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My phone in my pocket rings non stop. Vibration after vibration. Chills go down my spine knowing who it is. But I'm away from them. Away from him, and with someone I only met yesterday.
Knowing him for the time I met him, he doesn't seem like Aito. He's...different. Men...men are animals in my mind. They only use women to get what they want and then leave them, as if they are trash to be thrown on to the street. But the way he treated me in the back of the bar...was somehow different. He treated me with kindness, treated me as though he...understood.

I walk behind Ikuya, silent. I haven't said anything since at the bar, but why?

"You never answered my question." Ikuya stops in his tracks, almost making me walk into him.


"You never answered what you wanted to drink when we get to my place. I want to give it to you when we get there," he points to me, "you're freezing. I would try to fix that, but..."

He points to his shirt, covered in pink. Probably from a spill of a drink. I force myself to smile. From how the day was planned out, it's been shit, like any other time. But ever since he came in, he is like the light of everything. Not once did I think someone would care.

Ikuya notices my forced smile. "Don't force yourself to smile. I know well enough if one's forced or not."

I don't say anything for a while. The two of us stand in the middle of the sidewalk, not moving or talking. Just silence. "Green tea..." I say, breaking the silence.

"What?" He looks over at me, a confused look on his face.

"Green tea. I answered your question from earlier."

"Oh." He lets a small laugh leave his lips. "Come on," he starts, while walking away, "we're almost there."

I walk behind him, silent. I don't want to say anything. I've been silent for a while, only speak when told to. Nothing more, nothing less. Last night was my first time ever yelling, yelling at someone who can make me regret doing so.

His teal hair dances in the cold wind as we walk. His pale skin makes it stick out, it looks...beautiful. Ikuya looks back every once in a while, making sure I didn't get too behind. Even so, his amber eyes scream something. But I can't put my finger on it.

Not even ten minutes, we arrive at the building he says his apartment is in. He opens the door for me, whispering a thanks to him as I enter. The inside is modern, but not to a lot of expense. It's homey, and very warm. The warmth of the building makes my face sting, a good feeling.

I hear the door shut behind me, and Ikuya walks from behind me, leading the way. I follow him to the elevator. He pushes the button, waiting for the doors to open. He leans against the wall, acting calm. While I stand away from him, on the opposite side of the doors, keeping my distance. Even if he seems like a nice man, doesn't mean he won't pull something later. But I have a feeling he won't.

"So," he speaks first, moving his head to allow his hair to fall on his face, "what happened?"

I look up at him. What should I say? I decide not to speak, not knowing if I should tell him what happened.

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