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Shimogami University. The closest college that I am able to go to. I sometimes wonder why I was even allowed to go to university. From what I have been told, being a maid for Aito is what my job will be for the rest of life. But I guess not. Well, on the other hand, being forced to take cooking classes and other house care things, it makes sense as to why they had sent me here. Not that I am complaining, it gets me away from everything...except for seeing Aito.

Seeing him walk in the same halls as me and acts as though nothing happens outside, pisses me off. He talks to all his friends as though he is the best person in the world, but all he does is treat people like shit. Being in the swim team, everyone thinks he's the best. But what do I know? I'm just a "worthless thing".

I make my way to my first class, which happens to be a cooking class. The class isn't that bad, other than the fact that everyone thinks I'm a creep because of how quiet I am. But whatever with them.

With the rooms being gym sized, I walk up the stairs, going to the top. I sit in my usual seat, next to the wall, in the row where no one sits. It's nice, not having other students sit in the same row. It gives me some space.

After a few minutes had passed, more and more students walk in taking their seats. The room gets loud quickly with everyone talking to friends. Being the loner I am, I sit with my back against the wall, my feet on the seat next to me, with a book in my hands. I never get a chance to read in my own time, so at the beginning of classes is really the only time I can.

"Alright, to your seats, please. Let's continue from where we left off yesterday."

With my classes done for the day, I make it over to the pool. Aito, being the person he is, forces me to watch him during practice. He claims that it makes him look better having me around so he can brag about our relationship. I, however, don't see anything in this "relationship". All I see is a worthless thing making me his slave.

I don't get into the room with the pool inside, just looking out the window that overlooks it. Swimming had always given me interest, but my father never did care what I liked and didn't. He wanted me to be the daughter he so wanted. Little Miss Perfect.

I see Aito come out of the locker room with the other men on his team. His honey toned skin, pastel blond hair, and his golden eyes is something that is breath taking...for someone seeing him for the first time, anyway.

Aito makes his way to the rest of his team. They all surround their captain. Eventually, Aito notices my gaze, and looks at me from the window. He gives off a devilish smirk. Typical.

My eyes trail off to something else, more like someone else. He's the last one out of the locker room. He is muscular, though smaller-framed. His hair is the first thing you notice, being a dark teal. My mouth opens a little bit, admiring him. But quickly close it, feeling Aito's stare from below.

With practice finally ending, I sit on one of the benches, waiting for Aito. When the door opens to the pool, I expect Aito, but Aito doesn't have dark teal hair. It's...him...

I don't want to move, or say anything. He makes eye contact with me, but says nothing. He makes his way over to the vending machines, which happened to be right next to me. He puts in the coins, and types in what he wants. He looks over at me. "Aren't you Aito's girlfriend?"

I turn my head towards his direction, but then instantly look down. "Y-yeah."

He bends down to pick up his drink. "Y/N isn't it? Y/N L/N? Isn't your father the owner to some big company?"

I look back up, he looks at me, one hand in his coat pocket, while the other has his drink.


He gives off a small chuckle. "Aito talks about you a lot, to the point where it's annoying."

Why is he even talking to me? If Aito sees me with him h-

"Hey, Y/N! Thanks for waiting for me, babe."

Aito comes towards the both of us. We both look at him as he has his usual fake smile on his face. Playing "good guy" is something that he does all the time. It's so good that everyone thinks he's the best, but it's nothing like that.
"Oh, hey, Ikuya. Well, thanks for keeping Y/N busy for me while I was cleaning up."

Ikuya, interesting.

"Yeah, sure" Ikuya says while opening up his drink to take a sip.

"Anyway, we have to get going. I'll see you tomorrow at practice!" Aito exclaims as he grabs my arm and pulls me away. I look back at Ikuya, he gives off a straight face. No emotions at all. Me on the other hand, has a face full of pain.

The grip that Aito has on my arm is so tight that my arm is slowly losing feeling. I don't say anything, other than grit my teeth in pain.

Aito drags me to the entrance of the college before letting me go. "I don't want you talking to any other guy other than me. Do you understand?" He glares at me. His golden eyes piercing me. Making me feel like nothing. Making me feel like a speck of dust. Someone that should be dead and removed from this earth.

I nod with tears forming in my eyes. I look down, allowing my hair to cover my face. Having the public see me like this is bad for me and him. People don't want to see a man beating up his girl. It all reflects back to the man, making him getting all the blame.

I wipe my eyes with my sleeve. Looking back up, I see Aito standing next to me. He's look across the street. I follow his gaze, and it falls on someone with teal hair. Ikuya.

"Lets go" Aito says as he grabs my hand, and walks to the way to our apartment.

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