» 01

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Beep, beep, beep...

I slam my hand down on my alarm clock. 6:30 am...perfect...

"Get up, Aito. We have class" I say, getting out of his grip.

Being forced to marry Aito is one thing, but being forced to share a condo with him is different. Unlike everyone else I know, more like no one I know, has ever been so messy. This man doesn't seem to know how to pick up after himself without a maid...oh wait, that's me.

"Hmmm...a few more minutes..." Aito mumbles inside his pillow.

I let out a heavy sigh. Out of all the men out there, why him?

Getting out of bed, I make my way over to the bathroom. I see my reflection in the mirror. Purple rings around my eyes, bruises on my cheeks, arms and legs, all of which I hide with makeup. The pain with the bruises no longer affect me. Getting beaten by a man in the house is something that you get used to. Women have no reason to complain.

I take off my clothes, revealing more bruises. Opening the glass door to the shower, I step in, turning the water hot enough to burn my skin. Sure, it hurts, but it's nice to have at least something to give a comfortable feeling.

The water hits the bruises, leaving a slight pain here and there, but nothing that I can't deal with. Being beaten by my father when I was little, and now being beaten with my "boyfriend", this is what life has in store for me. Dealing with it is all that I can do.

Turning the water off, I grabbed a towel. I carefully dry myself off, trying not to bump the bruises. I then put on a pair of jeans, with a black turtleneck. Covering up my fragel body so no one sees me like this is harder than you would think. But luckily it's winter.

When it comes to my hair, I leave it a curly mess. But an organized mess. Covering my face with my hair is just like wearing clothing that covers everything. The more things that cover my body, the better.

I walk out of the bathroom, and I see that Aito had gotten out of bed.

Shit, I forgot to make coffee...

"Ah, I see that you finally come out."

At the door to the bedroom stands Aito. His face gives of an evil look. Something is bound to happen. Something that I know I have dealt with before.

I stay silent while looking at him. Staring into his golden eyes, eyes that mean business, and ones that you should fear every time you look into them.

"You didn't make the coffee. You should know what to do every morning, you worthless thing."

He comes towards me, heavy footsteps. So heavy that people downstairs might complain. Aito grabs me by the hair, hard and tight. He pulls on my hair, dragging me to the kitchen. Tears start forming in my eyes at the pain. Then again, I shouldn't be crying. This isn't even the worsts he has done.

Aito uses his strength to throw me against the counter. My side hits the corner, making me cry out in pain. All I do is cry. There is nothing I can do other than let him do something. If I were to pull something, my ass would be dead in a second.

Grabbing my jaw, Aito pulls me close to him. His face almost touching mine. "Now, you listen here. If you don't start doing your shit around here, I'm going to have to teach you to start doing so. I'm only getting started, sweet pea." He grins while letting go of me.


Without hesitation, I do as I am told. I grab my bag by the door, and walk out. I don't think about a coat, all that comes to my mind is getting out.

Pushing the door open to the outside, the cold air hits my face.

Another day in hell.

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