» 13

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My father.

I stand by the window, looking down at my father. I start to shake, feeling fear run throughout my body.

Why is he here? Wasn't he at the bar?

Ikuya notices my body shaking. "What's wrong?"

I look away from the window, looking into his amber eyes. From what his face reads, my fear is easy to see.

"My father...h-he came with the p-police..." I stutter. My body becomes numb, goosebumps coving every inch of me.

I don't want to go back...but do I have a choice?

I don't move where I am. My knees lock, making me dizzy. I stare at my father until he is no longer in my view. He's in.

I unlock my knees, having my blood flow. Ikuya notices my distress. All the things that had happened in a matter of a few hours makes it hard to believe it even happened.

Having to find out that I'm not normal, to meeting my father, and then what had happened a few minutes ago.

I move away from the window on shaky legs. Aito is still out on the floor, the police will get to him, I hope.

But do I hope? Even though he had beaten me, it wasn't something he wanted to do. He was forced, so...

I feel a pair of arms wrap around me. The warmth fills me, making me melt into the embrace.

I look to the side, seeing a strand of teal hair mixing with my H/C hair. Ikuya rests his head on top of mine.

"Don't worry..." he whispers, trying to calm me down. Although we both know it won't be okay. Going with my father is not something I want to do. Relive past memories...

I pull away from his hug, preparing myself for my future. I turn around to face him, a kind, but concerned look on his face.

"Thanks for everything. Really. But I don't think my life was supposed to great..." My voice is low, almost embarrassing to say.

Ikuya opens his mouth to say something, but a rush of footsteps head in.

"Is everyone okay?!" they yell, but with control. I turn around, and see about five police officers inside the apartment. Two of them go over to Aito, who is still knocked out.

"Is this the guy?" one of them ask. I open my mouth to say something, but was interrupted.

"Ah, yes. That's him alright. Was always a disappointment." By the door, stands my father, a smug look on his face. I make eye contact with him, and he smirks at my fear.

I feel a hand take mine, giving it a squeeze. I look to my right, seeing Ikuya stand next to me.

My father walks over to us, moving away from the other officers by Aito. By the time he reached a good length away, he finally notices Ikuya.

He looks at him, disgust on his face. I look over at Ikuya, his face is full of anger, knowing what my father had done to me.

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