Chapter 30

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Ahem ahem! Before you read the story my lovely reader. I should start warning you that this chapter is ahem r ahem 18. I can't stop you if you want to read this but if you don't want to read it skip it. And also this chapter is a little bit long and the r ahem 18 is short so don't worry!
Sachi's POV
I blinked my eyes twice, ot's because he went in the flower estate where we will be staying. He then opened the door and went to the room before kicking it. He then gently throw me to the bed and pinned me to the bed. He started kissing me passionately, he then lowered his kiss to my neck and continued sucking it. I can't stop myself but moan at his action. I felt his hand slides to my clothes as he pulled it up revealing my chest. He then removed his haori then his uniform leaving him naked. I blushed as I covered my chest but he forcely removed it. He then removed  my bra and stared at it.

" D-don't look idiot!" I said as my face turned red. He chuckled and lick my earlobe making me whine.

" It's beautiful." He then whispered, O gasped when his cold hands touch my bud and started playing it. I bit my lips trying not to moan but I can't stop myslelf  when he sucked my other bud while he gropes the other. His touch was to sensitive for me and I can't stop to moan. While playing my bud he started removing all of my clother. And I'm now naked, his kissed lowered down to my stomach and he stopped right infront of my core.

" K-kyojuro not the- ahhh!" I got cut by a moan when he started rubbing my clit, I arched my back when he kept on doing it making me a moaning mess. After playing it he slowly removed my underwear throwing it away. He then insert his middle finger making me arch my back. He pumped his hand making me moan loudly, he then placed another finger making me grab the sheets and moan loudly.

" Mhp!" I felt a knot in my stomach and my whole body shivered knowing that I already came. I panted and open my eyes meeting his golden eyes. He smiled and removed his inner ware making me widen my eyes. His member had a good size making me gulp. Can it fit?

" Don't worry dear. It will." I then faced  him. What is he a mind reader. I whimpered when he rubs his member to mine. " It will hurt a little but bear with it." He said, he started entering, I bit my lips  and arch my back while gripping the sheet tightly.

" K-kyojuro ahh!" It hurts so much, I can feel him fully entered but it hurt too much. He then leaned and kissed me waiting for me to adjust. After a minute of waiting I signaled him to move but slowly. He started to thrust slowly making me moan. It hurts a little bit but I can endure it.

He started to change his pace making me moan.

" Y-you can move faster." I said, he then  grabbed my hips to move fastly. I become a moaning mess. He is too incrideble that every pain in my core changed into a pleasure. I then hugged him to enter fully. Moan pants and grunt can be heared in the room. I felt a knot in my body and I'm ready to cum.

" Ahh! Kyojuro Mhp! I'm cumming ahh." Moans was mixed everytime I speak. He just grunted and continued thrusting his member. He then pulled me and placed my leg to his shoulder   as he move fastly then before. My moans become loud again as I came but he was still far to come so he  keep thrusting in fast speed. I felt him twitch and his pace a monstrous speed.

" Sachi, I'm cumming argg." He grunted and as he hit my g-spot. I hope no one can hear my moans right now. I can't stop it, I keep on moaning as he came inside me, I shivered as I felt his seed entering mine. Tears then rolled down to my cheeks as I pant, he then collapse beside me and panted. He smiled and then pulled me into a hug.

" I love you Sachi." He whispered, I didn't response yet smiled and give him a peck. I'm to tired to talk and my eyes give up as I drifted to sleep.

I slowly waked up and I can feel soreness down to my core. I smiled,Kyojuro and I already become one and I'm happy with it. I then cupped his head making him smile and opened his beautiful golden eyes.

" Good Morning Dear. Does it hurt?" He asked making me glared at him with a blush on my face. How darw he teased me after he dominate me last night. He just chuckled and give a peck on my lips.

" I guess dringking sake is a good thing to drink." He said making me sighed.

" I should blame the sake for giving me so much pain." I teased making him laugh and kissed my forehead.

" Guess I should prepare food for you to eat." He said and stand up, he then grabbed his uniform and wore it before going out. I smiled and wrapped the blanket to my naked body, I should give a reason to Saki that I slept in here. I shouldn't let her know about what happened last night or she will kill me.

" What!? Marraige, it's too sudden." Saki said while holding her plate, yes we told her about our plan on getting married. She was too shocked but then smiled. " I guess, I can't stop you right Sachi?" She asked making me smile and nod.

" I love him so much Saki, and also we wanted to start a family together." I said, she just sighed and continued eating her breakfast. Shinobu and Kanae just smiled and agreef on our plan.

" If that's what Sachi-neechan wants the we should agree." Shinobu said while drinking her tea. Kanao just nod, Saki just sighed.

" Then why not? No one is stopping the both of you. Did Kyojuro speak to his father?" Saki asked, I nod.

" He agreed." I grinned and gave them a V sign. Saki just giggled.

" So when will the wedding start?" Shinobu asked, I just humned in reponse.

" Well, we don't need to rush but maybe next month." I said, Saki sighed and shaked his head.

" Sachi, next month is too long, you need to asign it for another week. You still have one week to prepare and besides it will be simple." She said, hmm she had a point.

" Then another week, it's already settled. I should talk to Kyojuro about this. See you later then bye!" I said and hurriedly left them going to where Kyojuro is. I saw him talking  to Tanjiro.

" Ahem." They both turn around and faced me. Kyojuro smiled as he gave me a hug. Tanjiro then smiled and left the both of us alone.

" So why did you come here?" He asked, I smiled and faced him.

" Kyojuro, are you ready to have a wedding?" I asked, his eyes widened but smiled gently. He then wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into a hug.

" I am ready as always  Sachi." He whispered, I smiled and hugged him back. Feeling the warmth his body giving to me. It's decided then we are ready to have a wedding.

Because we love each other.....


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