› › epilogue

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Chimon's POV

"That wasn't part of the plan."

I rush to the front, knowing what he's trying to do.

"Wait, what?!" Y/N yells after me.

"Stay by the car, and protect yourself!" I yell back, before entering the house.

It's quite. Strangely quite. Like no one is living here, did the staff leave already?

I make my way up the stairs, heading to my brothers room. However, before I can even get there, there's a loud bang in the same direction.


I sprint to the room, opening the door. In the room, my brother points a gun at Akira, who is enraged. The room, on the other hand, is a wild fire.

My lungs fill up with smoke, causing my to cough.

"Akira?! What are you doing?!" I yell in between coughs.

Akira doesn't cough or anything. He stands his ground. "Giving this fuck a taste of his own medicine."

"S-stay back!" my brother yells.

But all Akira can do is laugh. "You really think that a gun could kill me?"

He shoots, but the bullet hovers in the air, then flys back, hitting my brother instead.

My brothers leans agains the wall, hand on his shoulder, weeping in pain. Even though my brother has done some shitty stuff, this has gotten too far.

"Akira, s-stop."

But he doesn't. He still stands his ground, watching the suffering.

However, my brother pulls out a small round object out of his pocket.

"Shit! Akira we need to leave now!"

This time, I walk over, having my shirt cover mouth. I move away from the fire, knowing this place is the end.

I grab Akira by the arm, and run out to door.

He fights back, but I keep him with me. "What are you doing?!! I'm not done!"

"I don't care, this place is going to blow!!"

We rush down the stairs, seeing that everyone had already gotten out because of the fire.

The front door is right there, and we don't have to bother opening it, being opened when I went in.

"Run!!" I yell to Y/N and Ikuya. They both run, to no where in particular, just away from the house.

But as Akira and I exit the house, a amount of pressure is released. My ears start to ring, and everything goes back.


Ikuya and I run, just sprint across the front lawn. We can hear the yells coming from both Chimon and Akira to keep running, and we do. But then there's an explosion.

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