Chapter 8

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Sachi's POV
I was preparing for a mission with none other then Shinazugawa Sanemi. I really wanted to object but I don't have a choice, I'm not a pillar yet so I should endure it for a while. Kyojuro also becomes very busy so we really rarely see each other. I still didn't forget the time he kissed me, it's still fresh in my mind that every time I saw him my face becomes red.

" Nee-chan, please take care." Shinobu said with a smile on her face. I nod while smiling at her. She also had a mission today  so the one who is left in the house is Kanao and our servants. I then bid goodbye before going out to meet the wind pillar. It's my first pairing up with him but I hope he will not kick me out aren't he? I still remember the time he trained me for a while. It's really scary.

When I'm near, I felt a glare of eyes on me making me gulp. I know Shinazugawa was irritated right now and his aura was so tremendous. I approached him with a smile on my face, he just glared at me and started walking away. I just sighed and rolled my eyes, I guess I need to apologize to him. I hurriedly followed him and stared at his back. His cuts increased again, because of carelessness.

"  Hey, Shinazugawa-san!" I said while smiling, expecting him to turn his back. After being his teacher for a while we become a little bit close. He didn't even turned his back and just keep on walking. I pouted. " Hey! Sanemi! Can you stop ignoring me?" I said while tugging his haori. I heard him scoffed before pushing my hands away

" Shut up, brat." He then started walking again, geez what a hard headed pillar. I just followed him, I really wanted to tease him but I'm afraid he will kill kill me. Oh I didn't asked him about our mission.

" Hey Sanemi, what's our mission?" I asked, at last he turned his back to face me, but with a glare.

" Who told you to call me by my first name?" I just rolled my eyes and puffed my cheeks. I asked him what's the mission but all he cares was his first name. What a jerk. " Were going to find the demon who was staying at the village and enjoying eating lots of people. Now stop talking and asking damned question."

" Hai~" After that I didn't asked nor talked. Having a mission with him is not fun after all. I should have declined and let someone to be with this cold and mean wind pillar. Geez, I hope his future wife will endure the attitude of his.

And I hope Shinobu will be fine, going on a mission alone is a little bit risky. Also Kanao should be training alone which I feel so bad on living her. Sanemi then stopped making me approached him closer and saw a city. Sanemi said it's a villaged but it's a  damned city!

Lots of people can be seen with luxury clothes, some of them wears kimono. I just didn't said anything because I'm so amazed. I don't know that a city would be like this. This is my first time going in a place like this. Sanemi then started walking again making me sighed and followed him. I'm not curious on why a demon would stay in here. There are lots of people for a prey.

" Hey brat, let's separate first. If anything happened use this fire signal." Sanemi said and throw a fire signal making me catched it.

" Okay, but why would we separate?" I asked, it's not that I'm scared but it's easier for us to track a demon together. He scoffed and stared at me.

"Listen brat, it's easy to track a demon alone, we don't know when or where it appears." He had a point, I guess don't have a choice but to follow his orders.

" Okay." I answered, he then went to the other direction as I also went on my own.

Lots of things can be seen, but the thing that makes my eyes sparkle, was the white and light bluish kimono. It had a flower shape sash on it. But I was shocked  when I saw the prize it's too expensive. I still need to finish this mission before having money. I just sighed in disappointment. I really wanted a new kimono, it's not that I don't like the kimino that Kanae gave to me. I just want another kimono using my own money.

I smiled then rubbed my haori, it was a gift that Kanae gave to me. It's really beautiful, it had a mixed colors of blue, violet and red with a  paterns of flowers on it. I still wore the pin that she also gave before passing away. I really missed her, but I guess she is watching us from afar.

" You're new here? Are you a traveler?" I stopped from walking when someone spoke. I saw a girl same age of mine, she was wearing a simple kimono and she was so beautiful.

" Ah, yes I'm a traveler." I answered, she smiled gently and approached  me. She noticed my sword and her smile disappeared. Her face showed some mixed expression so I smiled and held my sword. " This sword is just a props, to scare people who will trick me." I said while giggling, but her face showed a disappointed look before smiling.

" Ah, I see. I guess they can't come here either." She said with soft voice, they? What is she talking about. " Are you alone?"

" Ah no, I have a companion with me but we separated." She just nod, she really is bothering me. She is the only one who approached me. Don't tell me she approached me because I'm holding a sword?

" It's getting dark, mind if you want to stay for a while in our house? It's dangerous out here." She asked, something is really off in here. But if she knows something then I should not hesitate.

" Well thank you and sorry for bothering you." She just smiled and shooked her head. She then leads the way, as I followed her the path is getting darker and  darker. Minutes had passed we arrived in a mansion. It's not that big but it's in good condition. She then opened the door then invited me.

" Oh, Hina you came back." A boy the  appeared and hugged the girl. He then noticed me making him pulled away. " It's rare for you to have a guest. I'm Kouha fianće of Hina." He grinned making me smile, so they are a couple. But why are there only two of them?

" I should be preparing some food, please wait for it." The girl named Hina said, Kouha also stand up and followed his fianće. Something really is odd here. It seems like they knew what's happening here. Yet I can't find any clue.


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