Chapter 26

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Sachi's POV
' I'll help you Sachi-sama.' A sudden voice spoke making me widen my eyes. Kyojuro and the others can't be seen anymore. All I can see is a dark place and also trees. Did that demon used her biwa to place  me in another dimension? But I didn't even heard it's sound. I heard some footsteps making me turn my back and saw a figure. The footsteps was getting closer and my eyes widened as I stared at his eyes.

' Upper Moon Zero.' It was written in his eyes as my eyes blinked twice. Ehhh?? What is this? Why is fathere here infront of me? And also something is different.

" F-father wha-" I gasped when he suddenly went past through me like I'm a ghost that can't be seen. Don't tell me I'm at the past? Still, I don't have time for this, I need to go back to help them. But how can I return back?

' You are here to know the truth about your father.' I heard thesame voice again making me turn back and saw a girl with long black hair. The thing that caught my attention is that her eyes had also a  word same as my father.

" Who are you?" I asked, she smiled and approached me.

' I'm the demon inside you Sachi. I know it's complicated to explain everything that's why I need to show you everything." She the stopped and becomes serious.

" I'll show you the story of your parents."

Kyojuro's POV
Damn it, I can't move anymore. Also, Tanjiro is in danger, we need to treat him first. My eyes widened whe the whole ground glowed into a golden light. Flowers started to appear and  also bloomed. A petal then fell down making me raise  my head. Pink petals was falling above the sky. I was shocked when the petal suddenly healed my wounds and also my strenght is getting back.

I faced Sachi who is slowly laying Tanjiro in the ground. She is also healing Tanjiro. Same as the pillar, they suddenly got up and stared at Sachi.

" This is bad." Saki said making me face her. " Her demon side appeared, we should stay away from this fight." I looked at her with a question look.

" But why? We should help Sachi." I said, Saki then grabbed my hand together with Sanemi and teleported far away from Muzan and Sachi.

" That is not Sachi, that was the demon that our father sealed in her body." I raised my eyebrows. What does she mean? She then sighed as she faced Sachi.

" I'll explain it to you after this. Just watch her."

" We met again Kibutsuji Muzan." Sachi suddenly spoke while smiling at Muzan. He just stared at her seriously before humming as a respond.

" Who are you?" Muzan asked making Sachi chuckle and gave her a smile.

" Well well, don't tell me you forget me. Muzan-sama." Muzan's eyes widened but then smirked and gave an amused look.

" I still don't know you but you are so familiar." Muzan replied before attacking Sachi but she suddenly vanished and I was amazed that she is already in Muzan's back. Sachi use some attack and a strong wind appeared cause by the impact of their fight.

" Damn it, my body was still healing." Sanemi hissed while sitting and clenching his fist.

" Stop complaining, wind pillar jerk. Be thankful that you will be healed." Saki replied while rolling her eyes.

" Shut up you demon! Mind your own business." Sanemi also glared at her making me sweatdropped. Did something happened to them? But I pushed mg thoughts aside and fucosed on watching while getting healed. All of us were shocked, Muzan's faced was destroyed but he is regenarating.

" Hmmm, It's to strong. It's been a while since I used my attack." Sachi said while looking at her hand. We heard Muzan chuckled as his face was fully healed and we can see him grinning.

" Why do you have that technique, that was supposed to be one of  Haki's art demon technique. How can't I forgot that." He said while still smiling, Sachi didn't spoke but then sighed.

" I really wanted to use a man's body but my daughter's body is easy to use." Sachi said making us blink our  eyes, daughter? What does she mean about that. Muzan was also confused but Sachi turned her gaze towards us, no towards Saki. She smiled and nod, as Saki also smiled. " Sorry it took me long."Saki shook her head and smiled.

" It's okay father."

" Father!?" Sanemi was very shocked. I also was shocked. Does that mean someone possesed her body?

" Well, It's hard to explain but thanks to my servant she find a way to help me. But I guess I need to explain to it while fighting Muzan." She or rather he said and attacked Muzan. The fight was intense and we can't do anything but watch. " W-well, I'm busy so I can't explain. Sorry." Sachi said while avoiding Muzan's attack. Another forceful wind appeared making us close our eyes. As we opened our eyes we saw Sachi who stabbed Muzan's chest. He coughed blood and glared at Sachi.

" This will be the end Muzan, I can't let you get my daughter." Sachi said with serious voice. Muzan chuckled and stared at Sachi.

" I never thought you showed yourself again Haki, but don't forget you still have my blood." Sachi suddenly fell down while clutching her chest. She started panting while struggeling to stand up. " You still have my curse." Saki suddenly teleported and held Sachi before going back.

" No one can defeat me! And all of you will die!" I heard Obanai 'tched' and attackef Muzan.

" Let her rest! We will slow Muzan!" I nod and stand up also. I used my full fucos breathing as I dashed towards Muzan Cutting it's hand. He hissed in pain as he kicked me. I balanced myself and dashed towarda him again. Cutting all the things that blocking him. Sanemi and Giyuu was right behind me suppuroting me.

" What a persistent are you." Muzan said, my eyes widened when he suddenly used his technique making me block it and got bumped with Sanemi and Giyuu sending us backwards. Himejima then stopped us making me thanked him. Saki also dashed towards Muzan and used her trumph card.

" Guys! Attack him all together while I used my strongest attack!" She yelled making us nod. We then dashed towards him but failed when the thing that protected him increased. I grunted as I felt the hard ground below me.

" You okay?" I saw Sachi who is helding her hand to me making me held it. If her father didn't used her body maybe I'm hugging her right now. She then smiled and tapped my back. " Young boy, I still have fifteen minutes to stay. Slow Muzan down and Sachi will be the last one who will kill Muzan. Also tell to that boy over there to help Sachi." She said and started walking while pointing at Tanjiro.

I just stared at her while he was seriously watching some of the pillars fight Muzan.

" If we can't defeat him then.

I don't have a choice but to use that technique."


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