took a step toward him.

"That's it?" The scarred warrior demanded, tail lashing. His tattered ears flicked to his head as he glared at the leader. "Poppyfur and Sorrelpaw die and all you want is revenge?"

Goldenpaw strode to Scarredbelly's side, his eyes flashing. "My mother and sister are dead, Starlingstar." He spat, claws unsheathed. "The last thing on my mind is more death!"

The large leader looked small as he shrank away from his Clanmates, the fierce light dying from his eyes. "I-I..."

"A cat who only thinks of war shouldn't be leader!" Growled Birchfur as he glared at Starlingstar.

Thrushpool whimpered, her tail curling around her kits as they watched in shock. She said nothing, but she didn't have to. Her eyes revealed that she agreed with what her Clanmates were saying about her mate.

"What will you do?" Starlingstar's voice was now a snarl as he arched his back, hissing. "You can't drive me out! I'm your leader!"

Rainfall's shattered and disappointed mew took Scarredbelly by surprise as she stepped forward. "Not any longer, Starlinglight," she meowed. Even though she was an elder, she hadn't lost the authority that made Scarredbelly slightly scared of her. "You have lost the chance to be ThunderClan's leader. I, Rainfall, former leader of ThunderClan hereby sentence Starlinglight into exile. Leave now and never return unless you'd like to meet your death."

Starlinglight gaped at the elder in shock, his eyes wide. "You can't do this!" He roared, claws unsheathing. "You're an elder!"

The now-former leader made his move so fast, Scarredbelly nearly missed it. Starlinglight leaped at Rainfall, claws unsheathed. Thinking on his paws, he sprang at his leader, knocking him away from the elder. Starlinglight hissed and lashed out with a paw, raking his claws against Scarredbelly's right ear.

Blood dripped down from the three nicks and Scarredbelly winced in pain. His claws tore at Starlinglight's side, trying to get the tom pinned to the ground. "Stay down, Starlinglight!"

The silver-gray tom let out a growl and flailed his paws, caught Scarredbelly's cheek and leaving a few smaller scratches. "Get off me, you mouse-hearted traitor!" He screeched.

Scarredbelly winced as he saw the crazed light his orange eyes. "No," Scarredbelly replied firmly, pressing his paws harder into his Clanmates' side. "Stop this madness, Starlinglight."

The Clan's former leader spazzed and Scarredbelly backed off, claws sheathing. "I'm not going to hurt you, Starlinglight." He meowed softly, trying to sound non-threatening.

"Well, I am!" Starlinglight hissed and he rose to his full height. He lunged, aiming for Scarredbelly's throat before a flash of pale-gray tabby fur flew in front of him and took the blow.

Blood sprayed the ground and Birchfur fell to the ground in a heap of fur and gasps. Birchfur stared up at Scarredbelly, his mouth twisted into a small smile. "Loyalty to the...end." He whispered before the light died in his eyes and he fell limp at Scarredbelly's paws.

Scarredbelly stared in horror at the senior warrior's body as the blood from his neck made a small pool around his head and chest. He looked up at Starlinglight, surprised to see the shock and disbelief in the tom's eyes. "What have you done?"

Starlinglight scrambled away from Birchfur's body, stumbling over his words. "I-I didn't m-mean to!" He stared around at the angry and grief-stricken faces of his Clanmates.

"Murderer!" Cried Shadowpaw as she leaped at the tom, battering his ears with her claws. Starlinglight didn't fight back as the apprentice sank her teeth into his shoulder as she clawed at his chest.

"Shadowpaw!" Goldenpaw yelled, darting forward and pulling his sister away by her scruff.

Scarredbelly glanced over his shoulder at Spottedshine, who was coaxing his kits away from Starlinglight. The scarred warrior looked over at Beetlescar, who looked confused and scattered.

Finally, the deputy spoke. "Get out, Starlinglight." He meowed, looking at his former leader with icy yellow eyes. "As Rainfall said, you are no longer our leader. If you dare come back, you'll be killed."

Starlinglight hung his head in shame. "I-I understand," he whispered.

"I doubt it," hissed Shadowpaw as she crouched with her father and brother at her mother and sister's bodies.

The silver-gray tom sighed and shuffled toward the gathered cats, who parted with hisses and growls of anger and betrayal as they allowed the tom to head for the camp entrance. He stopped before leaving the camp, head turning. "I'm sorry for what I've done here, ThunderClan."

"Get out!" Scarredbelly spat, suddenly overcome by anger and grief. "You don't belong here anymore."

Starlinglight's eyes shone with hurt as he turned away and hurried out of the camp.

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