» 14

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The time going down in the elevator, there was silence. Neither my father or I spoke to one another, knowing how our relationships stands.

I stand in one of the corners, staying far away from him as much as possible. I can see him looking at me here and there. His breath spreading around the room, the smell of alcohol.

I try to not to breath in the smell, but getting light headed isn't something I need right now.

The door of the elevator opens, and I don't move. I let my father do all the work, having him direct me where he wants me.

He grabs my arm, light, but still harsh. We walk into the lobby, a few people walking around with others, some in the couches waiting...waiting for something good to happen.

One of the body guards sees us coming, and opens the door for us. I look at the man, seeing his name tag. Chimon. Oh my god...

"My lady, you dropped this."

"Thank you, Chimon!"

I look at him, sadness in his eyes, and regret. He gives me a smile, but a sad one. Almost as if he's sorry.

The cold air of the night send a shiver down my spine. My fathers grip on my never gets lighter, more tight as we move closer to the car he had come here in.

Chimon follows behind us, making sure we are safe. The police cars still park around the building, flashers still on, and people wondering what's going on. Little do they know.

Chimon walks faster, cutting in front of us to open up the car door for us. My fathers grip is gone as he lets go.

"Get in" he sharply commands. I do as he says, getting in the back seat, leather seats rubbing against my clothes.

My fathers gets in after me, the seat sinking, making me slowly slide to him. I move back to my side of the car, keeping my distance.

Chimon gets in the drivers seat, starting the car. The engines buzz gives me a burst of anxiety, fully realizing what's happening.

Chimon pulls out onto the road, taking me home to my worst nightmare.

The car ride is a long one, having a mansion in the middle of nowhere. We're half way through before my father breaks the silence.

"You know, Y/N, this might actually be better for you. To come home."

I don't say anything back, scared to say a nasty insult.

I can feel my anger coming out of me, face heating up. I can see Chimon looking the mirror, looking at me, giving me the same small smile.

I look away from his gaze, not wanting to get too emotional.

My father stirs in his seat, clearly uncomfortable with the silence in the car. There's no music, just the sound of people breathing.

Suddenly, I feel a pair of hands come down on either side of my arms. I'm pulled aggressively to my father. He shakes me as he looks at me with sudden anger.

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