» 18

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It's been days since I've been here. And at this point, my hope for getting out is almost at zero. Even with Akira's plan, I don't think it'll work.

"If I can call him-"

"Him? Akira...who are you even talking about?"

He sighs, frustrated. "Jesus! Don't you listen?"

I stare at him, anger spreads throughout my body. My face becomes hot, hands in a fist.

I stand up from my place on the bed. "Listen? Fucking listen? You haven't even contacted me, you haven't said anything about what's happening. And yet, you think I should know!" I shout on the top of my lungs. Could others hear me? Most likely.

Akira looks at me, a shocked expression on his face. He had yet seen me yell. Then again, we haven't seen each other in a while.

He looks down at his feet, guilt consuming him. "I'm sorry, I'm just trying to get you out-"

I sigh, sitting back down on the bed. I put my face in my hands, hiding the hot tears running down my face. "It's okay-" I mumble.

I feel the bed sink next to me. A arm coming around my back, pulling me to my right. I rest my head on his chest, tears still coming straight down.

Akira rubs my back in circles. "Let me explain what's going to happen. Trust me."

I stare at him in shock. Who is coming?

"Are you sure this is going to work?"

Akira smiles. "It will. We'll have you out at least tomorrow night."

I give off a small smile at the thought of leaving. However, it slowly fades. I look down, smile gone, deep in thought,

Akira notices, coming over, putting a hand on my shoulder. "What's wrong?"

I look up at him, staring into his purple eyes, white hair messy, covering some. "What about you?"

His eyes widen, but go back to how they were. He gives off a sad smile, almost as though he knew to point I was going to ask.

"Don't worry about it. I'll get out when you do" he says with a smile.

I smile back, but hiding how I really feel. He won't come, and I know he won't.

Knock, knock.

We both snap out attention to the door, hearing the two knocks at the door of the room.

Not saying anything, the door unlocks. The sound of each click, the key finally making its way free.

The door opens, and a pair of nice shoes step in first. A scruffy looking man enters the room, dressed, yet a mess. My father.

Akira and I's expression shifts. Both in a frown, anger flowing through me.

My father seems out of place, not knowing why he's here. He scratches the back of his neck.
"Y/N? Can I talk to you?"

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