› note #2

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Dear Reader,

I want to thank you for reading up to this point. I really appreciate it. I didn't know that people cared about this so much.

Anyways, I want to say a few things before I do anything else. NO, I am not discontinuing the story. So, don't worry. But this does have to deal with everything that's been going on.

As you probably have heard, COVID-19 had taken a bit of a toll of the world as of now. Lives of people have been difficult. Including mine. As a student, it is hard to just get used to being locked up. I've never been more interested into leaving my home to go do something.

With that, my school has been closed for the rest of the year, making my classes all online. In conclusion, I'm getting work after work. I know I haven't been updating a lot, and I apologize for that. But with work I have to do, I'm simply updating when
I have time. Some weeks are less difficult than others.

I know you, at least I think, are having a tough time with things. And I understand how you feel. All I wish for you is time when it comes to updating. Like I said, I will do my best. I don't plan on leaving you!! I will keep fighting for you and this story and have it go on!!

With that said, I hope you and your families are doing well. I pray that this will be over soon, and I hope so.
You have my love and support. We will get through this together!!

I don't do this a lot, but if you ever need to talk about something, don't be afraid to contact me. We will work through this together!

Anyways, stay healthy and work hard!!

Love you all!!

- syd

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