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Ikuya's POV

I stay standing in my own apartment, dumbfounded. She walked out...and I said nothing. I could have stopped her father...but no. I watched as she left.

I grab my hair, pulling on it, the slight pain making my heart hurt even more. The pain of her leaving...pains me.

I close my eyes, squeezing them shut. I see pictures of her in my mind. Her...her sad self making me angry...wanting to fix that...

But no, Aito got her...fuck him.

I feel a hand on my shoulder. I open my eyes, looking through the opening my of fingers. I see two officers, looking at me, sympathetic.

Sighing, I put my hands down, knowing my face is red from my hands.

The officer that had his hand on my shoulder, took his hand back, clearing his throat as he grabs a small note pad and pen from his pocket.

"If you don't mind, we would like I ask you a few questions."

The other officer, standing behind the caring one, looks at me with a straight face, sending a chill down my spine.

"Sure" I say in a low voice. I look at the officers tags. Banko, the caring one, and Chimon...the creepy one.

"Great" says Banko. He starts to write something on the note pad, and looks back up at me.

"So," Banko starts, "what happened?"

"I-" I stop, cutting myself off. I look over at Chimon, seeing him giving me a look of suspicion.

What happened? What happened is that she just...how to I tell them something like that? She never said I couldn't say...but if I do...what would happen?

I look away from Chimon, smiling a little bit. "Aha, sorry. Had something in my throat."

Banko waves me off. "No need to be sorry. We understand."

"Y/N, the girl with me, was meeting with someone..."

I told them everything. Aito and
Y/N's relationship, her coming here from the bar, along with Aito coming in.

The only thing I didn't say was how Y/N hit Aito with the glass. Replacing the truth with something more realistic.

Banko finishes writing and looks up at me. All this time Chimon, was just looking at me closely.

"Alright, thank you for your time. From what it seems, it was self defense. But we'll talk about legal actions on another day."

Banko puts out his hand, indicating for me to take it. I slowly take it, as he does the job, shaking my arm up and down a bit.

Taking his hand back, he looks back at Chimon. "Are you good here?" he asks him.

"No, not yet."

Banko laughs a little, turning around giving him his full attention. "Alright, I'll be back at the station."

With that, Banko leaves the room, walking out into the hallway, leaving only Chimon and I, only make me realize that the other officers had left.

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