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I look at him from the doorway, feeling my eyes giving way to the water works.

Akira looks at me, just as shocked as I was. I can see the tears running down his face.

Without thinking, I run over to him, hugging him for dear life. He hugs back without hesitation. He rests his head on my shoulder while I rest mine on his chest.

"Oh my god...I-thought..."

"I know, me too" I say.

"Y/N! No, please don't go!"

I'm dragged away, tear strained face. My cousin, my only friend, gone. Just like that.

He's been living here for as long as I remember. His parents were also busy, but this wasn't really his home. When we were kids, he said that I was the only thing making it feel like it were a home.

But that ended.

We both didn't move, enjoying the moment. However, it had to end at someone point.

I back away, and look into Akira eyes. The purple is brighter than I remember it being. Face red from crying. I put a hand on the side of his face, rubbing a tear off.

"Jesus...you're so..." I start to say but trail off. I take my hand away from his face, putting it back to my side.

Akira eyes trail off to my collar bone. "Where's your number?"

I look at him in shock, off guard. "Oh," I say, rubbing off the makeup, "my father doesn't know about it, or..."

"Aito..." he finishes.

I nod. Akira sighs, ruffling up his wet, white hair. He looks at me, my tired frame. "Jesus, what did they do to you?"

I look at myself, lifting up my arms. Akira walks away, pacing the room.

"Y/N, why are you here? I thought they took you away..."

I watch him as he paces the room, knowing that he isn't too happy about me being here, for a different reason than you may think.

I don't know what to say to him, he's family, and I feel like I'm hiding something from him. Akira stops pacing and goes to his bed, where he lays on it, arm covering his eyes.

On the table next to him, lays a glass of water, which soon floats over to him, in his hand. He sits up, taking a drink. Floating it back to the table, he looks at me, my face full of shock.

"Wha- oh..."

He sighs, running a hand through his hair. "I guess I haven't told you yet."

I give out a small laugh. "I can do it too...it's how I got back in here."

Akira quickly stands up, walking over to me. He puts his hands on either side of me. "Wait...you can too? Is that why...all this time..."

I grab his hand, and pull him to a couch in the corner of the room. I tell him everything. I tell him how my father had drugged me, not making me remember anything. All this time, nothing had come to mind until the accident had happened at the apartment.

Akira looks at his bare feet, trying to process that I had just explained to him. It's been confusing for the both of us, finally meeting again after for so long.

He stands up, running a hand through his hair. A sigh comes from between his lips. "I guess you probably need some answers too."

Akira's POV

After all this time, I would have thought being alone was how my life would have turned out. But, I guess not.

My parents always hated me, finding me as a fuck up. I was a genetic mistake. Born like neither of my parents.

My mother had beautiful red hair, brown eyes. Face covered in freckles. My father, brown eyes, and hair. However, when I was born, I was different. White hair, violet eyes. Skin as white as snow. I looked sick.

My mother found me a disgrace, so did my father. However, my Aunt,
Y/N's mother, found me just as a person. She took me in, having to live with them.

This all happened before I turned 12, still being young at the time. I met
Y/N when I walked in the doors, seeing her standing on the stairs, waiting.

She was told about me coming, and was excited. She was an only child, and wanted someone to be with. She wasn't the only one.

Her and I clicked. We became best friends, and her parents were parents I wished I had. But, it didn't feel like a home without her in it.

After a few years, we both hit 13. However, life for both Y/N and I turned around completely.

That's when her and I started finding out what powers we both have. It's happens randomly, unexpectedly.
Y/N's fathers kind personality changed into a fucked up man.

He put us in the basement, where her and I stayed. Her mother tried and tried to convince her husband to stop being an ass. Nothing worked.

With the situation we were in, we tattooed each other with pen ink, putting "03" on our collar bone. A lucky number.

Objects started floating, and we didn't know how to stop. Until Y/N's father had hit her, and the events stopped. He found beating us would make it stop, because of how weak we were.

Slapped, beat, all the things you can think of. This went on for three years, even after a while, Y/N's father started making us take pills, which I never took. Y/N, however, did. Slowly forgetting.

When we hit 16, she was taken away, forced to marry. That was the last time I saw her, until now.

Being here for more than ten years, I learned how to control my powers, making them my own.

Y/N sits still, looking at me, after telling her the actual story with her memories still missing.

"So...you're parents..."

I give off a small laugh. "Yeah, they were never busy."

I look at her face, small tears leave from her eyes. However, she starts to sob.

I feel the tears come down on my face as I make my way over to her, putting an arm around her. She comes closer, crying in my chest.

We stay like this for a while, me silently crying, her letting it out. Our lives have been fucked up, and it needs to get better.

Y/N moves away from me, whipping the tears of her face. "N-now, what?"

I give off a small smile. "Well, I've been trying to find a way to get out of here. But maybe with you here, it might be possible."

She looks at me, face full of shock. I lean back on the couch, a smirk on my face.

"I'm going to teach you how to control your power, and get us out of here."

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