Chapter 11

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Sachi's POV
I slowly opened my eyes only to face a very bright light infront of me making me close my eyes again. After a minute I re open my eyes and realized that I'm in my room. I slowly raise up but I felt an imense pain making me lay back again. I sighed.

" I guess I can't move for now." I said, the door then opened and I saw Kanao entering with a smile of relief on her face. She then dashed towards me and hugged me, making me gasp because of her weight and also my body hurts!

" K-kanao, p-please get off of me." I said making her hurriedly sat up. I sighed, but smiled. " Can you help me sit?"  She nod and then slowly supported me to sit. When I finally sitted she hugged me gently, making me smile and hugged her  back.

" I guess I made you worried." I said, she then broke away.

" Thanks to Shinazugawa-sama's help you came home safe but we were shock when you're not waking up so we're worried." Kanao said, it's really rare for me to see her spoke like this. I smiled and apologized, the door opened roughly making us flinch. I then saw Shinobu who is smiling but I know she is angry.

" Neechan...why did you use that form anyway! Didn't Kanae-neechan forbid you in using it!? Who knows what will happen to you!" I sweatdropped when she kept on shouting, my eyes widened when tears fell on her eyes.
" I'm afraid if we will lose you too." My eyes softened and hugged her. I know it's my fault and I'm too careless that's why I made them worried.

" I know, I'm sorry." That's the only word escape on my mouth. I heard her mumbled 'idiot' making me giggle. We broke away and she wiped her tears and smiled again.

" Now that you can't even walk, you really deserve this."

" Hey!" I pouted when she said that, geez this girl really is mean. I just smiled, after all she had a point. Shinobu then bid goodbye and also for her to make a medicine for the  injured slayers. Kanao also asked the servant to prepare some food and she also went out because she needs to train. I sighed, I really don't like it when I can't move. It sucks and it's boring.

I still remember the fight between me and upper moon two. I smiled sadly, I guess my thrump card didn't even work on him. After all he noticed that I'm going to use it. I sighed again for the second time, do I deserve to be a pillar?

" Sachi-sama you have a visitor." One of the servant said. Visitor? Is it Sanemi, knowing him that he dislike visiting someone so it's impossible. The door then opened slowly and Kyojuro appeared making me widened my eyes as a tint of blush appeared in my cheeks. He was smiling widely as he sat besides me.

" How are you feeling?" He asked cheerfully yet part of it was a worried tone. I smiled as I face him.

" I'm fine, but I can't stand up." I giggled making him smile in relief.

" I see, Sanemi told us that you faced an upper moon one. And it's a number two." He said in amazed voice making me lowered my head and bit my lips. Yes, I faced a higher rank one but didn't even kill it. I felt a warm hand in my head. " It's okay if you didn't defeat it as long as you are okay. I'm fine with it." He then pulled me into a hug making me gasp. The hugged then tightened as he leaned his chin to my head.

" I'm so worried that day, when all of our crows informed that you were fighting an upper moon. It makes me want to chase after you." He then continued making me blush as I hugged him back, he is worried? I smiled, what is this feeling? I'm really happy.

We heard a cough making us pulled back and saw one servant who is holding the plate. My eyes turned into red as I covered my face due to embarassment.

" U-uhm, Sachi-sama's food is ready." She said then it to the floor making Kyojuro thanked her before she leave. He then grabbed the plate then take a spoon before facing me.

" K-kyojuro, I can eat in my owm."

" No! Let me feed you." He grinned making me sighed in defeat, but smiled and nod. It's a little bit embarrassing but knowing that he can't let me stop him.

" Hey Kyojuro, I'm really bored." I whined making him stare at me. Yes, he spent more than hours besides me. He also said that he don't have any mission for two days because that's what the master said. I wonder why? I squeled when Kyojuro suddenly carried me and started walking leaving my room. " W-wait whereare we going??" I asked but he just smiles at me. Some servants was shocked and started to panick when they saw us but Kyojuro smiled at them and whispered something to them making them smile and nod.

" What did you said?" I asked.

" Nothing!" He then grinned and started walking again. I don't know where will he take me but I didn't asked anything and let him carry me. Luckily we didn't saw any pillars or slayers on the way so it's not that embarrassing. Minutes later we arrived in a place with so many flowers. My eyes widened, the place is really beautiful.

" This is the garden of the estate, I'm sure you didn't know about this place and I wanted to show you." I just humned in nod, I'm amazed, really amazed. I never thought there's a garden in here. Kyojuro then slowly puts me down as he sits beside me. The green grass is so warm and comfortable. I leaned my body on Kyojuro's for support. A smiled formed in my lips as I giggle.

" This place really is nostalgic." I said making him look at me. I remember that we and Saki have a flower garden like this.

" Yeah." He said with a chuckle, silent then sorround us, as the wind sways our hair. It felts comforting, the pain on my body already git washed away with warm and love. I bet I can walk tomorrow.

" Kyojuro." He humned in response making me face him. He also faced me and his golden eyes was so beautifil as usual. " Do I deserve to be a pillar?" I asked, his face then becomes serious and his eyes was like digging inside mine. He then smiled.

" Of course, every one who is strong deserves to become a pillar. Because you are strong." My eyes widened a little but then smiled and nod.

" Thank you." We then became silent as we watch the beautiful view infront of us. Indeed, I'm inlove with this flame pillar, and I guess no one can't stop this strong feeling of mine not even demons.

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