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Ikuya's POV

Practice finally lets out. Out of all the other days, today has been pretty hard. Everyone is working hard, but it's not the same. There's just something off. Ever since Aito joined the team, and showed what he could do, he's been changing the whole team. The team would always bring up Aito. Aito this, and Aito that. It's a never ending cycle. Not only that, but Aito doesn't know how to shut up about his girlfriend. Half of the team is already over him, and I'm part of that half.

I go inside the locker room, and clean up. I go to the showers to rinse off the pool water. The warm water burns my skin, but I don't complain. I calms me down, lets me think. But after a while, I get out, feeling sick.

I change into what I had on before practice. A black pair of jeans, and a white t-shirt. Everyone keeps saying how depressing I look in it, but I honestly don't care. It was the first thing that I put on that looked decent.

Putting on my club coat, I grab my bag and head up the stairs to the vending machines. I've been really looking for something to keep me going for the rest of the day. I plan on heading out later, to catch a breather.

Opening up the door, I catch a look at a girl sitting on the bench next to the vending machine. Isn't she Aito's girlfriend?

I make eye contact with her E/C eyes, but only for a second. I walk over to the vending machine and look at the options. Hmm...do I want something calming, and bubbly? Oh, fuck it. I'll do this one.

I insert coins into the machine, and type in the numbers for a caffeinated soda. The flavor, however, I didn't care to look. I don't care what it is at this point.

As the machine does its thing, I look over to the girl on the bench. She sits there, awkwardly. Her hands are in her lap, and her head down. She's quiet for being Aito's girlfriend.

"Aren't you Aito's girlfriend?" I ask, still looking at her. She turns her head towards me. The look on her face is shock, but a bit of fear. Why does she look scared?

"Y-yeah" she responds, then looking back down at her hands.

I bend down to pick up the soda out of the vending machine. The coldness of the soda numbs my hand, but I don't care. "Y/N isn't it? Y/N L/N? Isn't your father the owner to some big company?"

She looks back up at me, with the same expression as before. I put my right hand in my coat pocket, while the other has ahold of my drink.


Other than the fear, she's kinda cute.

I give off a small laugh. "Aito talks about you a lot, to the point where it's annoying."

There's something about her. Something that I can't put my finger on. She's full of fear every time I talk to her. It's like she's nervous about something. Is she scared about Aito seeing us talk? Being the person Aito is, he seems pretty revolted around her. Like, she's something big for him. But every guy should feel that about their girlfriend...right?

All of a sudden, the door opens to the pool. "Hey, Y/N! Thanks for waiting for me, babe."

I look over at Aito as he comes over to the both of us. He smiles his usual smile. Something about that smile makes me cringe. It leave chills over my body, as if it's fake.

"Oh, hey, Ikuya. Well, thanks for keeping Y/N busy for me while I was cleaning up."

I open up my drink about to take a sip. "Yeah, sure."

"Anyway, we have to get going. I'll see you tomorrow at practice!" Aito sudden says as he grabs Y/N by the arm and drags her to the entrance of the building. I give her a straight face, but she looks back at me. The face she makes, however, is in pain.

When they leave, I make my way outside of the school. The cold air hits my face, as I make my way across the street. There's a bench right outside the school that I go to every day after practice to meet Hiyori. Him and I usually go to a cafe to hang out for a bit.

I make my over to the bench, and sit down. It's cold at first, but warms up after a bit. I take out my phone and my earbuds. Music helps me think, gets me focused for what may happen next. I put in my earbuds, and play something. I'm not really picky, as long as it's not hard rock.

The music fills my ears as I close my eyes. I have the music loud enough for me to hear, but not too loud in case someone were to say something to me.

"Do you understand?"

I open my eyes, to see who had said that. I look straight ahead of me. Aito and Y/N stand there with Aito towering over Y/N. Y/N on the other hand, looks down, having her hair cover her face.

I paused my music, wanting to know what is going on. But nothing happens, other than Aito turning his gaze and looking at me. I make eye contact with him. He gives me a look of disgust when Y/N raises her head to see what Aito was doing. She follows his gaze and looks at me. Her face fills with shock.

Aito grabs Y/N's hand and drags her away. I look at them until I am no longer able to see them.

"Hey, sorry for taking a while. I hope I- hey, what's wrong?"

I snap out of it, and look at who was talking. Hiyori looks down at me with a look of concern on his face.

"Nothing. Lets go" I say, getting up from the bench and walking to the cafe.

What is going on between those two?

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