Chapter 5

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Sachi's POV
" Caaaw! Another mission for you Tsuyuri Sachi, weird things are happening at the west village. Hurry up and find the demon." I sighed, another mission again, I just finished my mission for today. Well I guess, I don't have a choice but to go. I already rested and also full, thanks to Tsukugawa-san. Well the next place where the demon was spotted is near so I don't have any problem for today.

Minutes had passed, the village can be seen indicating that I already arrived. I smiled, the village is different one. It's kind of a city and all of the villagers are wearing a nice clothings. I started walking, just looking around when a certain yellow haired with a streak of red on it can be seen. I already know who it is so I approached him.

" U-uhm, Rengoku?" He then turned around and our eyes met. His eyes really are beautiful.

" Oh Sachi, what are you doing here?" He asked cheerfully while staring at me, I blushed because of his handsomeness.

" I-i was here for a mission. How about you?" I asked, his eyes blinked but then grinned.

" So you will be my partner for this mission." Partner? So that means this mission is by partner. I smiled in relief, I was happy that I'm not alone anymore. I flinched when he suddenly grabbed my hand and started walking . All eyes were on us, and some of them are smiling. I blushed then lowered my head. Gosh, this is embarassing and my heart is beating loudly. He suddenly stopped making me bumped into his back. I whined in pain while rubbing my nose making him chuckle.

" It's getting dark already, we should start moving." I raised my head to face him, he was smiling gently. Again my heart started beating. Arghh! Calm down my heart. I just smiled and nod tryig to calm my composure. He gently pulled me while jumping into the roof. He then sat down and then stared at the people who is now going home.

" I hope the demon will show itself." I said while sitting besides him.

" It will, after all there are many people out here to eat. I'm sure he can't resist and start finding a victim." He said with serious voice, I was amazed. He really is awesome, and handsome. Geez, why am I attracted to him? Silence then sorrounded us, no one spoke. Both of us were serious, waiting for the demon to show itself. I then turned to face Rengoku, was staring at the moon with his serious face. It's rare for me to see him like this because I always saw him with his big smile or his laugh. Maybe he is thingking, or something is bothering him.

Hours had passed nothing happened, I sighed knowing that I'm getting bored and I need to walk. I stand up making Rengoku looked at me.

" What's wrong?" He asked, I just shook my head and faced him with bored expression.

" I'm bored." He then chuckled and also stand up. He suddenly ruffles my head with a grin in his face.

" You're cute." I blushed again, what's wrong with him. He always makes me blushed. We heared a scream near us making Rengoku dashed towarda it. I followed him but gosh he is so fast. But I still caught up to him, he already cutted the demon's arms who is holding a girl. I jumped down and gently pulled the unconcious girl before facing the demon. The demon is a bit different. His eyes had a white, like something got erased or something will be written on it. But I realized after remembering the upper moon two.

" Rengoku, this demon is different. He is close in becoming an upper one." The demon smirked then looked at me.

" How did you know that I'm close in becoming an upper moon." He said with cocky voice makinv me clenched my sword. I didn't answered him, in a blink of an eye Rengoku is already infront of the demon. He swinged his sword and managed cutting the demon's eyes. The demon groaned in pain, I also dashes towards him to cut his head but a barrier suddenly appeared. I was shocked, is this his blood technique? He landed a punch but I avoided it and jump backwards.

" He can use a barrier huh?" Rengoku said then smiled. Again he dashed towards the demon with fast speed. He uses his first breath and successfully cuts the demon's arms. I know that I can't help him because he is strong to beat the demon. He is too amazing, his swordmanship is better than the pillars. I heard the demon groaned and I saw him kneeling while Rengoku points his sword.

" You're to weak to be an upper moon." He said making the demon glared at him. His gaze then turned to mine then smirked, I raised my eyebrows why is he smirking? I felt the ground moved and a hand emerged from below grabbing my hands and feet.

" Sachi!" Rengoku tried to approached me but got stopped when I cutted the demon's hands. I already met a demon whose technique is like this. I'm already used to it. Rengoku then used his final blow, cutting the demons head. It started to crumble, I sighed and relief before putting back my sword. Rengoku is strong indeed, but I'm a little disappointed. This demon is close enough to be a higher one but why is it to weak? Not weak but Rengoku easily defeated it without my help.

I then approached Rengoku but stumbled down. I winced feeling the pain in my feet. Don't tell me I sprained my foot while cutting the demons arms. Worst day ever.

" You okay?" Rengoku asked making me nod and stand up but failed. I sighed and pouted making him laugh. " That means you are not okay. Let me help you then." I squeled when he suddenly carried me bridal style.

" R-rengoku, y-you can just piggy back me." I said while blushing madly, he just chuckled and stared at my eyes.

" It's okay, you're not that heavy after all." I didn't response and let him carry me. I leaned my head to his toned chest carefully hearing the beat of his heart. It's comfortable being with him I wonder why? But I think I already know the answer. I'm already attracted to him, that I like him. I smiled, he is so warm that I can't help but to fall asleep.

Rengoku's POV
I smiled when I saw her sleeping, she really is beautiful. The first time I saw her at the selection, I already got attracted by her beauty. Not just because of her beauty but because she is also kind and cute. I chuckled, I think I like this girl.


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