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The clearing was silent as Beetlestar heaved himself onto the Highledge. There was no need to call the usual summons, however. Every cat was already gathered, wanting to know what the leader had to say.

Scarredbelly padded alongside Applefrost, his tail flicked around her protectively as they stopped at the base of the large stone. Night had begun to fall as the cats returned to the ThunderClan camp, only one bearing the wounds of the cat who he once called his brother.

"Cats of ThunderClan, I bring devastating news." Beetlestar meowed, his voice laced with anger and betrayal. "Earlier this evening, Scarredbelly and Applefrost were ambushed by two cats. One of them was Rushspring, Scarredbelly's brother and Sweetpool's mate."

There were several gasps of shock, the loudest being from the daughter and mate of the aforementioned traitor. Beetlestar lashed his tail once for silence and continued.

"If any cat sees him in our territory, you have my permission to kill him." He meowed, looking around unblinkingly at his Clan. "I know the past few moons have been hard on our Clan, but we will move on."

Dovepaw, named only a few days ago as Dawnslash's apprentice, rose to her paws. "Why must we kill a cat we used to serve with?" Her question wasn't challenging but broken. "My father is a great warrior. He wasn't always there for me and my mother, but he served his Clan with pride and honor."

A hiss met her response as Shadowstep, Poppyfur, and Spottedshine's daughter, rounded on the young apprentice, teeth bared. The smaller she-cat whimpered and took a step back. "Pride and honor?" Spat the tabby she-cat. "Do you call killing four cats serving your Clan with pride and honor?"

Sweetpool let out a growl, pelt bristling. "Don't talk to my daughter that way, Shadowstep!" She retorted, tail lashing as stood between the warrior and apprentice.

"You can't shelter her forever because your mate is a monster!" Shadowstep flashed back, her pelt bristling.

Sweetpool's nostrils flared and she unsheathed her claws, crouching down to leap at the she-cat. A growl came from deep in her throat and Dovepaw stared in fear and horror.

"Stop this!" Hissed Dustynose as she lashed her tail. "StarClan will look out for us should Rushspring and his group come back." Looking around at the Clan, she went on. "We mustn't fight amongst each other now. That's the last thing we need right now. My father and mother died serving the Clan and Brightgaze died at Rushspring's paws. What would he think if he were to see us fighting?"

Scarredbelly stared in shock at the she-cat. Brightgaze was her father? That would mean Honeystripe was her mother. He thought, head reeling.

The question hung in the air as the young medicine cat turned to her leader, her eyes glittering with worry. "We should send out search parties to see if Rushspring is still in the territory." She meowed. "I need a few cats to collect as many herbs as they can while leaffall is still ending."

Beetlestar seemed surprised at how quickly she spoke. "Darkfang," he flicked his gaze to his deputy. "Take Orchidfall, Badgerstorm, and Minnowwind to the SkyClan border and come back once you've reached the lake. Venombranch, you, Wildrapid, and Shadowstep will do the same for the WindClan border."

Dustynose cut in and began to bark out orders. "Applefrost, you take Dovepaw and Spottedshine and go find as many herbs as you can." She instructed, her voice breezy. Her eyes settled on Scarredbelly and it made him uncomfortable. "I need to speak with Beetlestar and Scarredbelly alone."

Scarredbelly touched noses with Applefrost in goodbye before padding toward the medicine cat and leader. "What's the matter, Dustynose?" He asked, tipping his head to one side.

The she-cat lowered her voice, tail tip twitching nervously. She gazed at Scarredbelly for a long time before she started to speak. "Several moons ago, when you were born, Brightgaze helped Minnowwind's kitting." She meowed, sitting down. "The very same night, he and Hawkpelt got into a fight."

"I remember that," recalled Beetlestar with a sigh. "But why does that matter, Dustynose?"

"Because," the medicine cat fixed Scarredbelly with her stare. "There was a prophecy the night Rushspring and Scarredbelly were born."

"What was it?" Scarredbelly asked hesitantly, shifting his paws.

"The five are stable as the seasons go on. When there is a drift in the forest, a new force comes in. The five will shatter as the dark claws tear them apart. Only the strongest teeth can shred the dark to pieces." Dustynose seemed anxious as she looked between Beetlestar and Scarredbelly.

Beetlestar's eerie silence made Scarredbelly uncomfortable. At last, he spoke. "What could it mean, Dustynose?" He asked.

Dustynose flicked her tail. "I think it means that Rushspring will bring something horrible and dark to the lake." She meowed, looking at Scarredbelly. "And you will be the one to defeat him."

"'Only the strongest teeth can shred the dark to pieces,'" the warrior meowed. "I can't be strong enough emotionally or physically to kill my brother."

Beetlestar rested his tail along the warrior's shoulders, his eyes sympathetic. "Don't worry about that right now, Scarredbelly." He meowed. "That could be moons or seasons away. Besides, you have Applefrost to worry about."

Alarm flashed through Scarredbelly at the leader's words. "What?"

Dustynose's tail waved behind her. "She loves you and you love her, Scarredbelly." She meowed, rising to her paws. "In due time, your relationship with grow to something more meaningful."

Realization hit Scarredbelly like a blow and he blinked rapidly at the she-cat. Before he could respond, Beetlestar spoke.

"That's enough worrying for one night," he meowed. "Get a good night's rest and we'll talk tomorrow morning." Beetlestar dipped his head and turned away, padding toward his den at the base of the Highledge.

Scarredbelly was about to do the same before Dustynose placed a paw on his tail, stopping him completely. Turning to the she-cat, he tilted his head. "Yes, Dustynose?"

"No cat should go through what you have, Scarredbelly." She meowed, her voice tense and fearful. "What you have endured is worse than anything I myself can think of. But how you've pushed through it is extraordinary." She touched her nose gently to his cheek. "You're a very special cat, Scarredbelly. Never forget that."

Warriors- Dawn of An Era: The Journey Begins {Book 1} (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now