Chapter 21

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Sachi's POV
I can't believe what I'm facing, I was speechless as  I stared at her. Saki that  was killed by Douma seven years ago was standing right infront of me. I tried to stand up but failed, my body can't move and I felt so much pain right now.

" Don't move." She said with a smile on her face, she then tapped my head while helping me to stand up. I was just staring at her. Something is weird about her, I can sense that her aura was different than me. But before speaking my eyes started to blurred.

" Neechan! Hang in there." I heard Kanao said while holding my hand but my vission becomes dark and I can't hear anything. All I can feel is the warm that Saki gives me.

Third Person's POV
" Neechan!" Kanao said while trying to wake her sister.

" Calm down she just passed out." Sje then  turned her gaze to the woman who just layed Sachi on the ground. Kanao widened her  eyes as she pulled her sword pointing at Saki.

" Y-you're a demon." Kanao can sense it, the demon aura of Saki, she just smiled at the young girl while tapping Kanao's sword.

" Yes, I am but not a full demon." She answered, Kanao just looked at her confused but didn't lowered her sword. Yet why did she felt gentleness towards Saki? Like Sachi who always being gentle to everyone. " Don't be afraid, I'm Sachi's sister."

" But neechan's sister died!" Kanao yelled, Saki sighed. Knowing that it will be hard to explain it to Kanao.

" I know it's hard to explain. But please trust me. I'm not one of Kibutsuji Muzan's minions. And this is not the time to argue, Sachi needs to be tend." She said, Kanao clenched her hands knowing that Saki had a point. She then lowered her sword putting back to it's sheath. " When you got healed by Sachi, you felt it also am I right?" She asked while carrying Sachi on her back. Kanao becomes quiet for a while before nodding.

When Kanao got suddenly healed, sje was shocked by Sachi's aura. She tried to push her thought about Sachi who just become a demon. Saki just sighed and started walking while Kanao followed her.

" I guess, I need to explain everything." She whispered.

While walking Kanao stared at Saki, she really looks like Sachi yet their presence is quiet different. Kanao can feel  that Saki is a demon yet had a human presence on her. While Sachi had a human presence. But why did she felt a demon's presence when Sachi and her got healed. Kanao shook her head pushing it aside. A sudden attack went to them making Saki stand back. A person then appeared and Kanao's eyes widened, it was Shinobu who is smiling towards them.

" Neechan."

" Kanao, can you explain to me why is there a demon with you?" She asked in her gentle voice. Kanao then went infront to Saki protecting her.

" Neechan, please don't hurt her. She is not a demon." Kanao answered, Saki just stared at Kanao with a smile on her face. Shinobu then twitch her eyebrows while smiling. She then faced Saki with a little surprised on her face.

" You look like Sachi? Who are you?." Shinobu asked while putting her sword back. Saki then smiled and bowed to the Insect Pillar.

" I'm Saki, older sister of Sachi."

" Oh so that's why you look like her. But I though you were already dead. I've seen it on my own eyes seven years ago." Shinobu said with her serious voice. Saki just smiled at her.

" That's why I wanted to meet the Master of the Demon Slayers to explain everything that's why I'm begging you to trust me." Saki said, Shinobu then humned in response as she turned her gaze to face Sachi who is unconcious.

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