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Aito's POV

"I'm not going to be home for dinner tomorrow. I have to meet someone." Y/N looks up at me. Her E/C eyes look into mine. My heart hurts. Everytime she looks at me, its the same expression. Fear, confusion, hurt. I want it to be other than those things. I want it to be love, and comfort. But that's never going to happen.

After a few seconds, I stand up from the couch. I make my way over to the door. Grabbing my coat, a flowery scent comes off. With just her wearing if for less than an hour, her scent is already on my coat. I shake it off and put it on.

"I'll be back. I'm going to get us something to eat. Don't do anything fucking dumb" I say opening the door and walking out. I stand in the hallway for a bit, spacing out.

"Ah, over here!" I look over to where the voice had called. I see her father in the corner of the bar, waving at me to come over. I walk over to where he is, my stepping slow and steady.

The closer I get, the more that I see that he's on the point of being drunk. He must have gotten here way too early if he had this much to drink already.

I get to the table and take a seat across from him. I lean back in the chair, crossing my legs. "What is this about?"

"Well," he puts down his drink, "I wanted to check up. Has she done anything out of the ordinary?"

I give him a look of confusion. Out of the ordinary? Like what? "What is that supposed to mean? It would be nice to know what is going on. How am I supposed to know why I'm doing this if I have not a damn idea what is happening?" Not even ten minutes in, my blood starts to boil.

He sighs, looking at me with a serious look. "Fine, but hear me out."

"Tch, whatever."

He chuckles at my response. "Y/N, is not like other people. She is a very rare person. She, from what we know, is able to move objects without touching them."

I look at him with a frown.

"But," he continues, "she is unable to use her power when she is worn out. Her power started when she was thirteen or so. Since then, she is unable to have control over that power. She was making things float and do all sorts of things without her wanting to. It started to get dangerous. So, we gave her a drug to forget about her power. She has no memory about it. Up until now, we had to keep her worn out so the power wouldn't start up again."

So, Y/N has the power to move things on their own, but in order to keep it tamed, she has to be beaten? I straighten myself in my seat, leaning over the table. "So, you're telling me, that your dumb ass couldn't find someone to help her?! You just delete her memory about the power she has, and beat the shit out of her because you don't want her to mess things up?! And what is my part in all this?!" At this point, I've blown up. The sick bastard.

"Shh, you're making a scene" he whispers, looking around us. How much I don't care.

He sighs. "I know how you must feel. We tried looking for someone who could help her, but we couldn't. So, we did what we did. With your father and I being friends, I told him about it. Since I'm not going to be around forever, someone has to keep Y/N in her place. Making sure that she doesn't go over. This is why we are having both of you marry."

I get up from my seat. "I've had enough of your sick games, you piece of shit. Father in-law or not, I'm not going to be doing this forever."

I turn away from him, and walk to the door. I can hear him trying to call me back, but I ignore him. The first time having a meeting with him and this is the shit that he gives me? Bullshit.

I shake my head, pieces of my hair fall on my face. I don't bother to move them, not caring. "Fuck this..." I mumble making my way to the elevator. I get in, and press the button to take me to the ground floor. Ever since the first time I had a meeting with him, all he ever does is ask about her. Not how I'm feeling. He doesn't seem to know how bad it really is. Seeing Y/N like this, it hurts me. This is not how I wanted my life to turn out. But...what if she finds out her power? What if...

The elevator doors open and I walk out, trying not to run into other people trying to get on. I make my way over to the doors leading out to the city. I take ahold of the handle, and push.


It's my father...

I sit on the edge of the couch, staring at the notification on Aito's phone. I scroll through other messages sent by him.

It's time to meet again, when are you open?

I have swim practice all week. I don't have a lot of time.

Make time, I have important things to tell you.

Has anything been happening to Y/N lately?


All of the messages are all about meetings...about me. What it looks like anyway. I put the phone back on the table next me. Standing up from the couch, I make my way over to the balcony. I shiver as I open up the sliding door, and step out, looking out over the city. The sun is almost gone for the night. An orange light can be seen on the horizon, making the buildings look black.

I hug myself, trying to stay warm. Why I'm out here, I have no clue, but it's calming. Why is father caring about me? He never does...

Anger starts to boil inside of me after a few minutes. The thought of my father giving two shits about me, after all this time, makes me want to punch a wall. I look down, seeing people walk the sidewalk for dinner, or just coming back from work. I look further down the street, and I see a pastel blonde hair man walking out of the bakery two buildings down. The bakery down the street is a family owned business. They're goods are amazing, even the little dinners they premake are amazing. It's very rare that we get it.

I clench my hands in a fist. Why Aito?

I let out a groan in frustration, letting my emotions get to me. I get out of the cold, and make my way over to the couch. I sit down, arms crossed, frustrated. After a few minutes of sitting there, the front door opens with Aito coming in with a bag of food. He looks up at me after shutting the door, and gives me a look of fear.

I give him a look of confusion, but suddenly disappears when the sound of glass breaking is heard.

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