Chapter 9

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Sachi's POV
" Sorry if it takes too long for preparing dinner." Hina said with sorry look making me smiled at her.

" No it's okay, I should be the one who should apologize for bothering you." I said, I'm still hesitating to stay here. It's too sudden for them to trust a person like me. I know I'm being rude here but, something really is fishy.

" Now, don't hesitate and eat!" Kouha said cheerfully, he kind of resembles Kyojuro. I smiled and grabbed the plate and started eating. I stopped realizing that it's delicious making me smile.

" It's really delicious." I said, Hina smiled in relief as Kouha tapped her head. While eating it feels nostalgic, I suddenly remembered Kanae and Saki's cooking making a drop of tears rolled down my eyes.

" A-are you okay??" Hina asked while panicking making me smile and shook my head.

" It's just I remembered my two older sister's cooking." I said while wiping my tears, Hina just smiled at me.

" Where are they then?" She asked, I smiled sadly while putting down the food, I already finished eating so I just need to rest.

" They passed away."

" I-i see. Sorry for asking." She said with sad eyes, I just shooked my head and smiled.

" It's okay, by the way Hina-san and Kouha-san do you live here together, alone?" I asked, Hina's face turned into shocked expression while Kouha's face turn into fear. Something's really fishy in here. The place is so dark with only two light for the kitchen and for the place were staying.

" Y-yes." That's the only answer Hina gave me. They are so suspicious, I guess I need to investigate rather than staying here.

" Well I should be going now, thank you for inviting me. My companion seems waiting for me so I need to go." I said with a smile, I saw Hina lowered her head but I ignored it. As I stand up my legs suddenly gave up making me fall down. I tried standing up again but my legs feel so weak. My body also feels so hot that my breathing is ragged. My vission is already betraying me and it's getting darker and darker.

" I'm sorry." I heard Hina spoke, I wanted to move but my body betrayed me. Damned it, I didn't realize that they drugged me.

" Sa...nemi....I'm sorry." After spoking softly my vissions already darkened.

It's so dark, where am I? Ah, I remembered they drugged me. But what's the reason why they did that to me. Don't tell me, they invited me just to make me unconcious. Sanemi also told me that a demon was staying me here and already ate lots of people. Are they going to feed me? I need to wake up and stop them but I can't. There is no point in trying, I guess I'm going to die not even saving Hina and Kouha. Maybe the reason they did this to me is for them to save their selves. Haha, I'm such a weak and pathetic girl as always.

' Sachi, wake up." Who is that? The voice is so familiar. Where did it come from? I'm the only person here in the darkness.

" Wake up, Sachi." Someone spoke again but it's different. I sighed, it's no use if they keep on telling me to wake up. I can't even wake myself up.

" Sachi, I know you can do it." The dark sorrounding suddenly light up making me squint my eyes. A person can be seen but I can't see her face. But the voice was very familiar to me. My eyes widened.

" Saki-neechan is that you?" I asked, I heard her giggle. It's really her but why can't I see her face?

" Sachi, you need to wake up." She said, but I'm already telling you I can't. " I believe in you." The lights suddenly start disappearing.

" Wait!"

" We will meet again someday." After that the light is already nowhere to be seen.

' Sachi, remember you made your own attack. If you are in trouble or got unconsious you should fucos your breathing.' This time Kanae-nee's advice suddenly appeared. That's right how can I forget the breathings that I learned for almost two years. I closed my eyes and started breathing carefully.

' Wake up Sachi!!!!"

I gasped for air, I did wake up. I tried moving but I stopped when I noticed I was tied up. Geez, it need some time to untie this rope. I also realized my sword is not with me, I tried looking for it and I sighed in releif. My sword was in the floor away from me. I then started crawling to grabbed mg sword and I struggled for a bit before getting it. I then slowly removed the sheath then slowly cut the rope in my feet. Minutes of struggle I succesfully cut the rope, now it's time for my hand. It's too hard to cut but luckily my hand is free. I heard footsteps coming near so I hide the rope and lied down while hiding my sword. The door opened and my body tensed, I felt a demon infront of me.

" S-she will be your food now. I-I hope you will let us live." I heard Kouha said with scared and pledding voice. I heard the demon scoffed.

" It's only one, I can't be full with that?" I heard the demon spoke.

" Please, we can only find one and all the villagers are suspicious to us." Not it's Hina who is begging. I heard Hina screamed making me clenched my sword.

" Then you should be the first one to be my meal."

" No! Please I'm begging you! Not her!" Kouha shouts begging so much.

" H-help me Kouha!"

" Please! I'm begging you! Someone please help us."

I had enough of it.

" Breath of Flower Seventh form: Whirling Peach." I jump towards the demon while spining around with my body weight as I cut the demon's hand who is holding Hina. Kouha then cathed Hina while hugging her.

" A demon slayer!?" I ignored the demon and turned my gaze towards Kouha and Hina.

" Stand up and run! This is not the time to be shocked!" I said while avoiding the demon's attack. I sighed in disappointment, this demon is not a morphed nor a twelve kizuki but a normal one. I guess I'm just wasting my time in here.

" Breath of Flower Eight form: Petal of agony." I vanished then appeared to his back cutting his head without him noticing it. I saw his face drew in shocked expression. The demon started to crumble, so this is my third form. I didn't even used this, though I'm the one who made it but it's the first time I used this technique. I always use basic attacked so I forget some of my techniques. I smiled, I guess I need to try and use them all.

" Whoah, you're strong." I froze when I felt an imense aura behind me. I turned around around and saw the demon who killed my two sister. My body started to shake but I bravely attacked him. He was just smirking and stopped my attack using his hand. I glared at him, kicking him to let go of my sword which he did. " I didn't expect to meet you again."

" What are you doing here?" I asked, he just humned in response while approaching me making me back off. Damn this hands, it can't move!

" You've become prettier and prettier. I guess letting you alive is good." I just glared at him, a sudden block of ice came towards me and I blocked it it was too strong to push me away and got slamed to the wall. I hissed in pain. " But still weak yet to defeat me." My blood then started boiling.

" Breath of flower First form: Bloody Petal Rose." I said as I swinged my sword, again he stopped my attack and a form of Ice that is too sharp suddenly appeared making me jump back. I stopped and remembered that Sanemi gave me a fire signal. I know, I need to fire it so I dashed outside and hurriedly grabbed the fire signal. I then press the button and it succesfully flew. Please Sanemi! I can't still defeat this damned demon hurry up and help me!

Don't misundertand our Sachi, she is not that weak. She just can't face an upper moon by herself and also she really hates upper demon two so she bravely wanted to kill him so bad.

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