Chapter 20

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Sachi's POV
It's already dark and all of the villagers are in their houses. I'm with Kanao who is waiting to meet the upper moon two, it's already midnight and still no signs about the demons. My hands are shaking, am I afraid? I then turn to face Kanao who is sitting besides me. She was just staring at the coin while smiling. If something really happened to her, then I should't hold myself to kill the demon. I can't not let her be killed knowing that we will face one of the upper moon.

The air suddenly changed and the whole sorrounding went cold making me shivered. I sense a faint aura making me stand up, Kanao seemed to notice it making her stand up and ready to attack. A chuckled can be heared with a footsteps coming closer to us. The moon is our only light but I can see the one who is approaching us. I then pulled my sword as a smirk form into my lips.

" We  met again upper moon two." I said as I heard him chuckled. When he is near enough for us to face him, he was staring at us with a smile on his face.

" My, my, you change a lot, Tsuyuri Sachi." He said with his annoying dreamy voice. He was holding his fan and I'm not shocked that he used an attack to us. Both Kanao and I dodged it, making him chuckled again. " Still beautiful as always. If i'm not mistaken, she is you're little sister  right?" He asked then pointed at Kanao, I didn't answered him and fucosed. We still don't know if he will attack us or only Kanao.

" Still talkative upper moon two." I said, he just shrugged his shoulder before giving an attack. I used my first form to block it only to recieve a cut on my shoulder.

" I should give you my name. I'm Douma." I just ignored him, Kanao dashed towards him as she used her katana to cut him but a form of lotus ice like appeared and blocked it.

" Kanao! I said don't be careless." I sais as I destroy the ice that caught her sword. Kanao then backed off, I was still bothered. Is this his clone or his real body?

" Demon blood art: Crystal Prince." One clone appeared and attacked me and Kanao while Douma stepped back and sat down while smiling and holding his fan.

" Douma! Don't involve my sister." I said while attacking him but he just chuckled.

" Don't worry, my clone will not kill her." He said then stand up avoiding my attack. A sudden fog appeared making the ground freezing it.

" Kanao! Don't inhale it." I said as I covered my nose, there is an only way to stop this fog.

" Breath of Flower, fifth form: Scent of Flower!" Red particles started to appear as it absorbs the fog, also the whole sorrounding change into a sweet smell. Douma's eyes then widened as he tried to touch the particle but his hans suddenly bleed.

" My fifth form will cut you until ypu die." I said while preparing to attack again, but two woman humanoid figure of ice appeared. Kanao stopped from fighting as her gaze went to the woman. My fifth form then turned into ice and started to fell down. Kanao dashed towards me but got stopped by Douma's clones.

" Just fucos on fighting the clone Kanao!" I said while avoiding some the fog that the humanoid gave. I then stopped when I felt my legs freeze and also it affect my speed. I see, so this attack will freeze everything it touched. I should think on how to deal with this. I turn to look at Kanao and she was struggeling to defeat the clone also she was badly hurt right now.

" Why not stay fucosed." I snapped when Douma spoke and a spear like ice went towards me. I tried to avoid it but because my legs are freeze I got stabbed right through my shoulder. I grunt in pain as I stand up and backed off.

" Neechan!" I heard Kanao screamed as she dashes towards me but got stopped by the demon. I ignored it then dashed towards him, I need to stop that statue or else we will be killed.

" Breath of Flower, third form: Improvised Flaming Petal!" My sword then got sorrounded by flames as petals appeared infront of the statue. I uses all my strenghth and cut the two female ice form. I landed down while panting as the female ice form started to melt. Douma then clapped with a smile on his face.

" Amazing!" He said making me glared at him. I then dashed towards him and used my attack but he blocked it. " Demon blood art: Lutos Vines." Blizzard of lotus petal shaped shards then appeared cutting all of my body making me stand up. I panted as blood started to drop down the ground.

" Neechan!" Kanao then approached me,  she is also beaten up and she finally defeated Douma's clone. She then glared at Douma while pointing her sword to him. " Full fucos breath, Breath of Flower: Equinoctial Vermi-" Before she used her full breathing, I stopped her.

" Kanao, remember that Shinobu forbid you on using it." I said, she then lowered her head before facing me seriously.

" But neechan! It's the only way to stop him!" She yelled, I then smiled and tapped her head.

" No, I will be the one who defeat him so please." I begged, If I only can heal myself and also Kanao, but it's impossible. I'm on my limit now. I can't let Kanao sacrifice her eyes just to defeat him. But still I don't have enough power to use my tenth form. What will I do?

' I'll help you.' I heard a voice but got snapped out when a light appeared infront of us. Kanao and I stared at each other, her wounds started to heal. Also I can't feel pain in my body, I then raised my hand to check my cuts but it's closing now.

" Neechan." Kanao then spoke making me look at her. She was looking down at the ground making me lood down also and my eyes widened. Flower started to appear. Seconds had passed the light disappeared, I then smiled and faced Douma. His eyes widened, but changed into smile.

" Who are you really? Why do you have a demon's blood?" He asked, I looked at him confused. What is he talking about. " Yet I can smell human blood on you?" He then started to use his blood art as both Kanao and I avoided it.

" Kanao are you ready to attack?" I asked she nod with a smile on her face. Then I should use my full strenght again. I then approached him while ice started to block me. But I destroy them as I keep on going forward.

" Full Fucos Breath, Breath of Flower: Crimson Flower!" My sword turned into crimson color as I dashed towards him. His face becomes serious as he use lots of attack but I avoided it. Like I said, Crimson Flower shouldn't be used because this attack combined all of the flower form. Flowers started to appear ant the color was red like a blood. He then backed off but I appeared behind him placing my sword to his neck. Douma tried to attack me but before that I already cut his head.

His head then fell down rolling, I then panted while staring at Douma's body. It's not crumbling, did I fail again. My body then weakened as I fell down. I was facing Douma who is smiling while tears fell on his eyes.

" I'm sorry but my body moves on his own." He said, he seemed accepted his death but why is he telling me this. I then turned to face his body and he was holding a form of Ice om his hands. I closed my eyes, I guess it will be the end of my life. I can't move my hands nor my body. I heard Kanao yelled as I smiled.

" Geez, what a persistent demon." I heard a female voice making me open my eyes and saw a black hair and a familiar face.

" I see, no wonder why your eyes looks so familiar to me. You're his daughter after all." I heard Douma said making me look at him. He was smiling gently. " Will they forgive me?" He asked before disappearing. I smiled. They will.

" Are you okay neechan!" Kanao yelled as she approached me. I then turned my gaze to face the girl who stopped Douma's body. My eyes widened as I met her gray eyes.

" Hey Sachi." I can't believe it, not at all after all the person infront of me is none other than......

" S....Saki-neechan."

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