Chapter Twenty-Three

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"From this moment on, you will be known as Wildrapid and Orchidfall. StarClan honors your tenacity and eagerness and we welcome you two as full warriors of ThunderClan." Meowed Starlingstar, resting his muzzle on each other their heads. In turn, they licked the leader's shoulder with pink tongues.

"Wildrapid! Orchidfall! Wildrapid! Orchidfall!" Scarredbelly found himself hesitating to join in with his Clanmates cheers. The shame of fighting his brother and being scolded by Starlingstar was fresh in his mind, making him ache.

It had been a little over a moon and a half since Shellclaw had been named and his death. Scarredbelly had done everything to avoid the leader and his brother. So far, he had been successful, other than a few awkward moments when he had to brush past the patched warrior on his way into the warrior's den.

Sweetpool wasn't dealing with her kit's death lightly, and Scarredbelly wasn't adjusting after the kit's early demise. Her eyes, once full of endless love and amusement for her kits, were now full of grief and sorrow for her late son.

Dovekit, who had once been full of life and laughter, was now quiet and shy as she cowered behind her mother, shielding herself from the horrors of Clan life. Her eyes were covered by a film of longing and sadness as she stared at the moss-ball at her paws.

Scarredbelly sighed and brought his gaze back to Starlingstar, who was sniffing. The warrior flicked back his ears, knowing full well that his leader was sick. Dustynose told the others that it was just a cold, but something told him that it wasn't just a leaffall cold.

"Meeting dismissed," meowed the leader, his voice cracking and dry as he leaped down from the Highledge, heading for his den. Scarredbelly watched him go, a sudden rush of anger making him blink. He hadn't told the sickly leader about his suspicions about his brother, nor did he want to. I'd have to tell him someday.

"Scarredbelly!" Beetlescar's call made him snap out of his thoughts, blinking as he turned to look at the Clan deputy. The tom's eyes were friendly, despite the oncoming leaffall threat. "Get Sorrelpaw and go hunting by the SkyClan border."

Scarredbelly nodded mutely, rising to his paws. Before he headed for the apprentice den, he looked at Beetlescar. "Who's going with us?" He asked curiously. Secretly, he only asked to see if Rushspring was joining them.

Beetlescar's tail flicked. "Birchfur and Cursedpaw." He answered before turning away to call for other warriors.

Scarredbelly nodded and padded toward the den, poking his head inside and looking around for his apprentice. He frowned when he didn't see her and he exited the den, scanning the clearing.

Venompaw and Dawnpaw were carrying moss toward the elder's den, their eyes annoyed and slightly irritated at something. Rainfall and Gorsespring coaxed the two apprentices inside, their eyes amused as their whiskers twitched.

Spottedshine was speaking with the newly named Wildrapid and Orchidfall, his eyes bright with pride despite the loss of his mate. Shadowpaw and Goldenpaw were talking quietly, their heads close together as they padded by the three warriors.

Scarredbelly strode toward them, calling out. "Shadowpaw, Goldenpaw!" His voice made them stiffen and they gazed at him with narrow eyes. He noticed their hostility and flicked his ears, trying to ignore it. "Do either of you know where Sorrelpaw is?" He asked, trying his best to sound kind.

Goldenpaw flicked his ears, eyes fluttering over the warrior warily. "She's out on a herb hunt with Dustynose right now," he answered, his voice rude and curt.

"Why do you need her?" Demanded Shadowpaw, her voice sharp with annoyance and anger.

Scarredbelly's eyes narrowed at the rude apprentices, the fur along his spine rising. "Beetlescar wants Sorrelpaw, myself, Birchfur, and Cursedpaw to go hunting by the SkyClan border." He replied, looking between the two apprentices. "Where are your mentors?"

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