» 09

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Ikuya's POV

"Hey! That's all you ever do is clubs!!" Asahi yells.

"Maybe not yell, there are other people here you know..." Makoto states. I nod. I don't mind being here with everyone, it brings back old memories. I feel at home.

The bell on the door rings. I don't look back to see who, because it's been ringing on and off because of the time of day it is. Being in the evening, people are done with work, and need a break. Even I can relate to it.

I mess with the straw in my water when I get a glimpse of light blonde hair. Aito? Wait, is that Y/N? Behind Aito, I spot Y/N walking close behind him. I keep my eye on the two of them, when I see them going to the back table, where a man has sat for the past hour. He must have been waiting for them.

I feel a nudge on my arm. I look over at the person who had done so. "Hey, are you alright?" The look on Hiyori's face is full concern. I point over at Aito. "Wait...is that Aito? And his girlfriend? Why are they here?" I don't answer, but everyone else's attention at the table has been caught.

"Woah, is that that one guy you both have been talking about?" Asashi's question lingers. No one answers, they just watch. "Don't worry about it, they're probably on a date..." I say. All of the guys nod in agreement, picking up their conversations.

Glancing back to Aito, I see the man grabbing onto his shirt, while Y/N stands there, helpless. As if she is scared. Should I help? No, it's probably nothing.

"Hey, Hiyori. Why do you think-" Before I can finish my question, a bang rings out into the bar. Everyone goes silent and looks over to the back table. The silence doesn't last long, chatter starts again. "Damn, there must be something going on over there" Kisumi comments.

Hiyori draws his attention back at me. "What was it that you wanted to ask?"

I look back at him, confused at first, but then realizing that I was going to ask. "Uh, oh. I was going to ask why you think they're here."

He frowns at my question. "I don't know, but don't worry ab- HEY!!" A pink liquid runs on the table, over my lap. I stand up, my white shirt now pink. "Hey, what the fuck dude?" I give eye contact to Kisumi.

The pinked haired man gives a look of sorry. "Shit, I'm sorry. I didn't mean too-"

I wave him off. "I'll go get napkins" Haruka says, walking off with Makoto behind him. "I'll be back, I'm going to clean up." I walk off, with my new pink shirt.

"OW, that hurt..." Kisumi's screams can be heard as I walk to the back of the bar. "Then watch what you're doing, dumbass!" Asashi yells back. I smile. Those two, I swear.

I walk in the bathroom, making my way over to the sink. This is not going to come out. I ring out my shirt, getting the rest of the drink out. My hands become sticky with the drink drying on my hands. I put my hands under the water from turning it on, washing them. The warm water burns my cold hands, suddenly warming them up. I turn the water off, and dry my hands, not caring about the shirt. I'm going to have to change.

I throw the paper towel in the trash before opening the door, seeing a woman walk out to the exit. The H/C hair catches my eye, and coat. Brown, but worn. Y/N? I look back to the table, Haruka and Makoto are cleaning up the mess, while the other two beat up Kisumi for his mistake.

Without thinking, I follow Y/N out the door. By the time I get to the exit, she's already outside. I open the door, the cold air hits my body, my shirt still wet. I shiver, cold. I look around. To my right, I see Y/N on the ground, crying. I walk over to her, and kneel down in front of her.

"Hey, are you okay?"

She jumps at my voice. She looks up, eyes full of tears. Those beautiful E/C eyes, no more the same. Pain is all that can be seen. She doesn't talk, she stays silent. Sighing, I put my hand on her shoulder, rubbing it, trying to comfort her. She tenses up.

"Look, I don't know what's going on with you and Aito, but it doesn't look good. You look like you're hurting when you are with him."

At that moment, she sobs. Shit. "Hey, don't cry..." I put my other hand on her other shoulder.

"Y-you don't understand..."

She's hurt, really bad. Jesus... "You're right, I don't. But I also don't want to see someone like this. I want to help..."

She smiles at my comment. It's not a normal smile, this smile is full of pain. "N-no o-one will help."

I softly grab her chin, making her look into my eyes. "Stop saying that. Look, come walk with me back to my place. I need to change my shirt. I can make you some tea or something."

Her eyes widen. "What about..."

I shake my head. "Don't worry about him. I'll deal with him. Come on.." I grab her hands, helping her up. She stands up with shaky legs, eventually leaning against the wall. I put my hand behind her back, rubbing it in circles. Damn, I hate seeing people like this.

"Lets go." I take my hand back and lead the way, Y/N slowly following. I grab my phone out of my pocket and dial a number. I put the phone up to my ear. "Hey, why are you calling me? Aren't you in the bathroom?"

"No, I'm heading home to change. I'm probably going to stay home for the night."

"Oh, okay- HEY, WE JUST CLEANED THAT!! Shit, sorry. Get some rest, I'll see you tomorrow at practice." Hiyori hangs up before I do. I sigh as I put my phone back in my pocket. I look behind me, and still see Y/N following. I stop, waiting for her. When she makes it over to me, her face is emotionless.

"So, what kind of warm drink do you want?"

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