Chapter 28

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Sachi's POV
" thirty minutes befote the sunrise!" A crow suddenly appeared, thirty minutes, yet we can't defeat Muzan. Father is in his limit already, if he had a real body then he should have kill Muzan but he can't do anything with a fake body. Nezuko joined the fight and also Kanao and Inosuke appeared. Zenitsu came last with his torn haori. There are many demon slayers and yet why can't we kill Muzan.

" Tamayo can't even stop me huh? I should have killed her." Muzan said while attacking Obanai and Mitsuri. Saki flinched and looked at Muzan with a glare.

" What did you do to Tamayo-san?" She asked with an angry voice.

" Nothing, I just absorbed her. Maybe she is suffering right now." He said with a smile on his face. " Now that this fight is useless, I should kill all of you." He said and tried to call someone named Nakime. His eyes widened when he didn't recieve a response before smiling again. " I see, so she is gone. I guess, I should use all my strenght to kill all of you." He said while approaching us. I flinched when I felt a very strong and fearful aura. Father also felt and dashed towards Muzan stopping him but got stabbed.

" Father!" Saki and I also dashed towards him, I used my first form but got easily stopped. He then pulled me beside him as I tried to break free from him.

" Sachi!" I heard Kyojuro scream and saw him running towards us.

" Let me show how they die infront of you Sachi." Muzan whispered to my ears. My eyes widened when suddenly Kyojuro got stabbed in his gut making him fell down and cough blood.

" Damn you!" Sanemi and the others also started to attack Muzan but got injured by him. My body started to shake as tears cascade on my eyes.

Please, stop. Don't hurt them anymore. Please. All I can think is to beg for their safety. I closed my eyes as I started to pray for someone to help us.

' Sachi, our breathing is made of flowers to heal someone. Remember this you are special.'

My eyes opened, I remember. Yes I'am special. If no one can kill Muzan then I will be the one to kill him. I still didm't learn how to fully control my healing technique but it's the only way for me to stop him. I closed my eyes and fucosed my breathing. Remember the times Saki teached me how to control my healing ability. If I can heal and revive a person then I should make an opposite healing ability. An ability to kill an enemy. I then grabbed Muzan's hand as my whole body glowed.

" Saki! Don't use that." I heard father yelled making me open my eyes and smiled.

" Don't worry Father." I promise to make it alive. I promised to Kyojuro after all, to survive and have a future with him. I trust myself so I want them to trust me.

Kyojuro's POV
The whole ground glowed and flowers started to bloom. Again our injuries started to heal. I felt Muzan's aura weakened and also morning will appear in a minute. I stares at Sachi who is closing her eyes while smiling. I tried to approach her but got stopped by her father. He shook his head then turned to face Sachi seriously.

" W-what are you doing!" Muzan yelled while staring at Sachi with widened eyes. The things behind him started to disappear little by little. He then kneeled down while panting.
" Human! What did you do to me!" He roared again, Sachi didn't spoke and keep on going.

" It's the only way to stop you, goodbye Kibutsuji Muzan." The sunrise appeared as Muzan's body started to crumble.

" No!!!! I will not die!! I'll kill all of you!! I'll-"

" It's over." Sachi cut him, Muzan gave him one last glare before he disappeared. We were just standing there shocked and also can't believe that we already won.

" We won." I heard Tanjiro said while tears rolled down his cheeks. I smiled and nod, Inosuke and Zenitsu then run towards Tanjiro and started talking happily. I heard someone fell down and my eyes widened as I saw Sachi lying down on the ground. I dashed towards her and caged her into my arms.

" Sachi, hey open your eyes. It's over." I said gently while cupping her face. She didn't opened her eyes and she is not breathing anymore. My heart started to pump faster as I shake her gently. " H-hey wake up Sachi." Everyone becomes silent and I felt Saki sat besides me.

" Sachi, wake up." She said while tears started to fell in her cheeks. Again no response to her. Sachi's father hurriedly kneeled down and placed his hands to Sachi's forehead his hands suddenly glowed and it seems like he is healing her. After minutes of healing her he punched the floor.

" I can't heal her." It feels like my whole world broke. I smiled sadly as I hugged her tightly.

" Please, open your eyes Sachi. We promised right? We will survive. Please open your eyes. Please." Tears started to cascade in my eyes as I begged for her to wake up. " Please! Open your eyes! I'm begging...." I felt someone tapped my shoulder but I ignored it and hugged Sachi. So this is what Saki told us, that she will die after using it. If I know that it's  too sudden I should stopped her. But why did his father didn't stop her? Why? I don't want her to die, I want her to stay till we get old. I love her so much, please if you are listening, Mom, don't take her away. Please.

" K-kyojuro..." my eyes widened when I heard her soft voice. I slowly faced her and she was smiling. " Did I scare you?" She cooed, I then pulled her into a tight hug as she hugged back. I chuckled as I smiled in relief. We then broke apart when Saki hugged her.

" Geez! You scared us! Don't act so careless again!" She said while crying, Shinobu and Kanao also run towards them and hugged her.

" Idiot neechan! I thought you are already gone! Don't do that!" Shinobu nagged while hugging her, I stand up to give them space and I felt a tap in my shoulder and saw Sachi's father.

" Thank you for taking good care of my daughter." He said while smiling, I too smiled and bowed.

" It's not a big deal uhmm..."

" I'm Haki, call me father." He said while winking. I just smiled and bowed again when I saw his body started to disappear. " Your body! You should hide." I said while trying to grab him but my hands passed through his hand. He smiled and shook his head.

" F-father." I heard Sachi spoke and approached him. Haki-san smiled and tapped Sachi's head together with Saki.

" Don't show that sad face of yours! I'm already dead years ago. I'm just here to see the both of you. I guess Maya is happy knowing that you are okay." He grinned while started ro ruffle their head. Sachi and Saki started to sobbed as they hugged Haki-san.

" Don't disappear yet Father, their are many things that we wanted to tell." Sachi said, their father just chuckled.

" Don't be sad Sachi, let's meet again someday and promise  me don't cry also both of you give me granchildrens okay!" His body started to disappear, but he was still smiling.
" I love you both, I promise to tell Maya about you." After saying that Haki-san already disappeared. Sachi started to cry and I approached her to give a hug. She hugged me back and I shushed her while rubbing her back. I also turned to give Saki a hug but to my surprise Sanemi was hugging her while looking away.

After a minute of comforting her she then broke the hug and give me a smile.

" I survive." She said while grinning, I also smiled and didn't hesitate to kiss her. She kissed back before pulling back. We smiled to each other.

" I love  you Sachi......."


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