› note

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Dear Reader,

Thank you for choosing to read what I have to offer. What you may read might not be the best, but at least it's something.

Anyways, before you go on reading, there are a few things I would like to point out, as you may have read in the summary.


Some Things To Know:

• There is violence, and abuse included.

• If you haven't watched the anime, there is cussing. So, there is in this too.

• Dirty talk.

• This is a romance type story. So, if this isn't for you, then feel free to leave.

• THIS IS ALL FAKE. None of which I write is real. This has all came from my mind.

• I don't own any of the characters, other than a few. Which you will soon find out who they are.

• My writing isn't the best. As much as I wish it was, I'm still improving as I go. As I reread what I have wrote, I may have missed some things here and there. So, if you see any grammer or spelling issues, please don't harass me about it.

• When it comes to me updating, it all depends on when I have the time. I do have a life outside of this. School, homework, work, and other things that takes a lot of my time. I'm a person too.

• Like this note, it is in italics. So, if you do not see that it is depending on the font you have set, I would recommend on finding one that can support italics as for there are some things that are in italics that are important.


As of now, that is all I have to tell you. Again, thank you for your time for reading this.


- syd

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