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The warm water circulates around my body, warming me up in an instant. For the first time in a while, I feel as though I am safe. I feel calm, relaxed. In the apartment with Aito, I always felt on edge. Always in the need to be ready at any time, even if I were to take a shower. Those showers were always the fastests.

I shut my eyes, losing every other sense. I hear the slight walking outside the bathroom door. Unlike Aito's, Ikuya's steps are soft and relaxed, making my anxiety go down.

My weak body melts into the water, making me sink deeper and deeper into the water. I catch myself when my nose hits the water.

Ha, that little shit...

I frown, shaking my head. Still weak when she acts tough...

"Stop..." I mumble. "I don't want to hear anymore..."

Wonder how she will take the news of her mother's death...

I sit up, the water around me splashing. I pull my legs closer to me, hugging them. Water drips from my hair, sending streaks down my face. My breathing becomes harsh, my ears ring.


More and more streaks run down my heated face. Tears spill out of my head as a habit. I rest my head on my knees, shaking my head. Her mother's death...

Stop, stop, STOP!

I start to sob, making it hard to breathe. Breaths coming out uneven and short. I continue to shake my head, trying to get rid of my smug father's voice. I've blocked out his voice many times, but I get weaker. My strength to block out the trauma...is almost done for. And I'm sick of it.

Taking deep breaths, my air comes out spotty. I start to relax, letting the pain go through me. Letting it destroy me, as if I'm not already.

His touch...it's soft...

My eyes shot open, surprised at my sudden thought. His amber eyes...are different from Aito's. His eyes are kind, calming. A small smile forms on my lips.

Hey, don't cry...

I let out a sigh, one that removes my father's voice, but replaces it with a new on. I feel a strange feeling inside my stomach. Is this what people call "butterflies"? His voice echoes in my mind, giving me a relaxing feeling. A small chuckle leaves me, making me jump at myself.

Never have I onced laughed...maybe...years ago...with him...

I jump again, hearing a sudden bang. The water splashed around me again. Unhugging myself, I stand up. I find a fresh stack of towels in a laundry basket. I take one, drying myself.

I start to shake. Not because I'm cold, but more of what the bang was. Is it...Aito? My father?

I shake my head, not wanting to think about it. I find my old close, and put them on. I don't do anything with my hair other than mess it up with the towel.

When I'm finished, I put it on a rack, letting it dry. The banging starts again, making me anxious.

"Jesus, what the hell?!"

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