» 04

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Aito's POV

I drag Y/N back to our apartment, condo, whatever you want to call it. My grip on her hand is tight, but I don't care. She can cry all she wants, but does she really think talking to someone else, other than me, is something that she is going to get away with? Hell she isn't. Y/N never seems to learn. Stop doing this.

I get rid of my thoughts about the situation, and continue to drag her. Her whimpers in pain can be heard, but I ignore them. All she does is cry. All the time. She cries so much, that it's getting to the point where it's annoying. It only wants me to kill her more. I don't want to kill her. That's the last thing I want to do. She's far from annoying.

We're about a block away from our place. "Could you stop whimpering? It's annoying" I say looking back at her. She has a look of distressed written all over her face. "Tch."

I look back forward, and slow down my pace. As much as I want to get home, I need to be careful with her. Her father won't be too pleased. Fuck her father.

Y/N shivers next me. She doesn't have a damn coat. The hell?
"Here" I say while taking off my winter coat. She gives me a look of shock. Sure, it's not something that I normally do, but letting her freeze isn't something I want her to do right now. She'll get sick.

Y/N takes my coat slowly before putting it on her. I give her a glance, before going back to my thoughts.

"Now, son, you're going to take Y/N as your wife when you become of age. Right now, age 16 is not the time."

I give my father a look of disgust. "What the fuck, old man? You want me to marry someones daughter of one of your friends?"

My father grabs the collar of my suit. "Don't you give me that tone" he growls. I look at him in the eyes. His eyes are the same color as mine. Gold, a color to fear.


He lets go, making me stumble backwards. "Now, I want you to go in that room and make her yours. Act how any other man would. Make me proud" my father explains while pointing to the door of the room. On cue, the doors open, telling me to enter.

As I do, I see Y/N. She's beautiful. Her E/C eyes go amazing with her
H/C hair. But she doesn't show any emotions towards my entrance.

I walk over to her, picking up her hand, kissing her knuckles. " Hi there, Y/N. I'm Aito Yamamoto. I hope we can do some good together" I say pulling away, and leaving a smile on my face. Still, nothing from her.

She slides her hand back to her side. Nothing, silence. No "Hello" or "Nice to meet you". So, I keep talking.

"I do have to say, Y/N, you are very beautiful." That I mean. She is very beautiful. She looks over at me just the same as before. Emotionless.

Her father, had made his way over to a chair in the corner of the room. I must not have noticed he moved. While he is there, Y/N and I stand awkwardly in the middle of the room. Silence. Eventually, Y/N speaks.

"Am I done here?" she asks while looking at her father. He waved her off, indicating she can. Y/N walks by me, but I brush my hand on her arm, which makes her stop in her tracks to look at me. "Can't wait~" I coo. She gives me a forced smile and walks out the room, leaving her father and I in the room.

"You know," her father starts, "I hope to god you keep her in check. She is a wild girl." He gets up from his chair and makes his way over to the mini bar on the other side of the room.

"She can't seem to do anything right, just like her mother. Women aren't supposed to not do anything." He pours some liquid into a glass.

He looks back me. "I want you to make sure you keep her in check. Beat her if you have to. As long as it's not bad enough to kill her."

What kind of father is this? Who treats women like this? What the fuck is wrong with these people...I don't want to hurt anyone....

"Um...yes, Sir."

"I'm going to check up on you about every month. To see how things are going."


He walks back to his chair and takes a seat yet again. "I have an apartment ready for the both of you. You'll move into it about next week."

So, my father and her father both want me to move in with Y/N, marry her, and then beat the living shit out of her because if I don't...then what?

"Sir," I say, "with all due respect, why do I have to beat her? She hasn't done anything..."

"Because, she's something else. There is something about her...something isn't right."

I don't know what to say, whatever this is has just fucked me up. I'm being forced to treat a poor girl like shit.

My father comes in. "Hello, my friend. I hope you don't mind me taking my son away. We have a family party to go to." With that, my father grabs me by the arm and pulls me away.

He drags me out of the room, and leads me out of the house. The warm air hits me in the face, making me sweat instantly. Being summer is a pain sometimes. My father stops dragging me when we get to the car. We both hop in.

"Father, why? Why do I have to beat her if she doesn't do what I say?"

He looks over at me, with sweat running down his face. "Because...I- don't worry about it. If you don't, shit will happen. Understand?"

I nod, not saying a word.

We make it to the building with our place. I open the door for Y/N as I feel the warm air hit my face. We take the elevator. Y/N doesn't make eye contact with me, she stays silent. God damn it. Why...why? I don't want her to be afraid of me. It's bad enough cameras are everywhere in the damn place. They can see everything. If I don't do what I'm told, something will happen...but what?

The elevator door opens and I let
Y/N out first. Our place is the first one to the left, so it's not that far of a walk down. I grab my keys out of my pocket and unlock the door.

I go in, and take off my shoes. Y/N does the same, but puts my coat back on the hanger. I walk out to the balcony, and take out a pack of cigarettes. I light one, and enjoy the relaxation I get from it. I hear Y/N make her way to the kitchen, knowing that she had to cook dinner.

"Don't worry about it. We'll get take out" I say while waving my hand. The noise stops. She moves again, but then a door shuts. Most likely our bed room, since the noise came from the left. Please, get rest.

I look out on the city. The sun sets in the distance, making the buildings black. It was a breathtaking sight.

Making me jump, I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. I take it out, and see it was a text message.

Meet me in the nearest cafe tomorrow at 7.

I sigh. More shit I have to deal with.

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