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Sachi's POV
" Dad! Please teach us to hold a sword." I giggled as I watch my twins pulling their father to the training ground. It's been seven years already and Kyojuro and I was blessed with a twin sons. I then approached them while facing them.

" Hiroyuki, Asahi don't force your dad, he is tired from his mission." I said while tapping their head. Asahi pouted while Hiro whined. Kyojuro chuckled as he wrapped his arms to my shoulders.

" Well I don't have a choice! I'll teach you then." I sighed knowing that I can't stop them. Yes, seven years had passed yet demons are still appearing again. That's why Kyojuro and the other pillars are so busy dealing with them.

" Mom, can you join us please." Asahi pleaded, I smiled. Asahi had balck hair like mine and golden eyes like his father while Hiro had a hair like his father and also gray eyes like mine. I smiled and ruffles his hair.

" I'm sorry Asahi, Hiro. Mom needs to meet  Aunt Saki after all tomorrow will be her wedding." I said, they both whined, Kyojuro then helds my hand before giving me a peck on a lips making the two boys react.

" I'll wait for you then Sachi, still I can't believe Saki will marry Sanemi." He said with an amazed voice.

" Me too, but still they loves each other and also Sanemi changed a lot after meeting Saki-neechan though his rude attitude sometimes pop out." I said with a giggle, he just humned in reponse. I smiled and waved goodbye to them. Saki needs companion for today, she is pregnant after all. Sanemi was so overprotective that he requested me to accompany Saki. Geez, that man really changed. Luckily, the wind estate is near so I arrived in a minute. I met some servants who is running towards the kitchen and I heard Sanemi yelling.

" Sanemi, please don't yell." I heard Saki spoke making me sighed and entered to their room.

" Geez, is there a way to stop you from yelling? You will startle your baby." I said, Sanemi just scoffed. Again his rude attitude appeared again.

" Sachi? What are you doing here?" Saki asked with confused look I smiled and approached her before rubbing her belly.

" Well, Sanemi called me to accompany you. So why are you yelling again." I asked and faced Sanemi, he 'tched' then faced me.

" Our servant tripped over and nearly throw the hot water towards Saki, luckily Saki avoided it." He said, I smiled. Like I said protective as  always.

" Sanemi, it's an accident nothing happened and please stop yelling at our servant." Saki said, Sanemi just sighed and give Saki a kiss before leaving. Look at this two, they always argued the first time they met but now they are going to be husband and wife.

" Why didn't you take Asahi and Hiroyuki with you?" Saki asked with a smile on her face, I shrugged my shoulder and sits beside her.

" They are training, that's why I can't take them along. So are you excited for tomorrow?" I asked, she blushed but then nod.

" Super excited." We both giggled, we heard a knock on the door making us looked towards it and saw Genya, Sanemi's little brother.

" Saki-neesan, I already got your kimono for your wedding. Also, aniki's yukata." He said while approaching us, he then greeted me with a smile which I also greeted back.

" Oh thank you Genya-kun. So how was the training?" Saki asked making Genya scratch his head and smiled.

" Well, as usual. I can't beat Muichiro." He said. " Also, Tanjiro and I sparred but we tied making Aniki nagged us both."

" That's really Sanemi." I giggled. " Oh, I should be going now, Genya is here to accompany you. I bet Asahi and Hiro will start finding me." I said with a smile, Saki then nod as I stand up and left them. Kyojuro should be cooking right now, I guess I'm late. I then arrived at the flame estate and saw the two boys swinging their sword while Kyojuro was sitting, watching them carefully. I then approached him, as he face me and smiled. He pulled me making me sit in his lap as he wrap his arms to my waist and leaned his chin to my shoulder.

" Our sons are strong like us." He said while grinning, I giggled and agreed to him.

" Yeah, and I can't wait to see their future."

" Hiro! Asahi! Are you done preparing." I yelled while rushingly putting some light make up on my face.

" Yes! Were done Mom." I heard footsteps coming from the door and saw the two boys who is fully dressed. I smiled and gave them a tight hug.

" M-mom, you're squezing us." Hiro whined making me giggle and apologized. I notice that Asahi's yukata is a little bit messy making me fix it.

" Sachi, can you also fix my haori?" Kyojuro said with a grin in his face, I sighed and smiled as I stand up and faced him.

" You're old enough to fix it." I teased, he just raised his eyebrows and grabbed my hand pulling me closer to him. " Fine fine I will fix it Mr. Rengoku." I said and started fixing his clothes.

" You should Mrs. Rengoku." We both laugh and finished preparing.

" Mom, Dad, stop this romantic scene or else we will miss Aunt Saki's wedding." Asahi said while pulling us. Kyojuro and I smiled as he hold my hand. When we got outside I saw Kanae and Shinobu who is waiting for us.

" So the two idiots are fully dresses I see." Shinobu teased making Asahi and Hiro scoffed and glare at their aunt.

" You're so old Aunt Shinobu." Hiro teased making Shinobu smiled with a vein pop on her face.

" I wonder why Uncle Giyuu is not yet marrying you!" Asahi continued making me giggle.

" Y-you!" Shinobu was really annoyed but then smiled. " The two of you are really my nephew." The three of them smiled as Kanao just watch them.

" Aunt Kanao is also pretty with her Kimono." Hiro said and approached Kanao giving her a hug. Kanao giggled and hug Hiro back.

" Thank you Hiro." I smiled as I watch my whole family who is happily talking to each other. If Mom and Dad is alive I wonder if they are so happy watching their grandson. I felt Kyojuro's hand tightened making me faced him. His golden eyes was staring at my gray one as he smiled gently.

" I'm happy to meet you and to habe a future with you." He said making my eyes soften and smiled gently.

" I'm happy too, thank you for everything Kyojuro. I love you."

" I love you more Sachi."

" Hey! Stop that let's go now!" I heard Shinobu yelled making me giggle and pulled Kyojuro walking towards them.

Yes, I want this kind of happy ending. Lot of things happened, we suffered, we struggled to be a demon slayer and we cried as much as we can but we tried our best to survive. Now, our life is peaceful and beautiful like a flower.

And flowers healed everything.......

-The end-

Finally it's over! Thank you for always supporting me my lovely readers!

And if you want, you can request some characters so that I can write a story about it. I really don't know what to write next that's why I want you my lovely readers to request some characters, or other anime character although I'm not familiar with some anime character so sorry....

And like I said....


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