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Author's POV

"Sir? Y/N is now safely located in the basement."

Mr. L/N stays in his chair, not caring about the maid taking.

He sits, and waits for her to leave.




"Oh my- jesus! Just leave already!"

L/N can here the the silent sobs from her. He waves a hand at her, indicating for her to leave.

She silently does so, leaving only him alone in the room.

The room, however, is a trashy mess. It's like any rich bedroom, but junk. Trash, clothing. Almost as though he's been living in hell...

L/N gets up from his chair, drunk. Shaky legs, bad breathe, messed up clothes.

He goes to the corner of his room, making his way over to a vase, blue, with gold rims.

Tripping over things, L/N takes ahold of the vase. He looks over at it carefully, before slamming it to the ground, ashes scattering on the floor.

Tears flow from his eyes, almost as he regrets what he had done.

"I-I'm so sorry-"

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