Chapter 29

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Sachi's POV
A smile can be seen to our parents face while they are walking going somewhere. The path they took was very beautiful that anyone wants to walk on it.

' I'm happy to see you okay. Now time to go Sachi, we love you.'

I slowly opened my eyes, It feels like I've woken up from a very beautiful dream. Watching mom and dad who is very happy to enter the door of paradise. I smile when I felt a presence besides me and I know who is it making me turn around to face him. His golden eyes met mine as he smile gently while cupping my face.

" Good morning dear, did you sleep well?" He asked, I giggled and kissed his lips.

" Yes, I have a very beautiful dream." I said while telling him about my dream. He was smiling while listening to it before chuckling.

" That's good to hear. Now let's wake up before Shinobu will nag us both." He said before standing up and went to the bathroom. Yes, today will be the promotion of Kiriya-sama on becoming the new master of the demon slayer corps. After defeating Muzan, demons are still active and creating another demons. And also, for the promotion of the new pillars.

" Sachi, it's your turn to prepare." Kyojuro said making me face him, he is fully prepared with his uniform and also his haori. I nod and then entered the bathroom starting to prepare myself. Lot of things happened and after Muzan's death everyone felt happy and relieved, but we can't return the life of the other demon slayers who died in the battle. Nezuko is near to be a human again and it maked me happy to hear  it.

After minutes of preparing, I went out and Kyojuro already left. I huffed, how dare he went out without telling me. I went outside and met Saki who is walking with her annoyed face.

"  What's wrong neechan?" I asked, she huffed and a vein popped in her head while glaring at me.

" That wind pillar! I hate him, I can't believe he got annoyed after I protected him from the demon yesterday!" She hissed, making me giggled. I remember they had a mission together and I can imagine how their mission works.

" Calm down, please prepare already. The promotion will start in one hour." I said, she sighed and nod before leaving  me. I then went to met Kanae who is struggeling to fix her hair. I smiled and approached her. I then grabbed the pin and  started fixing her hair.

" Neechan? Are you sure about this?" She asked while letting me fix her hair. I humned in response. " About me replacing your position?"  She asked, after fixing her hair. I smiled and faced her.

" Yes, it's better to replace me earlier, and for me to relax also." I said, she smiled and nod. Yes I will be retiring, it's too sudden but Kyojuro and I decided it. Because I will be Kyojuro's wife if he will ask me though. " Now let's go before Shinobu will nag us." I said making the both of us giggle.

Lots of demon slayer gathered waiting for Kiriya-sama to enter. Kyojuro and I was standing infront together with our fellow pillar. I was happy we are still complete and of course Uzui attended and stand with us. Some former pillars appeared also to attend the promotion.

" Sachi, after this promotion. Can you go out with me?" Kyojuro whispered making me blushed. A date huh? I smiled nod, earning a smile on his face.

" Kiriya-sama arrived." The remaining daughter of the Master appeared together with Kiriya-sama who is smiling and approaching us. We smiled and kneeled together with the demons slayers.

" It's a very beautiful morning isn't it. I'm happy to see you all." Kiriya-sama said with his gentle voice. I smiled, he really is similar to his father.
" Demons are still active and it's easy for us to eliminate them all now that Muzan is gone. It may take too long for us to defeat them all. That's why I the new master of the demon slayer corps will now promote new pillars to fight with us and to strenghten the demon slayer corps."

I smiled as I turn to face Shinobu who is also smiling while nodding. I then turn to face Kano and the others with a nervous face.

" I will promote four pillars, these four young demon slayers who struggled to fight a Muzan will now become  a pillar." Kiriya-sama then stopped and smiled. " Stand up and join us if I call your names."

" Tsuyuri Kanao." Kanao then stands up and went infront. " You will be promoted as the Flower Pillar, replacing the former pillar Tsuyuri Sachi." I smiled proudly as Kanao kneeled down and thanked Kiriya-sama.

" Hashibara Inosuke." Inosuke stand up with a very loud voice approaching us making me giggle.
" You will be the Beast Pillar and-"

" Yosh!! Now that I'm a Pillar! That means I'm the strongest  person in the-" Tanjiro and Zenitsu then pulled him away to stop him as Kiriya-sama cleared his voice to talk again.

" Agatsuma Zenitsu, you will be promoted as the new Lightning Pillar."

" Kamado Tanjiro, as the person who changed everything about having a demon fighting alongside with us. You will be the pillar of sun." Tanjiro smiled and bowed, all of us stand up and clapped. " Now the promotion of pillars ended." I smiled and approached the four of them giving them a big hug.

" T-tsuyuri-san." Zenitsu stuttered while blushing.

" Congratulations all of you!" I said, Kyojuro and Shinobu also joined into the hug while Sanemi scoffed. Saki glared at Sanemi and started to nag making me giggle. We decided to eat and celebrate and also to welcome them.

It's already getting dark the party didn't end. Uzui was a little bit drunk while Tomioka is already beaten because of dringking too much sake. Kyojuro was a little bit tipsy but still he can control himself. I felt him hold my hands as he stand up and dragged me somewhere.

" Where are we going?" I asked, he didn't said anything and keep on walking. I just shrugged it off and let him drag me. He suddenly stopped making me stop also. My eyes widened when I realized that were in the garden where we always sit and relax. But the view changed, their are lights and the flowers were blooming. My heart fluttered when Kyojuro kneeled and held my hands with a smile on his face. My heart started to thump and I gulped as I faced him.

" I've been thingking about this for almost a week and I decided. We've been together for a year now and I've wanted to tell you this." His sighed as he smiled widely. " I wanted to be with you, not just my lover but someone whom I wanted to be with forever. Whom I wanted to have a future and a  family together." Tears started to cascade in my eyes as I covered my lips with my other hand that is free.

" So I ask your hand for it. Tsuyuri Sachi. Will you be my wife?" I smiled and nod, he sighed in relief as he stand up I jump to give him a hug.

" I will! I will Kyojuro!"  He chuckled as he hugged me tightly. We then pulled away he then leaned and give me a kiss, a passionate one. He then bit my lips making me open it. The kiss was so dominant making me moan, now that we need to breath he pulled away. He didn't stop and started kissing my neck sucking it. I gasped knowing that he find my sensitive part. I felt him smile before pulling away, he grinned but his eyes changed  into lust.

" I can't take it anymore." He whispered and carried me. Oh no, os this the effect of sake?...


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