Chapter 10

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Sachi's POV
I keep on avoiding his attacks, I stopped knowing that he will attack again. I keep on panting, I already used lots of my attack and  it didn't even scratch him. Bruises and cuts can be seen into my body. So this is the power of an upper moon. And it's been thirty minutes since I fired the signal but Sanemi takes too long.

" I'm a little bit disappointed, I was expecting that you will kill me this time but I think you're not ready. I  really felt guilty for killing your two precious sister." He said with sad voice as he wipes his tears. I clenched my sword, he really annoyed me. Showing me a fake emotion and tears, how dare he make fun of my sisters.

" You jerk!" I then dashed through him using my first breath. He was just smiling and a block  of ice appeared infront of us and protect him. The ice then disappeared making me jump   back, his ice is hard to cut. I need to fucos and find a way to cut his neck but he is too strong despite on having an annoying attitude. Damn it Sanemi! Where the heck are you!

" Oh, I forgot. I remembered that there is a pillar here. I'm not the only upper moon here. I'm afraid he is already dead." He said with sad voice again making me glare at him, but then smirked.

" Sanemi is not that weak, maybe that upper moon you mentioned is already gone. He is a pillar for nothing." I said, his faced becomes serious for a while then turned into his annoying smile again.

" Hmm, then let's play for a while. Before I eat you." A form of ice then started to attack me making me blocked and avoided it. He didn't stop on attacking me, as I keep on using all my breaths to block and stop it. I know sooner or later I'm on my limit. I don't know what time is it now but I was hoping that the sun will rise up. Also I need to fucos and control my breathings. The ice then suddenly disappeared and I heard him sighed.

" I guess, we've played for so long. You're weak to defeat me." He said in a disappointed voice. I just ignored him, but I need to use that attack. I know that there  will be a concequences  for using it but I don't have a choice. If this is the chance for me to cut his head  then I should grabbed it. I then breathed out slowly as I close my eyes. I need to be fucos  as I control my breath. Like they said, the breath of flower is beautiful yet weak, but being beautiful makes it strong.

" Full Focus Breath, Breath of Flower Tenth form: Crimson Flower." My blade started to change it's color into a crimson one as the ground I'm standing was willed with small flowers with a bloody color. I sighed, I shouldn't have used this because Kanae forbid me. But I have to use it, it's the only thing for me to cut this demon's head. I then dashed towards him, a block of ice appeared again maybe protecting him. I smirked and cut it. " Don't underestimate me demon." I said in low voice, his face becomes serious and then jump back but then got stopped when the flowers appeared on the ground grabbing his feet. I then swinged my sword to his neck and blood scattered when I cut his head.

I felt an imense pain in my body making me fall down. I panted as I slowly turned my body to face the upper moon two but my eyes widened, why is he not crumbling? I then stand up using my sword for support but then fell down again. I don't have any strenght on my feet nor in my hands. I heard light footsteps making me raise my head a little and my eyes widened. The upper moon two is still alive. But I'm sure I cut his head, does that mean it was a clone!?

" My, I was shocked that you nearly killed me so I used my demon technique to make a clone." He said with a smile on his face. I clenched my hands, how naive I am? So that's why he was called un upper two, he looks like weak but so strong. I smiled, is my life going to end without even avanging Kanae and Saki? " Why not let me taste you."

My vission started to darken.......

Sanemi where are you?

Third Person's POV
The upper moon two stared at Sachi, he was a little bit frightened when he saw her used a feirce attack. And the most shocking things that he can't believe is that the empty ground they are both standing was filled with flowers.

' This girl is mysterious.' That's what he thought.

" Get away from her!" A rough voice then appeared as he sense a very strong aura. He then backed off and saw the wind pillar. He smiled.

" My, did you already defeat my friend?" The demon asked making Sanemi glared at him.

" He is too damned weak." Sanemi replied making upper moon two chuckle.

" Well, I don't have time to play with you, two minutes and the sun will rise. So bye~~ I hope I can see her again."

" Wait you f*cking bastard!" The demon suddenly disappeared making Sanemi scoffed. He then returned his sword to it's sheath and approached Sachi. He sighed, if he hurriedly killed the demon then Sachi will be safe right now. But something was bothering him, there are too many flowers. He decided to carry Sachi and to return at the demon slayer estate. He gently piggy backed her and grabbed her sword, his eyes widened as the crimson color of the blade fades and also the flower disappeared.

He was still bothered but decided to walk. Sachi was not defeated, yet she used some strong attack just to kill the upper moon two. Sanemi slightly smirked.

"  This brat is really mysterious." Thanks to the couples they easily find Sanemi and told him that Sachi will be in danger but he found out that Sachi can defeat an upper moon if she improves. It's really a long fight for them, Sanemi is also exhausted but treating Sachi is important and of course being a pillar for many years had many experience. He can endure the pain of his injuries and return to the demon slayer estate to be healed.

But something really bothered him, about the flower's disappearance and the crimson color of Sachi's sword, and why didn't the upper moon two ate her and was just staring at her the time he cames to save Sachi. He shook his head.

" This is not me at all."


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