Chapter 7

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Sachi's POV
It's been a month since Kanae's death. Shinobu changed a lot, she becomes like Kanae, always smiling with kind voice. But sometimes her true self comes out. Kanao also changed, her eyes softened with a smile on her face. Maybe I'm the one who didn't change, I'm still the Sachi whom they know. A lot of things happened and the flower pillar seat is empty for now. Rengoku already becomes the new flame pillar and I'm happy for him.

But becoming a pillar makes him busy, we rarely see each other which makes me sad. I really wanted to have a talk to him but he really is busy. Also, I don't have a mission for this day, for me also to rest. I already finished my mission yesterday which is very easy. I didn't met a morphed demon one or an upper moon.

" Sachi-neechan." I heard Shinobu knocked before entering. Yes, she already calling me big sister which is also rare for me. But I guess she sees me as a big sister now.

" What it is Shinobu?" I asked with a smile while facing her. She then sits infront of me, her face becomes serious like she was bothered by something. " Is something wrong?" I asked again making her faced me.

" Nee-chan, are you willing to become the pillar of flower?" She asked,  my eyes widened, but smiled.

" I don't know, but do you want me to be the one who becomes the flower pillar? Kanao is also here to be the one." Shinobu then smiled, it's sad yet gentle.

" Kanao is still young to be one. After all Kanae-neechan wants you to be the one who will replace her." I didn't said anything but smiled, I guessed if that will happen I really need to become a pillar to find the upper moon two.

" I guess let's just wait." She then smiled in relief, I guess she was expecting that I will oppose on becoming a pillar.

" I'll be going now, neechan." She said before going out. When I heard her left I sighed. Pillar huh, I guess I should start preparing if the the time will come for me to be a pillar. Another knock can be heard again to my door.

" Sachi-sama, the flame pillar is here." My heart thumped when the servant spoke, this is not the first time he came here but my heart really goes crazy again. I then went out, after walking for minutes. I saw him sitting while happily talking to Kanao, she was just smiling at him making me giggled silently.

" So what do you want? Hashira-sama." I teased making the both of them looked at me. Kanao smiled at me before standing up. I tapped her head and then left us. I stared at Rengoku, he is now taller than before and also he is now eighteen, just like me. He is now more mature and more handsome. He grinned then pulled me into hug making me blushed.

" I miss you Sachi!" He said cheerfully, I just smiled and hugged him back.

" I miss you also." I replied making him pulled back. Yes, it's true I missed him, and of course my feelings got stronger than before. I then asked him to seat because I don't want to have a chat with him while standing.

" I'm really happy I have a time to have a talk with you." He said, so he don't have missions for today, that's good then. I really want to talk with him.

" So how's life after becoming a pillar Rengoku?" I asked making him looked at me seriously. I gulped, started to feel nervous. Did I say something wrong?

" Hey Sachi, can you call me by my first name?" He asked, I blinked. He is right, he's been calling me by my first name for almost a year and I didn't even called him by his first name. I then smiled and nod.

" Sure." He then grinned, again he always makes my heart go crazy. Damn you Rengoku Kyojuro, you always makes me go crazy. 

Rengoku's POV
I was happy that I have a chance to see Sachi, after becoming a pillar. I have too many missions  that I'm so busy to meet her. After the pillar of flower died, it becomes empty and only Sachi will replace her. I'm worried that Shinobu will tell her about that so I came to check Sachi but I think she is okay.

" Hey Kyojuro, if I become a pillar would you be happy?"  She asked, I looked at her confused but then smiled.

" Of course! After all you're the one who can replace Kanae-san." I said, she humned in response while smiling. But I don't want her to be a pillar, I want to protect her and I don't want her to be hurt. Being a pillar is a risk, you will die or survive and I don't want her to die. Why? Because I damned loved her, my feelings gotten stronger and it can't be stopped.

" But I want to protect you." That words slips to my mouth, she faced me with wide eyes and I can see her visible blushed. She reallg is cute, it makes me chuckled as I ruffle her soft hair. " I mean it." After saying that I saw her smile, I can't hold back so I pulled her into a tight hug. I felt her hugged me back, we stayed like that for a while. I don't want to let her go, I want to feel her. After all tomorrow, I become busy again. I decided to pulle the hug and face her, she was blushing making me laugh at her cuteness.

" S-stop laughing idiot." She said while pouting making me laughed again and pinched her cheeks gently.

" You're too cute." I said, she just huffed and slowly pushed my hand to her cheeks making me chuckle. But I was shocked when she hugged me. I blinked my eyes and lowered my head to see her face. She was leaning her head  to my chest while smiling. I hugged her back before she pulled away. I faced her, and started to lean my head closer to her face. I guess I can't hold back to kiss her. My face is one inch apart and then kissed her. She tensed but then relaxed and kissed back. Her lips is so soft, I then broke the kiss and saw her blushing cheeks again. I chuckled then kissed her forehead. She then stands up and pulled me outside to their estate.

" Y-you can go now! S-senjuro must be waiting and you still have a mission tomorrow!" She said while facing me, I just chuckled and tapped her head.

" I guess, I need to go. See you later." I said while leaving her. When I'm far enough I leaned to the tree then touched my lips. I really kissed her, and my heart is beating so fast. I sighed and ruffles my hair, she really makes me go crazy.


I didn't realized I wrote this earlier, but nahh it's okay to add this. I smell a romance between the two character.

Well! I hope you enjoy this part!

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