Chapter 22

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Sachi's POV
"Sachi."  A gentle voice of a man said. I turned my back and saw a man while holding someone's hand. To my surprise it was Saki who is grinning while trying to call me. I then turned my gaze to the man and my eyes widened as my eyes caught his.

' Upper Moon Zero' it was written on his eyes, making me stand back trying to grab my sword but I felt nothing. If this is a dream wake me up!

" Sachi, what are you doing? Come and let's go home before you're mother will kill us." He said while grinning at me, I then stared at Saki who is nodding. What is this feeling why do I felt so warm. I don't have a choice but approached them. I tensed when he held my hand but then relaxed knowing that it's comfortable. We started walking towards the forest until we arrived to a house which is too familiar to me. There I saw a woman who is watering the flower.

" Maya." The woman turned her head and my eyes widened it our mother. I then dashed towards her and hugged her while she giggled and rubs my head.

" What's wrong Sachi?" She asked, I didn't response and just hugged her. I felt someone pulled us into hug making me raise my head to see the man who called me. I turned my gaze to Saki who is grinning while hugging me also, makes me smile and closed my eyes.

Yes, I remember now. Everything.

I slowly opened my eyes only to face a pair of golden eyes infront of me. I smiled as I raise my hand for him to hug me. He reacted and wrapped his hands to my waist as he pulled me closer to him. We are now sitting and I can hear his heart beating loudly. Silence sorrounded us and only the sound of our hearts can be heared. He then broke the hug making me face Kyojuro who is no smiling with his eyes softened. He then leaned and started kissing me passionately. I responded, knowing that we need air we then broke away while panting. I heard him chuckled while placing his forehead to mine.

" Why did you attack mi with a kiss Kyojuro." I teased he just humned in response as he cupped my face.

" I missed you." He said making me chuckled.

" I miss you too." I whispered to his ears. I then rembered that I met Saki so I face him.

" Where is Saki-neechan?" I asked with my worried voice, he just smiled at me while tapping my head.

" She's with Shinobu, cooking food." He answered, I just smiled in relief.

" I remembered everything." His eyes then went on mine as I smiled at him. " My memories was not that clear but I want to ask Saki-neechan." I said, we heard a knock on the door as it opened revealing Saki holding a tray of food. She then smiled as she placed the food to the floor and sit besides Kyojuro. She signaled him that we need to talk so Kyojuro smiled and kissed my forehead before leaving us. Silence then sourounded us, all I can hear was the wind outside.

" Saki-neesan." I decided to talk, making her face me. " Did you also manipulate my memories when Douma attacked us that night from seven years ago?" I asked, she just nod and closed  her eyes. How did she survive? I've  seen it on my own eyes that she got devoured.

" No, I didn't manipulate your memories, that accident really happened. I used some of my demon art to make a clone and use it to manipulate Douma's memories." She answered while giving me the plate making me grabbed it.

" So you knew that something bad will happen?"  I asked she then nod.

" That night I sense him, that's why I prepared myself. I thought making a clone will save you but I made a mistake. Thankfully, the new flower pillar arrived and saved  you." She said making me humned in response. But I clenched my hand and faced her seriously.

" But why didn't you showed yourself? Seven years I thought you were dead." She sighed then hugged me, tears started to cascade on my eyes  as I hug her back.

" I wanted to, but it's the only way to hide ourselves from Muzan." She answered. I didn't response and just sobbed on her shoulder. " I'm sorry, if I always gave you false memories." She said, I then broke the hug and shook my head.

" No it's okay, actually I remembered it all. Our father's face that I forgoten for almost a year." I giggled while wiping my tears she just smiled and nod. I already accepted it, that our father was a demon. I accepted it all.

It's been an hours and we keep on talking, I also explained to her everything. About my relationship with Kyojuro. Saki seemed so happy when I told her  that he is my boyfriend and started teasing me. She will stay here at the butterfly estate. I sighed, Uzui resigned already because he lost his right arm after fighting one of the twelve kizuki. Kyojuro also explained that starting tomorrow all pillars have to train all demon slayers to prepare for  a war between demons.

I can't stop the urge to fight them and to kill Muzan. I heard the door opened, a smile appeared on my face knowing that Kyojuro is here. I felt his arms wrapped to my waist as he leaned his chin to my shoulder. I also leaned my head to his chest as we watch the moon outside.

" Are you sure you will sleep here?" I asked, he  just humned in response making me giggle.

" Father already knows that I have a lover anyway." He said with his cheerful voice, he then becomes silent as I felt him kissed my neck making me tense and faced him.

" What's wrong Kyojuro?" I asked as I cupped his face, his eyes change into a worried one as he touch my hand cupping his face.

" Sachi, if demons started to attack and the war will start. Will you live for me?" He asked in his worried voice, my eyes soften. I guess he already knows that if I use my demon ability I either die or live. I then tiptoed to reach him as I place a kiss on his lips.

" I promise you. I will and also you should  promise me to live." I said with my serious voice making him chuckled and nod. After that he then kissed me passionately as I kissed him back.  He then bit my lips to open it of  course I responded. While kissing I felt that we were laying on my bed. He then broke the kiss as we panted, but he didn't stopped and started kissing and sucking my neck making me moan softly. I felt him grin as he lowered his kiss down to my collar bone and started giving me a hickey. After that he faced me and give me a peck on my lips.

" I love you Sachi." He whispered making me smile and hugged him.

" I love you too." I said, he then pulled me closer as he pulled the blanket and closed our eyes.

This will be our free time to stay together because tomorrow our day will become busier.

And to prepare for the war....


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