» 19

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I groan in annoyance with a sudden knock at the door. Looking over, the time reads 6:21 am.

"I got it" I hear Akira say. His steps are heavy, directed. It gives me anxiety, not knowing what to expect for today.

I turn myself to face the door, where the knock had came from. Akira stands before a maid. The maid, however, had nothing to give, almost as though she came to have a conversation.

"Yes, that's the plan. We'll see what happens."

With that, he shuts the door, and turns to me. He startled, but gains back his composure. "You were listen..."

"Not really, I only heard the last two sentences."

He gives off a smirk, making his way back to his bed. He throws himself down, sighing in the process.

He's stressed, but that's making the anxiety worse. "So...what's going to happen..."

There's a groan before a response. "Nothing you need to worry about right now. Go back to sleep."


"Y/N, please. I know you're worried, but I'll tell you later."

I don't say anything, knowing he won't tell me anything. He's one of those people who won't tell anyone anything unless need be.

Even though this is one of those times...

Sighing, I get comfortable, putting the covers over my head. I don't want to sleep, even though I'm tired. I don't want to think, but my head is overthinking.

But it's all a matter of time before it all ends.

Ikuya's POV

It's early, like really early in the morning. My thoughts keep racing.

Is she okay? Will this all work out in the end? What will happen afterwards?

After the police had left, the apartment seemed weird. The atmosphere changed since everything happened.

My phone keeps blowing up from friends, but I just ignore it. I need to keep my thoughts in check.


I look over, seeing a text from someone other than the people I know. Chimon.

Picking up my phone, I open the text thread.

So, we have to head over there around 5. You okay?

Yeah, I'm fine. But I'm for sure coming right?

Uhhh, yeah.

I don't bother texting back, knowing that what he sent, was probably a lie. But we need all the help we can get...right?

Time flies, and the next thing I know, it's almost five.

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