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Aito's POV

Y/N stands up from the table, clearly upset. "B-bathroom" her voice stutters. She makes her way to the back of the bar.

"Ha, that little shit, still weak even when she acts tough. Wonder how she will take the news of her mother's death" Y/N's father speaks in a tone of carelessness, raising his drink to his lips. I look over at him, a face of disbelief. The way he speaks, not giving two shits about her.

I smirk while running a hand through my hair. Her father notices. "What are you smirking about?" he snaps, taking away his glass from his mouth.

I lean on the table, arms crossed in front of my chest. My face, full of anger, a dangerous thing to look at. I have not once been so angry before. Other than the time I was brought into this mess. Never had I had once wanted this for myself. But here I am.

Y/N's father's face goes from smug to fear in a matter of seconds. I have my weight on the edge of the table, causing for the table directions to slowly slide towards me.

"I want you to listen to me, right fucking now. I don't know what you have planned, but I will no-"

"HEY!!" I growl quietly as I get interrupted. I look behind me, seeing the people that had made the sudden outburst. I see a male stand up. He wears a white shirt, pink at the bottom. Hair a dark teal. He holds out the bottom of his shirt in his hands. Looking over at a man with pink hair, he tells him something, but then starts walking this way. I look into his eyes. Oh, it's Ikuya. I didn't notice he was here...

Ikuya walks past the table where I am sitting, not noticing me. He goes in the back of the bar, where Y/N had gone. Y/N...

I look back over to the asshole. Instead of fear on his face, he's back with the smug, but with a smirk. I frown. "What's up with you?" I snap.

He starts to laugh, making me confused. "Aha, I hope you enjoyed your time with her. But she's coming back home, with me. If you can't take care of you, then I'll take her back in."

My frown is gone. Now, I don't know what my face reads. I feel a sudden burst of emotions. Anger, hate, fear, happiness...


"I know, this must be hard," he laughs again, "but she's coming home after she comes back."

I put a hand over my face, rubbing slowly. I think, almost too much. As much as I want this to be over, I just can't let her go...not here, not now.

I move my hand away from my face. "Why can't you just help her? Why can't you just help her with her power?!" My voice starts to raise at every chance I can talk. People start eyeing our table, but I don't care.

Y/N's father starts laughing more hysterically. I slam my fist on the table, making the people inside the bar go silent, again.

"You're not taking her, you sick fuck." I stand up from the table, and make my way over to the back of the bar, where Y/N had gone.

My shoes click each step I take. People start chatting once again, as if nothing had happened. I turn down a semi-dark hallway, doors lining the sides, each labeling them as bathrooms. I go towards the women's bathroom, but stop when I grab the handle. What am I doing? I can't go in here...ah, fuck it.

I push open the door. Thankfully no one else is inside. I check each stall, every corner and Y/N is nowhere in here. "Fuck..." I make my way over to the door, but before I can open it, someone comes in. They stare at me, not making a sound.

"I-um..., excuse me..." I say quietly as I squeeze past them. I can imagine the look on their face, but my mind is elsewhere.

I stand in the middle of the hallway. Where did she go? I turn my head to the right, seeing a door that leads outside. I walk over, and open it. The cold air hits my face, sending a chill down my spine.

I step out, shutting the door behind me. An alley...

Looking around me, I see boxes, trash, and tons of dirt. If you listen close enough, you can hear the sound of rats. "Shit, where could she be."

I pull out my phone, going to Y/N's contact. Ring...ring...ring...

She doesn't pick up. "Y/N?! Jesus, where are you?! Look, I know what your father said was shit, but you can't just go running away!" I hang up, ending the message. I go towards one of the walls of the alley, sliding down, sitting on the filthy floor. I rest my head against the wall, closing my eyes.

Y/N...I'm such a fuck up. What am I going to do?

I open my eyes quickly. I hold up my phone once again, scrolling.

I find the app I was looking for. I tap on it, immediately showing a map. In the map, a red dot is in the center.

When I was forced into doing this, Y/N's father had made me use a tracking app in case I were to "lose" her. I had never used it, not until now.

I stand up, still looking at the map. She's not too far. If I run, I'll only take a few minutes.

Without looking away from the screen, I make my way out of the alley. The cold wind picks up, sending another chill run down my spine. "Maybe I shouldn't run..."

I start walking, looking up every so often, checking where I'm going.

A few minutes pass, I look up from my phone, seeing the building where Y/N is supposed to be in. It's an apartment building...how nice.

I keep walking, putting my phone in my pocket. However, as I do so, it starts to vibrate. I take it out, praying it's Y/N. Unfortunately, it was not, but...Ikyua?

I answer the phone, slowly putting it up to my ear. "Hello? Ikuya, what do you want?" I ask with a sharp tone, which was not intended.

"I don't know what the hell is going on with the two of you, but I'm keeping her at my place until you get your shit together. Don't you see what's going on?!" He yells on the other side, hurting my ear. But I deserve it.

"Wait, she's with you?!" He hangs up, not answering my question I have the answer to. I put my phone in my pocket, fumbling as I start to run. Anger starts to make its way into me. Damn you, Ikyua. Always have to make things complicated.

I open the door to the building, looking for Ikyua's name on the mail boxes, trying to find the right apartment.

My eyes wander over name after name. Eventually, I find his name. I waste no time with the elevator as I run towards the stairs. I hastily open the door to the stairs, doubling the steps I take.

Fifth floor...fifth floor, ah ha, there you are...

I take a quick breather, trying to get back my normal breathing. After a second, I open the door to the floor, seeing the apartment door I was looking for.

I storm over to the door, knocking loudly. I hear footsteps coming towards the door. The handle turns, and the door opens. Revealing Ikuya, and his half pink shirt.

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