Chapter 19

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Sachi's POV
" Another mission again." I whined while playing Kyojuro's hands. He just chukled while cupping my face. Yes both of us had a mission but we are having a separate mission. His partner will be Tokito and for me it will be Kanao. Tanjiro and his friends should be my partner for my mission but sinse Uzui take them along with him makes me want to kick that annoying Sound pillar.

" Silly Sachi, it's not that we will separate forever." Kyojuro said while pinching my cheeks making me pout. I gently pushed his hands away and sighes while leaning my head to his shoulders.

" But I want you to be my partner." I whined again, he then pulled me into his chest while wrapping his hands to my waist. He then faced me with a grin.

" Don't worry, I think Master will let us." He said making me smile and nod, I guess he is right. After Kyojuro's fight I can't just let him do that again. That's why I keep on complaining that I shoul be partner up with him. But I think, I didn't trusted him at all.

Also, something is bothering me, like the other pillars report, the demon seemed calm downed especially the twelve kizuki. The incident at Mt. Natagumo and also the upper moon that Kyojuro faced. We still didn't let our gaurds down yet why do I feel something bad will happen.

" Kanao, are you sure you're coming with me?" I asked, while walking infront. I was afraid to take her with me because I'm not sure if I'm going to face the upper moon two again.

" Yes, neechan." She answered, making me sighed. It's the fifth time I asked her and the fifth time she answered yes. I just smiled and continued walking. According to Master, some of the ladies got missing and there's only one demon who came in my mind. It was the upper moon two who loves to eat women. Also, Kanao is with me so I should let her meet the upper moon two if we ever meet him.

Kyojuro also went on his mission yesterday with Tokito so I guess they will come back tomorrow. And something was always bothering me, for the passed few weeks, I keep on dreaming on a girl which I can't even see her face. I though it was Saki who keeps on appearing on my dream but not it was  not her. I sighed, weird dreams already keep on appearing infront of me and also there was really unbelievable happened.

I slowly opened my eyes and a smile appeared on my lips. There, I saw Kyojuro beside me silently sleeping. Yesterday he came with a very happy face and  he also told me that his father  started talking to them and also apologized for everything. I was surprised that his father changed and also happy that Kyojuro is super happy. I stand up to open the window  when something caught my attention. My eyes widened as I grabbed the flower pot and I can see a flower blooming

As far as I remember this flower is already dead and also the thing is why is it blooming? Something is really weird, and I also checked the flower yesterday and it's not blooming.

End of Flashback

I shook my head, something really is weird happening to me.

" Neechan were here." Kanao said, making me snap out from my day dreaming. I didn't realized thay we're finally here. I stared at the village infront of me, making me smile. It's not that bad at all, to be honest it's seems like a wealthy village.

" Listen Kanao, were going to check this village, also it's getting dark that means demon will show themselves." I said with a smile on my face, she nod making me tap her head. We then entered the village and all eyes are on us. Some are whispering thingking about why we are here and some are happy and welcomed us. We just ignored them and continued walking, everything was normal and all villagers are happy.

" They will rip you apart like a food that everyone wants~" I stopped when I heard someone singing, Kanao also stopped and staread at the woman who is singing while holding a torn kimono. " Demon will appear and eat you~"

" That crazy woman came here again. Let's just leave here." One of the villager said while pulling the woman beside her. I heard slow footstep and I saw the one who is singing approaching me. Kanao then hurriedly went infront of me making me tap her shoulder. She then faced me and I smiled. I let her approach me, he then giggled like all the crazy people do.

" You will be eaten by the demon. Like he did to her." She said while showing the torn kimono. I just stared at her but then smiled.

" Mind if you can tell me the demons appearance?" I asked politely, she just giggled again but then suddenly widened her eyes and started shaking in fear.

" N-n-no! D-don't kill her! P-please!" She started shouting while tugging my kimono, It was so hard so I also pulled my kimono to let my kimono go. After that I stand back few meters away from her while covering Kanao. " His rainbow colored eyes will find you." She continued before leaving us. Rainbow eyes? I then smirked, I guess I was right. There was only one demon who had a beautiful eyes yet disgusting demon. The upper moon two, when the crazy woman left I the  faced Kanao.

"Listen to me Kanao, when we  faced a demon don't act carelessly." I said while tapping her head. She smiled and nod, we are going to face a high ranked demon and I'm afraid that Kanao will be hurt and will be killed. I know taking her along with me is a bad idea. I sighed, it's getting dark already, we should  start preparing and also to face the demon who killed our sister.

This time for sure.........

I will defeat you.......

Upper moon two


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