» 05

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"Don't worry about it. We'll get take out."

I stand in the kitchen, holding a pan, in shock. Aito, out of all people, has never told me to forget about making dinner. Usually, he always wants something homemade. With me taking cooking classes, my skills have improved by a lot. My professors say that I'm so great at cooking that if I wanted to, I could open my own restaurant. Sadly, that isn't what I want to do.

After what seemed like an hour, I put the pan where I had gotten it from, and make my way over to Aito and I's bedroom. I shut the door behind me, and sit down on the corner of the bed, my arms resting on my legs, face in my hands.

Why is he being so...nice? He has not once gave me his coat or say not to make dinner.

The thoughts continue to run through my head. It makes me confused. So confused it makes me angry. I stand up from the bed, hot tears running down my cheeks, and make my way to the bathroom. I shut the door behind me, more like slam the door.

The amount of anger that I have fills me to the top. Angry at how miserable my life is and the people that make it so. Aito, my father...his father.

I walk out of the room. I can still feel Aito's touch from earlier. The way he brushed his hand on my arm makes me cringe. He showed no sympathy, no nothing. Just another smug. Nothing more that just a horny smug. All he wants is just me, he doesn't want to know the real me. But I don't even know the real me. Is there even a me?

When I shut the door behind me, I look back to see a man leaning against the wall. He has the same hair as Aito's, a pastel blonde. Down the hall, you can see my mother, on the ground, crying. She must have walked out of the room while no one was paying attention. I don't remember her doing so.

I walk over to where my mother is. "Hmm...Y/N...right?"

I stop, and look over to the man leaning against the wall. "Yes" I say. The man chuckles. "Thought so."

I don't say anything else. If you speak without being told to, no matter the man, something is most likely going to happen. "You know, Aito is a good kid."

I stay where I am. "Yes, sir."

"Aha, yeah." He gets off the wall and makes his way over to me. I look into his eyes, the same color of Aito's, gold. His footsteps out loud, but I can still hear my mothers whimpers. I want to help her, but her and I both know that I am unable to.

I stand my ground as the man is in front of me, towering over me. His golden eyes are something else, not like Aito's. His are soft, calming, but that still have the same sharpness. "I want you to know something before you go over to your mother." I nod. He grins. "Aito isn't like others. He's different. All the things he may do, is all an act. You'll know when it's not."

I lean over the sink as the memory comes back to me. You'll know when it's not. Is this what he means? I shake my head, as I slam my fist on the counter. "Damn it" I say to myself. I look at myself in the mirror. My face is red from the tears that I had shed from earlier. My hair is more of a mess than it was this morning. I look terrible.

Sighing, I start the water in the shower. Taking off my clothes, shivers are sent down my spine. I step into the shower, the hot water instantly burning my skin, but I soon get used to it. I don't do anything, I stand there with the water hitting me. It calms down my anger from before, but some of it stays.

I finally decide to wash up after a long day. It doesn't take me long before I step out drying myself off. I walk out of the steaming hot bathroom to find some clothes. I pull out leggings and an oversized t-shirt. I quickly put them on if Aito were to come in.

I let my wet air dry on it's own, too tired to deal with it. I walk out of the room, but to run into someone. The smell of cigarettes consume me. I look up to golden eyes. "Sorry" I say quietly.

"Tch, whatever. Here, I made you tea." He hands me a mug with hot liquid inside. I slowly take the mug out of his big hands. The warmth of the mug heats up my hands, to the point where it's too hot. I walk over to the living room, and put the mug on the coffee table.

Aito makes his way over and sits down on one of the couches across from me. He rests his head on his hand as he looks over at me in a ball in the corner of the couch, with the mug in my hands. We don't say anything, we enjoy the silence, at least I think so.

To break the silence, Aito clears his throat. "I'm not going to be home for dinner tomorrow. I have to meet someone." I look at him, his gold eyes stare right back at me. I nod as my answers. I don't question where he goes.

He gets up from the couch, and makes his way over to the door. He puts on the coat that he gave me earlier. "I'll be back. I'm going to get us something to eat. Don't do anything fucking dumb" he says as he walks out the door.

The place goes quiet. I sit in my corner with the mug in my hands. Vrrrrm. I look over to where the vibration went off. The table next to me catches my eyes as I see a bright white light. Aito's phone. I take the phone off the table to see why his phone had gone off. What I notice first is not the notification, but the picture he has set as his wallpaper. It's a picture of us. It was our first date, both made to smile. My hair was covering my face, hiding my true emotion. Aito had his hand on my head, messing up my hair. The background was city streets. We look like a happy couple here, but it's nothing like that.

I shake my head away from the picture, and look at the notification. It's from my father...

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