Chapter Sixteen

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Vinepaw's eyes opened and he saw the most beautiful field he'd ever seen. Tall trees with luscious green leaves dappled by stars loomed in front of him. He was awed at the sight of all the cats in one area. Some talked while others stalked the plump prey, chasing them across boundless fields. Many laid on their backs, watching and talking as kits played with one another, oblivious to the reality of the world.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Breathed a voice, making Vinepaw turn around, startled. A thick-shouldered ginger tabby tom stood behind him, green eyes shining as the scar on his left shoulder glistened with stars.

"Yeah," Vinepaw agreed, looking back at the scene in front of him. His paws tingled as he saw pairs of cats snuggled against each other, heart warming. Maybe I could bring Applepaw here one day. He thought, turning back to the ginger tabby. "What is this place?"

"This, Vinepaw, is StarClan." He replied, his eyes full of wisdom beyond Vinepaw's comprehension. "This is where all the good cats who die go."

Vinepaw stared at the tabby in astonishment. "This is StarClan?" He yelped. "Does that mean...?" The apprentice trailed off, following the tom's gaze as it swept across the starry land.

"No," the tom meowed, padding around Vinepaw, tail high. "This is a dream. You're still curled in your nest in Brightgaze's den."

"Who are you?" Vinepaw asked, trying his best not to sound panicky or rude.

The ginger tabby tom with a white tail tip flicked the white tip, eyes glinting with amusement. "My name is Waspthorn," he replied, dipping his head. "I guide lost spirits here when they're on the cusp of death."

Vinepaw's head dropped and he stared at his paws, tail flicking. "Am I going to die, Waspthorn?" He asked, his voice shaking. The apprentice lifted his head, trembling as he met his gaze.

Waspthorn blinked at Vinepaw, head shaking. "Fortunately for you, your wounds aren't bad enough for you to die from." The StarClan tom paused, making Vinepaw stiffen. "Unfortunately, a dangerous cat is rising in the eyes of ThunderClan. Rainstar is blinded to his faults, but you know what he is capable of, Vinepaw." His eyes burned into Vinepaw's, making him uncomfortable. "Stop Rushpaw before he does the thing that the Clans will be unable to withstand or stop." His eyes flashed and Vinepaw took a step back nervously. "The five are stable as the seasons go on. When there is a drift in the forest, a new force comes in. The five will shatter as the dark claws tear them apart. Only the strongest teeth can shred the dark to pieces."

Vinepaw let out a yelp and scrambled back in fear, tail bushing out in fear. "What are you saying?" He cried, eyes wide as Waspthorn padded toward him. "What-what will Rushpaw do to the Clans?"

Waspthorn blinked and sighed, stepping back from Vinepaw. "That is something only time, and nature will tell." He dipped his head, eyes sympathetic. "I'm sorry, Vinepaw. But your brother walks a dark path, darker than the shadows on a sunny greenleaf day." He paused once more, tail flicking and motioning Vinepaw forward. When the apprentice padded toward him, Waspthorn went on. "It isn't enough to chill the cold that settles in your veins, Vinepaw. But, I hope this will ease your worries."

Vinepaw gulped, nodding. "Where are you taking me, Waspthorn?" He hesitantly asked, looking to his companion.

"To see your father," answered the tabby tom as he guided Vinepaw to a starry pool, leaping inside. When he vanished in the clear water, Vinepaw followed. As he emerged on the other side, Waspthorn was at his side. "Follow me."

Vinepaw followed silently as they headed through thick undergrowth, covered in darkness. It wasn't long until they neared a tall wooden fence, white and stretching higher than a SkyClan cat can leap.

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