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"You're going to be marrying Aito when you become of age. It's for the company's to be one and get stronger."

"But honey, don't you think tha-"


"Don't you dare talk to me like that, you disgusting women! Go make some use out of yourself."

Fear. That's all that can be felt.

"Anyways," he comes closer, putting a finger under my chin, making me look at him in the eyes, "you will be a good little girl, won't you?"

Nod, and accept that this is what life is going to be like. In the matter of money. Money is all that matters to these people.

I nod.

"Good." He removes his finger from under my chin. "Let him in."

On command, a pastel blond male comes in with golden eyes. He makes his way over to me. He walks over with confidence, but from the looks of it, all he is trouble.

"Hi there, Y/N" he says taking my hand, and kissing my knuckles. "I'm Aito Yamamoto. I hope we can do some good together" he goes on while leaving an evil looking grin plastered on his face.

I take my hand out of his. How much I want the knuckles he kissed to collide with his smirkish face. He thinks his looks give him an advantage in getting what wants, not only that, but the way he acts.

He's nothing more than just a mini of a man that is supposedly my father. I can practically see the money signs in his golden eyes.

I stay silent. My words are not important. Men like this only want to give orders and they expect them to be done right. Nothing more, nothing less. It has to be perfect.

A life like mine is like being a puppet. No matter who you are, the ruler of the house has control over everything. Including their own children. They have to pick if they give sympathy to them or not...most of the time it's not.

"I do have to say, Y/N, you are very beautiful."

I give Aito a look with no emotions. Emotions here are nothing. They only show weakness.

"Thanks" I say, while looking down.

My father sits in a chair in the corner of the room. The room, however, is one of the meeting rooms down in the basement. No one ever comes down here unless you are family, or someone to talk business.

Aito and I stand in the middle of the room, awkwardly. And Aito making cheesy compliments are not helping at all.

I look up to face my father. "Am I done here?"

He waves me off to indicate that I am free to go. I bow to him as my thanks.

As I walk towards the door, a hand brushes my arm. I look back to see Aito smirking at me. "Can't wait~"

I give him a forced smile, and exit the room.

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