Chapter 14

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Sachi's POV
Wah, I'm tired of answering many questions. Jirou asked me about the demon slayer and also it's rankings. I also explained him about the ten hashira's including me of course and he really is interested. It takes thirty minutes in explaining to him and that's includes the demons. Thankfully Tsugako stopped him, making Jirou apologize to me. We went silent again, the prince didn't even talked. According to Jirou, Akito is not like this but after being chased by many demons and watch his guards died on protecting him change his personality a lot. I smiled sadly, I can relate to him. I suddenly sense a demon near us making me jump down and also making the three of them stopped their horse.

" A demon." I said seriously as I went infront of the prince.

" Oi, don't try to protect me weakling." The prince said, but I just ignored him. The demon is getting closer and closer but I don't know where he is. Tsugako then tried to get down but I stopped him.

" Tsugako-san! I'm going to count three and that will be your signal to run with the prince." I said,

" But-"

" One!" Don't hesitate, this is just a normal demon. Not normal but he is close enough to become a morphed demon.

" Oi! I said don't protect me  I can fight that demon!"

" Two!" Hmp! What a hard headed prince are you? You lost many people and now you don't trust me? I guess I should show you the power of a demon slayer.

" I don't want to get you involved and  die!"

" Three!" The demon then appread at the ground making me jump and cut it's hand. I see, so he wanted to attack me underground. Now the demon then came out with an angry face.

" Hey, Prince Akito! Why not be thankful that someone is protecting you." I said as the demon attacked me making me blocked it. " They risk their lives because they love you." That's right, I know the feeling of losing someone importang to me.

" That they want you to live for them, I know the feeling of losing someone. That's why I become stronger." I then turned my back to face him with a gentle smile making him widened his eyes.

Third person's POV
When Sachi smiled, the prince felt warm through his heart. It was his first time to hear a words like that. He then realized that Sachi also lost someoene that is important to her. His thoughts got interupted when they heard a groan. Sachi was still fighting the demon, that's why Tsugako decided to help her.

" Wait! Tsugako!" He just ignored the  prince order as he grabbed his sword and cut the hands of the demon, but he got kicked right away. For him, he was used to be kicked and also hurt, he faced many demons just to shut them away but never killed one.

" Tsugako-san, can you back off for a while." After hearing the gentle voice of Sachi, he walk back. That's right, they have a demon slayer that means he will not fight for this time.

" Breath of Flower Sixth Form: Flower Bed." She then dashed towards the demon  who tried to block it but all of them was shocked. Her blade just passed through like an air then cuts the demon's head in a blink of an eye.  It was too fast for the demon to react as it started to crumble. Sachi then sighed and returned his sword.

Akito was amazed, his eyes was totally focused on Sachi. He met a girl who is strong and beautiful. His heard began to thump making him touch it. He  didn't noticed that Sachi was already infront of him.

" Jirou-san, please give the bracelet to Prince Akito." She said politely, Akito decided to jump down to thank Sachi. Jirou also approached Akito as he give the bracelet. " That will be your protection, demons will not approach you anymore."   She continued as a smile form on her lips. Akito grabbed it then smiled gently.

" Thank you, and sorry for being rude." He said making  Sachi shook her head and giggled.

" It's okay,  I'm used to it anyway. Now that no demons who will stop us let me escort you." Sachi cheerfully said, but Akito shooked his head.

" It's okay, this mission is finished." He said making Sachi widened her eyes.

" B-but, I need to escort you until you arrived safetly, I really need to report it to our master." I said, to her surprise Akito chuckled and ruffles her hair.

" It's okay, you should follow my orders. I will write to your master that I'm safe now. Thanks to this bracelet you gave." Sachi's eyes widened whe the prince grinned, he is now showing his old self making Jirou shed in tears.

"But." Sachi the  sighed. " I-if that's okay with you Prince Akito."

" Call me Akito from now on." The prince grinned the  jumped to his horse. " Let's meet again! Tsuyuri Sachi!" He signaled his horse to walk making me look at him confused.

" Ah! Prince Akito! Wait for us!!" Jirou then jump up to the horse and startes following the prince.

" Well, it's rude for us to leave you here but because our Prince is busy we need to go. But thank you for everything Tsuyuri." Tsugako also jump to his horse then bid goodbye. She also smiled and waved at them. When they are already gone she widened her eyes.

" It's still dark and you left me here alone!!!!!!!"

" Prince Akito why did you left her alone?"  Jirou asked making Akito smiled and stopped his horse. They are already near to the palace.

" Well If I didn't left her, maybe I can't stop myself and married her." He said with a tint of blush on his face.

" What!?" Both Tsugako and Jirou yelled in shocked voice.

" I realized that I fell in love to Tsuyuri Sachi. And if we met again I will marry her."


Sachi who is walking back alone in the dark.

" Achoo! Huh? Is there someone talking about me. Whatever."

Omg! What did I write! I hope Kyojuro will not kill me after this or I hope he will not kill the prince!

Believe me! This is not a love triangle story!..........

Gomenasai Kyojuro-kun!!!!

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